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Which Of The Democrat Candidates Could Actually, Realistically Beat Trump?

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Of the Democrat candidates on the debate stage last night which one could beat Trump if Trump does not get impeached or taken down by a scandal? Should the Democrat Party forget about them and reanimate Hillary for another run instead?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Any of them.

Hillary was the worst possible candidate the left could have nominated in 2016, BuT iT wAs HeR tUrN.

Trump is weaker now then when he lost the popular vote to Clinton, and will be even weaker, if he's the GOP nominee.

Trump will suffer the worst sweep we've seen since 1980.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I support whoever the nominee is. If Harris is still on the ballot in the primary, that's who I'm voting for.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
I support whoever the nominee is. If Harris is still on the ballot in the primary, that's who I'm voting for.

Thanks for the reply. You mentioned Kamala Harris. Is she the one you prefer over the other Democrat candidates?

Do you think Michael Bloomberg is running? You follow politics a lot closer than I do. Do you think he'd be a good candidate and maybe better than the other Dems out there that are already running?
Good question, for sure.

At one time I'd have said Biden, no problem. It's a shame he chose not to run in 2016 because I think he'd have readily defeated Trump. But 4 years later Joe is showing signs of wear and tear. Still, he's a "known" that most americans have positive feelings about, so for now he remains my most realistic choice to beat Trump.

The person with the best brain on the roster is probably Mayor Pete, but we know America isn't going to elect a gay person president. Too bad.

Harris has no shot. A liberal black female from California is probably almost as unlikely to win a general election as a gay white male.

Bernie will forever be vulnerable to being cast as the socialist boogeyman.

Warren? I like Warren. She smart as a whip, experienced in governance and feisty enough to take on an asshole like Trump. Seems to me she'd be an excellent VP candidate. But I have major doubts about her electability for president.

Trump is a very fortunate guy. Clinton was an extremely vulnerable candidate, and nobody on the dem roster at present is particularly inspiring - or if they are they have other electability issues. If he'd ever have had to run against Obama he'd have gotten completely annihilated (imo).
Almost 100% : Bernie Sanders, Elisabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Tulsi Gabbard
Possibly : Pete Buttigieg, Andrew Yang, Cory Booker
Not a chance : Amy Klobuchar, Joe Biden
I'd like to see a Warren/Buttigieg run. I've always liked Warren and the missus has been onto Buttigieg from day 1 and what I've seen of him is pretty impressive. They're both very intelligent, I think they both genuinely want to do good, and they both seem to have pretty well thought out answers for everything. Then if all goes well, Pete can have his run in 2028. I know they have major policy differences right now, but everything changes once a candidate is picked and the VP position opens up. They're just my dream team in terms of intelligence, integrity, and having a fucking plan.

As far as electability, did anyone notice that donald trump is president right now? So who the fuck knows.


Hiliary 2020
A few of you are saying how bad of a candidate Hiliary was.
Hello? She's Hillary Cockle Doodle Clinton.
Former 1st Lady. Former NY Senator. Former Secretary of Freakin State. Professional Politician and a member of The Big Club.
Hillary Clinton.
The only thing that made her a bad candidate is the fact that most people hate and despise her, but that doesn't matter at all.

I think its pretty obvious that in an election that isn't rigged that only Barry Sanders could have beaten Trump in 2016.
(But Sanders wasn't part of the plan so they made him take a dive which he gladly accepted).
Trump was at his zenith at that time, riding the crest of the wave.

But That Was Then, This Is Now (was a almost now forgotten movie of the 1980's).

But that was 4 years ago. Zenith is now out of business and the wave has broken and the ocean is flat.
Trump is as equally unpopular now as he was popular in 2016, thank to the scripted show and media portrayal of him. The soap opera of the past 3 or 4 years.
Anybody could beat Trump right now as long as the government controlled media promotes them to.

I doubt they will because as I've said Trump is nailing it right now. A true actor he is. Even better that Barry by far.
As long as the USA people are focused on what Crazy Donald says next it can be business as usual behind the scenes just like it has been for decades.
I still can't believe that majority of people haven't caught on yet to the fact they are being played.

So the answer is anyone could beat Trump right now if the media promoted them and the elections weren't a phony fake show.
A few of you are saying how bad of a candidate Hiliary was.
Hello? She's Hillary Cockle Doodle Clinton.
Former 1st Lady. Former NY Senator. Former Secretary of Freakin State. Professional Politician and a member of The Big Club.

That all would have been just dandy if it didn't come with so much baggage attached.
But it did. And that baggage got exploited. As expected.
And let's not forget she was under investigation by the FBI during much most of her campaign, with the re up of that investigation two weeks before election day having a significant effect on her polling numbers.
A very very vulnerable candidate.
I think its pretty obvious that in an election that isn't rigged that only Barry Sanders could have beaten Trump in 2016.
(But Sanders wasn't part of the plan so they made him take a dive which he gladly accepted).
Trump was at his zenith at that time, riding the crest of the wave.


I think it's safe to assume he would have at least won Michigan.
Minus Steyer, all of them could beat Trump. But that doesn't mean that I think they would all make good presidents. Those are two separate questions. It's no secret that I'm a Sanders supporter. He's the only candidate that actually gives a shit about average working Americans. He would make a fantastic president


Hiliary 2020
That all would have been just dandy if it didn't come with so much baggage attached.
But it did. And that baggage got exploited. As expected.
And let's not forget she was under investigation by the FBI during much most of her campaign, with the re up of that investigation two weeks before election day having a significant effect on her polling numbers.
A very very vulnerable candidate.

Sure I agree. All that plus she was falling down all over the place.





That last one wasn't really her fault cause Trump hit her with the golf ball.

Then there was that commercial she did while drunk.

I'm saying in an honest election she had no chance against Trump in 11/2016. He was at his height of popularity, peaking like a hippie two hours into a hit of Orange Sunshine.
Only Bernie Sanders had a shot because he had the young vote for some reason plus many of his fans I believe voted for Trump just to get revenge on Hiliary. I believe Sanders would have easily won.

Almost 4 years of anti Trump press coverage now. Sanders or Hiliary would destroy him.
So why isnt this happening? Why is neither running? They would be a shoe in. Like taking candy from a little orange baby.
Instead they give the people a bunch of second rate candidates.
I believe its because its not part of the script. The plan.
The plan is 4 more years of The Crazy Donald Show.

But realistically in an honest election pretty much anybody with the exception of Warren would beat him in 2020. He's disliked by most now plus most of the people who voted for him in 2016 just don't give a shit anymore.
I'd say Bernie because he's everything America isn't. And that's why libs love him. But when it comes down to it, none of them will beat Trump.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
US politics has become only worse and harder to predict, for me, in the last 5 years.

Beginning with the primaries, when there was blatant, live-on-camera, breaking the rules, miscounting etc., all in favor for Clinton, cheating Sanders out of chances. A special example was the Las Vegas primary, where the guy in charge told the press and his staff Hillary won, while, in the background, they were still counting votes. There was more, of course. So, problem is, both sides are cheating.

So for me, I just can say, may the candidate that cares most for the actual citizens, not the top 1 of the 1%, win.

Which would be Sanders. Remember, he financed his whole campaign over crowdfunding. That says, pretty clear:

He had the actual popular vote.


Hiliary 2020
US politics has become only worse and harder to predict, for me, in the last 5 years.

Beginning with the primaries, when there was blatant, live-on-camera, breaking the rules, miscounting etc., all in favor for Clinton, cheating Sanders out of chances. A special example was the Las Vegas primary, where the guy in charge told the press and his staff Hillary won, while, in the background, they were still counting votes. There was more, of course. So, problem is, both sides are cheating.

So for me, I just can say, may the candidate that cares most for the actual citizens, not the top 1 of the 1%, win.

Which would be Sanders. Remember, he financed his whole campaign over crowdfunding. That says, pretty clear:

He had the actual popular vote.

Thats because its rigged and we all know it.
How could anybody think that the rich fucks who own and control everything would actually let us peasants choose the PREZ?
Thats some pretty naive shit there man.
Actually its mostly denial. A collective state of denial because its easier for most to continue believing a lie than to face the cold hard truth.

Predicting the next PREZ isn't really that hard. Just consider which candidate could be used to control the people more with.
With Hiliary as PREZ you would have a lot of pissed off people who know history, who work for a living, who believe in the constitution, are aware of political corruption, don't trust the GOV or believe anything the news media tells them, and who believe in the 2nd amendment.

With Trump as PREZ you piss off people like this:

Tell me supa who do you think they would rather piss off?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Tell me supa who do you think they would rather piss off?

I am not sure who you are referring to, with "they". I suspect you mean these overlords.

Did you mean: Who would piss them off more? Or, who would piss them off. I think Warren would be worse for the overlords


Staff member
Last edited:


Hiliary 2020
I am not sure who you are referring to, with "they". I suspect you mean these overlords.

Did you mean: Who would piss them off more? Or, who would piss them off. I think Warren would be worse for the overlords

By they I mean the government and the people who control it. If anybody thinks the politicians- Senators, Congress, President, and all the appointed positions are the ones actually in control of things , well they are very naive.
They only exist because people in real power let them exist.

Humor me please and assume I am correct about this.

The people , the citizens who would be pissed off with a Trump presidency , example the screaming woman, are much safer to piss off than the people who would be pissed off with a Hilliary presidency.

It doesn't matter which one they dress up and call THE PRESIDENT.
The same shit is going to happen either way.
But with TRump in there the population is much easier to control. Make them think they chose the president. Make them think they had a choice.
But its all smoke and mirrors. They could tell us Trump is PREZ but in reality behind the curtain its actually Hilliary calling the shots.
She's not of course but I guarantee she still has much much much more power in world politics than TRump or Obama ever had.
None of them, zero realistical economical program and zero job growth perspective.

You guys are 100% dead sure Trump is gonna win re-election, beware : in 2016 we were 100% dead sure Hillary would win...