Hiliary 2020
Seems cruel I suppose
Of course in the fastest most painless or discreet way.
Ok I live in a 3rd world country, 3rd world in many ways.
Law enforcement sucks for one.
I live in a descent neighborhood, the only problem within a 200 ft radius 6 neighbors have these ugly, scroungy white french poodles(I guess its a fad).
All of them just bark all day, its more like an annoying yelping sound than a normal bark.
And the owners are too stupid to discipline these useless animals, the other neighbors dont complain either. Its the land of fucked upness.
The dog I need to kill is a chihuahua, and a stray, its outside my window from dawn to dusk barking non-stop, chasing people and barking without stopping.
It incites the 6 poodles to bark also.
Its ridiculous, and not one of these screwhead neighbors will do anything.
I chased it away yesterday pretty far , but it found its way back.
Theres no animal control and the cops are basically degenerates.
So seriously, keep in my this is a fast little animal, any poison i can use? I gotta kill it, any serious suggestions I will appreciate.
Of course in the fastest most painless or discreet way.
Ok I live in a 3rd world country, 3rd world in many ways.
Law enforcement sucks for one.
I live in a descent neighborhood, the only problem within a 200 ft radius 6 neighbors have these ugly, scroungy white french poodles(I guess its a fad).
All of them just bark all day, its more like an annoying yelping sound than a normal bark.
And the owners are too stupid to discipline these useless animals, the other neighbors dont complain either. Its the land of fucked upness.
The dog I need to kill is a chihuahua, and a stray, its outside my window from dawn to dusk barking non-stop, chasing people and barking without stopping.
It incites the 6 poodles to bark also.
Its ridiculous, and not one of these screwhead neighbors will do anything.
I chased it away yesterday pretty far , but it found its way back.
Theres no animal control and the cops are basically degenerates.
So seriously, keep in my this is a fast little animal, any poison i can use? I gotta kill it, any serious suggestions I will appreciate.