[SCENE REQUEST] Amateur girl unexpectedly joins in porn!

I was looking for scenes where amateurs are present in a porn vid, and end up joining in, like some cases in Dancing bear or PartyHardcore,

and in one such thread here some one mentioned another scene where a girl was supposed to have sex with a cute dude and another girl was supposed to sit next to them and watch, but the other girl ended up being very attracted to the guy and joined in with him, and there was a description or a link to the video and I found it back then, but I cant seem to find it now.

In the video the pornstar girl tells the amateur girl something like: 'wow,its your first steps in porn', and the amateur says 'no it aint', etc.. but she blows the dude and I think also ends up having sex with him.

this didn't seem to be scripted, it seemed like the other amateur girl legitimately was supposed to be there just to watch, like some videos where another dude watches his gf getting fucked. and she legitimately was so tempted that she joined in the action.

anyone have any idea which video I am referring to?

any similar scenes are welcome too!