Why did you Join Freeones?

Tell us why you joined Freeones. Any funny or interesting stories? Mines kinda funny.... Well to me it is. Ne ways I joined because I would go on to freeones to look up pornstars then I got interested in the Identify the Babe forum but when I would open up any thread with attachments I couldn't see them because I wasn't a member and this went on for about 10 months till I finally said u know what I wanna see the attachments and then I signed up. Kinda stupid not funny but let me hear yours.
I signed up drunk one night and made an ass of myself talking shit to people. I try not to drink and type anymore.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Because I randomly stumbled across it on the internet one day searching for a site that could tell me if I resembled a porn star and I decided to just ask all the awesome FO users, so I joined up and asked and I've been addicted ever since! Plus I made some pretty cool friends on here :)
I joined cause this site is with out a doubt the best free porn service you will receive on earth. Who wouldnt want to join this place?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I joined during the free car giveaway. Been hooked ever since...


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I joined to find different porn vids, lurked for a while and then got caught up in the talk forum.
Been here ever since; Freeones is the greatest site ever. :banana:


I don't know been using freeones for a while. I can't tell you how long because I might go to prison.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Tell us why you joined Freeones.

...because I don't have much of a social life and I have absolutely nothing better to be doing.
cuz it was free:dunno:
I used to visit FreeOnes on and off for awhile when I was looking for pics. Then when I was unemployed, I had nothing to do after I did my job searches for the day. So, I joined up to chat, and etc.....anddd I'm still here now. Granted not as active as others, but I am still on here at least once a day.


The One and Only Big Daddy
I was looking up porn stars and I was always led to this site so one day I decided to check it out and it had a lot of information so I would always go here to see if I could find whom ever I was looking for and November of last year I decided to join.Well that is my story:wave2:
I heard about it from a friend, but I recognized the forum a little later. Then I joined - and stayed :)
I like it here because you can talk free and without feeling guilty


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I didn't join...I was abducted.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I saw Freeones just about anytime I did a Google search for somebody. And also, I saw that some people I knew of were posting here as OCSM's.