Which movie made you a fan

Yeah, but without actors to play the part, the words are useless as well.

That's like saying the head coach on a football team is the most important and that the players don't really matter all that much, since, they're just following orders and doing what they're told. You have to be able to carry out those orders with success.

A good management team is only half of the puzzle, you also need good players to execute your vision.

I've seen a lot of movies go to complete shit because of poor casting choices and poor acting. I've also seen movies go to complete shit because of poor directing and producing. IMO, you need both sides to be good, not just one.

Yes, you need both. I just believe that acting is more about interpretation. Whereas writing and produceing is more about creating. And I admire creating far more then interpreting.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Yes, you need both. I just believe that acting is more about interpretation. Whereas writing and produceing is more about creating. And I admire creating far more then interpreting.

Directing and producing is nothing but interpretation. Unless the director and/or producer sat down together and wrote the script themselves, then they are just using someone else's idea and putting it on screen as they interpret it.

A lot of screenplays aren't even original ideas either. They're mostly interpretations on books and short stories.

I know what you're saying though. I just think it all has to work together.
Directing and producing is nothing but interpretation. Unless the director and/or producer sat down together and wrote the script themselves, then they are just using someone else's idea and putting it on screen as they interpret it.

A lot of screenplays aren't even original ideas either. They're mostly interpretations on books and short stories.

I know what you're saying though. I just think it all has to work together.

I guess we just see it differently.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I guess we just see it differently.


I just think it's all a form of interpretation to a certain degree. Just take "The Departed" for example. Who should get credit for truly creating it? Martin Scorsese because he was the director? The collection of producers behind the movie? William Monahan for writing the screenplay? The actors who gave the story it's faces?

"The Departed" was an American interpretation of a Hong Kong movie that was made a few years earlier, which was written, directed and produced by people that had nothing to do with the remake.
American HistoryX & 25th Hour--Edward Norton....American Beauty-Kevin Spacey....Leaving Las Vegas-Nicolas Cage....Secret Window-Johnny Depp....The Godfather-Al Pacino....Hard Candy-Ellen Page....
Silence of the Lambs - Anthony Hopkins
Reservoir Dogs - Steve Buschemi
Pulp Fiction - Harvey Keitel
Sleepy Hollow - Christina Ricci :boobies:


Fight Club - Brad Pitt
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Johnny Depp
Taxi Driver - Rober
Fargo/Big Lebowski - Steve Buscemi
Irreversible...Vincent Cassel
The Guns of Navarrone...Gregory Peck


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Rocky. Of all the Sylvester Stallone/Rocky Balboa sequels.
Magnum Force. Of all the Clint Eastwood/Inspector Callahan films.


Closed Account
Well I don't really care about actors, more for directors. I've been an Oliver Stone fan after watching JFK, Natural Born Killers, and Nixon.


what the fuck you lookin at?
The first transporter movie made me a fan of Jason Statham

The Jackal made me a fan of Bruce Willis.
Dwayne Johnson - Southland Tales... I'd seen movies with the rock before but in this one he actually acted... and did it well. Plus it was one of the coolest movies I've seen in a while.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Well I don't really care about actors, more for directors...

Classic Directors... 1954 - 1972

Sergio Leone ... A Fistful of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More, and The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
John Sturges... The Great Escape, and The Magnificent Seven
Francis Ford Coppola... The Godfather, and The Godfather Part II
Sam Peckinpah... Major Dundee, The Wild Bunch, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, and The Getaway
Alfred Hitchcock... Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho, The Birds, and Frenzy