Who is this girl/video?

I saw it on you jizz long time ago and I forget the name of it.
It was a white girl, fake boobs (I think), having sex in front of a class it seemed like. It was in a little room and there were like 6 other girls just sitting in a chair watching the sex lesson(?). The girl having sex had blue eyes and black hair I think
Sounds a lot like a BrandiBelle.com scene. Her MO a lot of times is to get 3 or more girls together and do some kind of "scientific" sexual experiment where the girls take turns doing whatever it is while the others watch. Look her stuff up you may stumble across your scene. If so post a screen and we may be able to ID the girl(s).

I wish i can post a pic lol but I can't even find the video.
She had sex on a desk and the girls behind watching were like grossed out i guess and covering their mouths and laughing