Why Are Liberals So Condescending?

Gerard Alexander: Why are liberals so condescending?
By Gerard Alexander
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Every political community includes some members who insist that their side has all the answers and that their adversaries are idiots. But American liberals, to a degree far surpassing conservatives, appear committed to the proposition that their views are correct, self-evident, and based on fact and reason, while conservative positions are not just wrong but illegitimate, ideological and unworthy of serious consideration. Indeed, all the appeals to bipartisanship notwithstanding, President Obama and other leading liberal voices have joined in a chorus of intellectual condescension.

It's an odd time for liberals to feel smug. But even with Democratic fortunes on the wane, leading liberals insist that they have almost nothing to learn from conservatives. Many Democrats describe their troubles simply as a PR challenge, a combination of conservative misinformation -- as when Obama charges that critics of health-care reform are peddling fake fears of a "Bolshevik plot" -- and the country's failure to grasp great liberal accomplishments. "We were so busy just getting stuff done . . . that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are," the president told ABC's George Stephanopoulos in a recent interview. The benighted public is either uncomprehending or deliberately misinformed (by conservatives).

This condescension is part of a liberal tradition that for generations has impoverished American debates over the economy, society and the functions of government -- and threatens to do so again today, when dialogue would be more valuable than ever...

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I know a lot of you disagree... so, instead of rational discussion, just go ahead and condescend away. :thumbsup:
Things are really screwed up when Obama is considered a liberal. Actual liberals may be condescending because they historically have been the ones fighting for social progress on Earth. How many of these conservatives (and I'm not equating conservative with "republican" or liberal with "democrat") fought for the rights of minorities?
...Actual liberals may be condescending because they historically have been the ones fighting for social progress on Earth...

So, you're saying that liberals are condescending because they think they're better than everyone else because they "historically have been the ones fighting for social progress."

What a condescending, pretentious statement to make. Color me surprised.
Because conservatives are easy targets! :D
To all the right wing, tea drinking, delusional board members.

The difference between you and the rest of us is all you can do is stir up problems, and never try and be part of any solution. The founding fathers coined the phrase UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!!! This country is in an awful pinch but instead of offering constructive ideas or formulating reasonable plans all you collectively can do is attack, attack, attack. WE WE WE!!!! I am by no means left wing. member of the NRA, Fully support capitol punishment, truly believe we should destroy our enemies abroad and so forth. But all you "Conservative" jackasses can to is cling to the dark years of the Bush administration, a time of blatant corruption and fear mongering. You really dont think our enemies are missing the fact of how deeply your terrible politics are dividing us as a nation???
We need leaders not impeaders!!! We need open minded discussion not pointless bickering. We are all truly Americans, not right or left wing. Take deep breath sometime and try and use your low ball IQ to see that the reason these jackoffs use these political strategies is because when you are emotionally jacked up you lose reason and objectivity. Quit letting Carpetbaggers like Fox News and Sarah, I cant even raise my own children worth a shit, Palin make your opinions for you. Educate yourself, think of yourself as an American first.We have gone from the worlds leading manufacturing country to the place where the rest of the world sells what the manufacture. I know I am wasting my time but at least I try. Lets bring the jobs home, lets vote for people because they are intelligent or truly care. Lets punish those who rob America of her jobs for pure greed. This country is about you and me not rich or poor, not who can talk the most shit about the other side.

All right talk your shit, its all you have anymore, but remember when your kids are speaking chinese in 20 years its because when the world was shifting all you did was fuck with fellow Americans and not see who the real enemy was. When sacrifice and good deeds were needed all you did was scream and yell and point fingers and really did nothing to stop it. Oh yeah GO FUCK YOUR TEA TOTING RIGHT WING ALL FOR ME NONE FOR YOU RUPERT MURDOCK FOLLOWING MY BIBLE IS COOLER THAN YOUR BIBLE HALF EDUCATED DIPSHIT ASS!!!!!!
Conservative beliefs tend to (but not always) be simple, comforting, and self-validating. They allow conservatives to preserve whatever social framework provides order to them.

So when a liberal approaches an issue in way that's either nuanced or challenges established traditions, that makes conservatives feel uncomfortable. Examining an issue in a complex and reasoned fashion can easily be interpreted as 'talking down' to people. It's uncomfortable to have one's comfort-beliefs challenged. Thus, the perception of condescension. Conservatives derisively call journalists 'the media elite' for a reason.
To all the right wing, tea drinking, delusional board members.

The difference between you and the rest of us is all you can do is stir up problems, and never try and be part of any solution. The founding fathers coined the phrase UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!!! This country is in an awful pinch but instead of offering constructive ideas or formulating reasonable plans all you collectively can do is attack, attack, attack. WE WE WE!!!! I am by no means left wing. member of the NRA, Fully support capitol punishment, truly believe we should destroy our enemies abroad and so forth. But all you "Conservative" jackasses can to is cling to the dark years of the Bush administration, a time of blatant corruption and fear mongering. You really dont think our enemies are missing the fact of how deeply your terrible politics are dividing us as a nation???
We need leaders not impeaders!!! We need open minded discussion not pointless bickering. We are all truly Americans, not right or left wing. Take deep breath sometime and try and use your low ball IQ to see that the reason these jackoffs use these political strategies is because when you are emotionally jacked up you lose reason and objectivity. Quit letting Carpetbaggers like Fox News and Sarah, I cant even raise my own children worth a shit, Palin make your opinions for you. Educate yourself, think of yourself as an American first.We have gone from the worlds leading manufacturing country to the place where the rest of the world sells what the manufacture. I know I am wasting my time but at least I try. Lets bring the jobs home, lets vote for people because they are intelligent or truly care. Lets punish those who rob America of her jobs for pure greed. This country is about you and me not rich or poor, not who can talk the most shit about the other side.

All right talk your shit, its all you have anymore, but remember when your kids are speaking chinese in 20 years its because when the world was shifting all you did was fuck with fellow Americans and not see who the real enemy was. When sacrifice and good deeds were needed all you did was scream and yell and point fingers and really did nothing to stop it. Oh yeah GO FUCK YOUR TEA TOTING RIGHT WING ALL FOR ME NONE FOR YOU RUPERT MURDOCK FOLLOWING MY BIBLE IS COOLER THAN YOUR BIBLE HALF EDUCATED DIPSHIT ASS!!!!!!

So let me get this straight, in a thread about how certain people can be overly condescending, you post a rant riddled with insults, an overabundance of CAPITAL LETTERS, exclamation points and a smug sense of moral superiority over others who think differently than you.

Wow, how condescending of you. :glugglug:
Conservative beliefs tend to (but not always) be simple, comforting, and self-validating. They allow conservatives to preserve whatever social framework provides order to them.

So when a liberal approaches an issue in way that's either nuanced or challenges established traditions, that makes conservatives feel uncomfortable. Examining an issue in a complex and reasoned fashion can easily be interpreted as 'talking down' to people. It's uncomfortable to have one's comfort-beliefs challenged. Thus, the perception of condescension. Conservatives derisively call journalists 'the media elite' for a reason.

Great post. It perfectly illustrates the pretentious and condescending attitudes this very article talks about.

-"Its not condescending, its just that you don't understand."
-"Its not talking down to people, its talking from above people. There's a difference, you just don't get it because you're an idiot."



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
To all the right wing, tea drinking, delusional board members.

The difference between you and the rest of us is all you can do is stir up problems, and never try and be part of any solution. The founding fathers coined the phrase UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!!! This country is in an awful pinch but instead of offering constructive ideas or formulating reasonable plans all you collectively can do is attack, attack, attack. WE WE WE!!!! I am by no means left wing. member of the NRA, Fully support capitol punishment, truly believe we should destroy our enemies abroad and so forth. But all you "Conservative" jackasses can to is cling to the dark years of the Bush administration, a time of blatant corruption and fear mongering. You really dont think our enemies are missing the fact of how deeply your terrible politics are dividing us as a nation???
We need leaders not impeaders!!! We need open minded discussion not pointless bickering. We are all truly Americans, not right or left wing. Take deep breath sometime and try and use your low ball IQ to see that the reason these jackoffs use these political strategies is because when you are emotionally jacked up you lose reason and objectivity. Quit letting Carpetbaggers like Fox News and Sarah, I cant even raise my own children worth a shit, Palin make your opinions for you. Educate yourself, think of yourself as an American first.We have gone from the worlds leading manufacturing country to the place where the rest of the world sells what the manufacture. I know I am wasting my time but at least I try. Lets bring the jobs home, lets vote for people because they are intelligent or truly care. Lets punish those who rob America of her jobs for pure greed. This country is about you and me not rich or poor, not who can talk the most shit about the other side.

All right talk your shit, its all you have anymore, but remember when your kids are speaking chinese in 20 years its because when the world was shifting all you did was fuck with fellow Americans and not see who the real enemy was. When sacrifice and good deeds were needed all you did was scream and yell and point fingers and really did nothing to stop it. Oh yeah GO FUCK YOUR TEA TOTING RIGHT WING ALL FOR ME NONE FOR YOU RUPERT MURDOCK FOLLOWING MY BIBLE IS COOLER THAN YOUR BIBLE HALF EDUCATED DIPSHIT ASS!!!!!!

I see you are somewhat new here, Mr. Z so let me explain something to you. Wimpy, limp-dick and milk-toast posts like this have no place here. Grow a set of balls and stop pussy-footing around and man-up and say what you REALLY think or shut the fuck up, OK? No one here wants to waste their time reading such mild-mannered gibberish.

I don't mean to sound condescending :)eek: Am I a liberal??? :eek:) but you need to be put in your place. Show some sack next time, dude.
I usually hear GOPers marginalizing entire groups of people and vilifying entire regions of the country.

I rarely hear progressive political leaders saying things equivalent to "Massachusetts Liberal" for example.

There are high profile people in politics or the media more condescending than Billo the clown, mAnn Coultergeist, Sean Han-nutty, Brittle Hume, Dumsfeld, Darth Sidious aka Cheney (all of them), et al?

It's more common that the so called conservative is labeling and marginalize their political opposition than the other way around.

Just more of the same, GOPers hijacking an issue they themselves are guilty of.

And....the Demos problem is exclusively PR.
A condescending article from the Guardian defending liberals and bashing conservatives, that actually states "It's hard not to be condescending..." Surprise, surprise.

It absolutely is hard not to be in a certain respect.

I mean...when the average thinking person hears some of the rhetoric from GOPers under the circumstances...it's laughable.

And only in a place where people don't pay attention could they be taken seriously on the stuff they say.

The only reason to pay attention is the fact that these pesky little buggers are quite skillful at effecting their political will in spite of their shrill, petty idiocy.

People who don't know any better actually listen to some of these clowns simply because of their ability to rationalize the absolutely absurd with a straight face.
A condescending article from the Guardian defending liberals and bashing conservatives, that actually states "It's hard not to be condescending..." Surprise, surprise.

Why not use the the whole paragraph for some context?

It's hard not to be condescending in light of Brown's ignorant (or cynical) remarks, or Oklahoma senator James Inhofe's religious crusade against atmospheric science, or the never-ending debate over so-called intelligent design, which is nothing more than creationism dressed up in academic garb.

"American liberals, to a degree far surpassing conservatives," Alexander writes, "appear committed to the proposition that their views are correct, self-evident, and based on fact and reason, while conservative positions are not just wrong but illegitimate, ideological and unworthy of serious consideration."

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I wish I knew what you guys are talking about...sorry I'm lying I'm really fuckin glad I don't.

I was brought up to believe ALL politicians are pieces of shit that should be sniped whenever possible. Thanks dad.:D