isn't it hard NOT to talk down to someone claiming that the Earth is 6000 years old,that men had pet dinosaurs,that drilling oil is 100% safe,that human activity does NOT have an effect on the planet's climate?
how hard is it NOT to talk down on someone that wants to get elected by claiming that (s)he is "just a common man", that Jesus is the answer,that the only problem of the States is whether gays will be allowed to get married etc,without making ANY mention of why the country is broke,why the corporations got the country in the mess it's in and why the US is hated all over the world.
It's sad to see how Republicans have gradually lowered the level of their arguments,the level of their speakers,the level of the issues they consider important,while in the meantime do nothing but repeat the SAME "solutions" (smaller government,lower taxes,etc etc) that the US in the shit it's in right now.
It's as if the GOP WANTS to look dumper and dumper,wants to lower the intellectual level of political arguments,so that the real issues do not actually get discussed.Because,when you have a "dump" guy talking to a "smart" guy,it's the dump one that "makes the rules",because he drags the "smart" one down to its level.If the "smart" guy tries to complexify the talk,he looks bad (as if he's not respecting the lower intellectual level of the "dump" guy),and if he goes down to the "dump" level,he looks bad too,because he just cannot function on that field.
it's win-win for the "dump" one.
it is a shame for such a great country to have people like that represent's just a way to keep people's minds down,lower and lower every time,thus maintaining the same status quo that suits the rich and the powerful.We talk about God,gay marriage,abortions etc,we fire up people over issues that have nothing to do with the real fate of the country,and let Wall Street and the corporations do their job in making money,while ruining people's,hey?
it is a shame for the US to have someone like Sarah Palin even as a potential candidate for the is a shame that being educated has come to be considered a "minus",that being eloquent is now a crime.A politician that makes you feel ok with your inadequacy is just dangerous.instead,these ones get more and more exposure,while the real issues get occulted.