Which drink do you prefer?

^I love it too, but I usually refer to it as "ass".
Patron Tequila

I'll enjoy a 7&7 or a High-Ball now and then as well.
Until a few months ago I was a Jack Daniels guy. I loved drinking Jack straight out of the bottle. Gentleman Jack was a tad bit better, but regular Jack was just fine. For some reason, though, I can't stand hard liquor anymore. I loved bourbon in general, and I also had an affinity for tequila, but I can't even smell either of them anymore without my skin crawling and my stomach lurching. Due to that fact, I've become strictly a beer drinker. I have the gut to prove it, too! :glugglug: :beer:


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Take one pint pot, and add the following:

1) 1/4 bottle of Moet
2) double vodka
3) double Southern Comfort
4) dash lime juice
5) Top off with redbull
6) 1 straw and a little ice.

Cost; enough
Effect; Devastation
Pro; sweet, tasty and all in one pint pot. Little need for re-filling
Cons; Photos on Facebook and the internet of you acting like a twat

for item 7, whatever hangover cure your prefer.

A good beer is hard to beat, especially a German hef!

Liquor wise, I like a good vodka tonic, or a nice bourbon on the rocks.
Good beer-which means not bottled/kegged or canned, just fresh from the cask.
Good wine. I like Old World wines best.
Properly made fresh roast/ground coffee.Instant coffee is gross.