No ! Not Me !!
I'm all for helping Americans in need..... Did you catch that ?
I'm all for helping
AMERICANS in need, not 20 to 40 million illegal immigrants who are being used by politicians and "corporatists" as a form of:
cheap discount labor which undermines American labor
destroyers of our our public school system via retarded bilingual education, over sized classrooms and a new wave of violence never seen before in this country
destroyers of our private enterprise hospitals by way of unpaid hospital bills (thank you very much :hatsoff

, thus forcing universal healthcare as the only alternative)
destroyers of the ballot initiative process after obama tries and may just as well succeed in forcing amnesty down our throats
Increased insurance rates across the board, health, auto etc. i.e. illegal immigrants force all of our insurance rates to skyrocket because insurance is both 1) entirely foreign to them and 2) they generally do not carry insurance due to a lack asset holdings in anything since they wire (thank you western union hacks !) a great deal of their earnings back home to Mexico, money that would be doing "u.s." a lot better if spent here, for our own struggling economy.
F) & much much more

Do I blame the Mexican people for fleeing their land for a better life in America ? HELL NO ! I praise them and would likely do the same, but it's time for the Mexican govt to get off their ass and adopt some socialism into their gumment, ya know ? build roads & cities... create jobs for their own people to prosper !!
What was the question 'gain ? :o
Oh, yeah, I like the :uhem: Border Patrol if the one's at the top would only allow them to do their job !

, the cops / highway patrol, fire, EMS, road & highway maintenance, public works, county hospitals, the military, the VMC, the FBI, the CIA etc. etc.
I'm not against government so long as the tax revenues (receivables) are managed with great care & oversight, that's not happening, not in America ! There needs to be some accountability in govt once and for all !!!
Govt. has become bloated, sluggish, top heavy, corrupt, greedy and arrogant and we only have ourselves to blame for reelecting the same bastids over and over and over.... :flame: :helpme: