Why did you Join Freeones?


what the fuck you lookin at?
I joined for the porn just like everyone here did. Regardless of what you say thats the underlying reason you join in the first place. Then I found out there are some stupid fucks on this forum so I had to stick around to give them all a hard time.
because I wanted
Because my doctor said I needed an online community to share my grievances with so she could have more time treating actual patients and not wasting her valuble time listening to me.


Yeah, we fucked a couple of times but that's not the point.
I don't know. I think I was drunk. :dunno:
Because I randomly stumbled across it on the internet one day searching for a site that could tell me if I resembled a porn star
You know, if you became a pornstar, I could tell you which pornstar you resemble. I'm just saying... :D
and I decided to just ask all the awesome FO users,
I guess that leaves me out. :(
i needed a place to hang out after planetside stopped being fun, and they have tits here.

All right! I knew my man-boobs would appeal to someone! :nanner:


It's good to be the king...
Was looking for more info on Claudia Casali & Dawn Phoenix...
honesty? origionally for the tshirt. which i still have yet to learn. but now..... its for the hilarious images in the pics forum and the rediculous conversations that go on here. i love ya all!
Also, everybody here seems totally cool. Here's to ya! :glugglug: