Who is for eliminating ALL socialist programs in the U.S.?

Who is for eliminating ALL socialist programs in the U.S.?

  • Yes, eliminate all socialist programs in the U.S.

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • No, do not eliminate all socialist programs in the U.S.

    Votes: 29 54.7%
  • This term has been so basterdized, I have no opinion.

    Votes: 12 22.6%

  • Total voters

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'm curious to know how many here would be in favor of identifying and eliminating any and all socialist programs in the United States?

I'm particularly interested in what the Americans on the board think, but of course, everyone is free to vote. I only ask that if you're from outside the U.S., you'd note that in a post.

P.S. And yeah, I just noticed that I misspelled "bastardized". Blame Quentin Tarantino.
I'm for eliminating all programs that give people something for nothing... except kids of course. It's not their fault if their parents are sh*tbags.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Well you would have to start with medicare and the V.A.; still sound like a good idea?
What is your definition of a Socialist program? Just curious.
The USA would fall apart if social security and medicare were eliminated. For those who want to get rid of these, be prepared to support your parents and old uncles and aunt. That's the way it was before the New Deal. Today the youth are not burden too much by the cost of their elderly relatives. Are you ready to take on the full burden? Bring back the extended family?


Yeah sure, whatever. Sounds like a plan.
To rid the US of all socialist systems would firstly eliminate all compensation programs to citizens and business.

Then you would have to sever ties with all private relationships IE: civilian contractors and service providers, since that would be considered a form of indirect compensation from the government and economic involvement.

You would have to abolish all taxes because any taxation, even generated from within the government, would result in government redistribution of capital, which would be socialist.

Along those same lines the government would also have to cease printing and accounting of currency and debts.

In short it would require the total dissolve of the federal and state government.

Sign me up, sounds fun.
I'm curious to know how many here would be in favor of identifying and eliminating any and all socialist programs in the United States?

I'm particularly interested in what the Americans on the board think, but of course, everyone is free to vote. I only ask that if you're from outside the U.S., you'd note that in a post.

P.S. And yeah, I just noticed that I misspelled "bastardized". Blame Quentin Tarantino.

Well lets put it this way, I don't want to let myself starve, die, become homeless, or loose everything I have. If for some reason I can't find a way to maintain a reasonable standard of life despite my best and honest efforts do so through normal available means, and I have no social programs to fall back on can I just kill you and people like you and take what I need from you and them? Shouldn't that then be allowed, along with also being able to then kill everybody else that put me in the situation I'm in like politicians and businessmen that put me there and also the people that supported their polices? Shouldn't that then be made a legal option for me then?

Now,....if that doesn't seem like a very good thing to have occurring all around, than maybe we should have social programs that make it so people don't have to resort to that, now shouldn’t we? Even more than that, we should do our ethical and moral duty to our fellow countrymen to support them when they can't reasonably support themselves. In any case, one way or another, when it comes down to it, I bet a lot of people aren't going to sit back and wait for themselves to waste way. Why should they?


We can't end all socialist programs we need some of them. Just vote republican in 2010 and 2012
Some we got to have, I suggest tightening up some of these programs. If the government had started here I think this would have solved a lot of problems right from the get go. Tighten boarders and stop giving lazy people free shit. (call me a hater I don't care, its our country I feel it should remain that way)
Let's see:
911 Emergency Services is a socialistic programs(s) Fire, Police, Medical...
The almost all free (non-toll) Highway system is a socialistic program...
Air travel system is a socialistic program...
The US Military is a socialistic program (If you capsize your boat 10 miles off shore, and the Coast Guard rescues you. do they give you a bill? If the dam or levee above your house starts leaking and the Army Corp of Engineers fixes it, do they bill you? Etc...)
The Internet is a socialistic program...
Almost everything that's improved life in this country in the last 75 years IS A SOCIALIST PROGRAM!!!
There are no true Socialist programs in the U.S., mostly because of Choice #3. We can't come to a consensus on what Socialism means...is it an economics philosophy, a political philosophy, or is it just the "boogeyman" for whatever *frightenes* White American Conservatives.

I do not support the elimination of what is known as "entitlement programs" --Medicare and Social Security.


No ! Not Me !!

I'm all for helping Americans in need..... Did you catch that ?
I'm all for helping AMERICANS in need, not 20 to 40 million illegal immigrants who are being used by politicians and "corporatists" as a form of:
A) cheap discount labor which undermines American labor
B) destroyers of our our public school system via retarded bilingual education, over sized classrooms and a new wave of violence never seen before in this country
C) destroyers of our private enterprise hospitals by way of unpaid hospital bills (thank you very much :hatsoff:), thus forcing universal healthcare as the only alternative)
D) destroyers of the ballot initiative process after obama tries and may just as well succeed in forcing amnesty down our throats
E) Increased insurance rates across the board, health, auto etc. i.e. illegal immigrants force all of our insurance rates to skyrocket because insurance is both 1) entirely foreign to them and 2) they generally do not carry insurance due to a lack asset holdings in anything since they wire (thank you western union hacks !) a great deal of their earnings back home to Mexico, money that would be doing "u.s." a lot better if spent here, for our own struggling economy.
F) & much much more :D / :(

Do I blame the Mexican people for fleeing their land for a better life in America ? HELL NO ! I praise them and would likely do the same, but it's time for the Mexican govt to get off their ass and adopt some socialism into their gumment, ya know ? build roads & cities... create jobs for their own people to prosper !!

What was the question 'gain ? :o

Oh, yeah, I like the :uhem: Border Patrol if the one's at the top would only allow them to do their job ! :mad:, the cops / highway patrol, fire, EMS, road & highway maintenance, public works, county hospitals, the military, the VMC, the FBI, the CIA etc. etc.
I'm not against government so long as the tax revenues (receivables) are managed with great care & oversight, that's not happening, not in America ! There needs to be some accountability in govt once and for all !!!
Govt. has become bloated, sluggish, top heavy, corrupt, greedy and arrogant and we only have ourselves to blame for reelecting the same bastids over and over and over.... :flame: :helpme:
Socialist simply means working together.
As mentioned elsewhere that includes the military and the police , the border guards , public schools and so on.
Although I have always voted against socialism in the UK I treat it like alcohol-a lot of it and it's bad news , depend on it it's bad news but if used wisely it enhances life quality.Such things as free healthcare give tremendous freedom from anxiety-does it matter if a few people abuse it or don't pay their share? No because what really matters if it's there when I need it.
Not in my state, no. We have the best health care in the country, and that's largely because the majority of those who created this state, were good and decent people. On the other hand, there are so many PARASITES that come to my state like bloodsuckers, which isn't good. I most believe in states rights, and only those who have lived here for a significant amount of time - maybe even who have had several generations who've contributed to the construction of this great state - should be elligible. The parasites are the ones who ruin it for those of us who have several generations of family that have contributed to the infrastructure here.
Yeah, sure, let's suppr'ess it al.
This is probably the best way to sdsupress poverty : let all poor people die slowly.
Not in my state, no. We have the best health care in the country, and that's largely because the majority of those who created this state, were good and decent people. On the other hand, there are so many PARASITES that come to my state like bloodsuckers, which isn't good. I most believe in states rights, and only those who have lived here for a significant amount of time - maybe even who have had several generations who've contributed to the construction of this great state - should be elligible. The parasites are the ones who ruin it for those of us who have several generations of family that have contributed to the infrastructure here.

There are plenty of parasites in the capitalist system too who skim off money they largely haven't earned or who overpay themselves.Or take huge bonuses even when the company has made a loss.Or claim for expenses they haven't suffered.That's your money they take by the way and more than matches the abuse of the parasites you mention.
I think you'll find that the scale of abuse in social systems is relatively small, it certainly doesn't justify not having such systems any more than the risk of side effects should stop you from taking life saving drugs.