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When was Freeones "better?" When did it "not suck?"

I've been here about a year now. I am hardly the most frequent or regular contributor, but I have read and posted in enough threads to have seen numerous references to some time "long ago" when Freeones was great. In fact, one of the most frequent complaints I come across is that "Freeones sucks now," or "isn't what it used to be" (usually when someone is getting on their nerves, which is telling, but I digress). I have seen these claims from Asshats, (seemingly) well-liked regulars and even Moderators.

There is no specific time when said fall from greatness is alleged to have occurred, but if I had to form some kind of approximation, I would say most people believe things started to go downhill sometime between 2005-2007. Let's just say mid-2000's.

Several reasons are given for this alleged change. Some of the most frequent appear to be the OCSM Protection Act and greater tolerance for Trolling, Flaming, etc. with soft (i.e., temporary) bans placed on offenders even when they do cross a line. However, in my experience, most people don't give a reason, they just accept as gospel the idea that things "used to be better."

So I'm curious to know, is it true? Do people really think things have taken such a huge turn for the worse? Not having been here before late 2012, I really don't know, and I'd love to find out if it's true and what was so awesome before "the change."

The way I see it, there are several possibilities:

1. Nothing has really changed. It's human nature to lament some kind of bygone era when things were "so much better." One of the earliest major works of Greek literature is "Theogony" by Hesiod (ca. 700 BC). In it, he refers to Golden, Silver and Bronze ages, and calls his current age an Age of Iron, or the Age of Man. Early Roman authors idealized their Etruscan forebears and believed their own civilization had fallen into decadence and decay, Christians believe things were better in the Garden of Eden, and so on. Anyone who grew up knowing at least one Grandparent knows that every generation thinks the next one is more corrupt than its own, and pales in comparison to the generation that preceded them both. It's just the way things are, and it's normal.

Those examples hardly seem relevant to the current question, I grant you, but the point is, some people could just be reactionaries and it's possible things haven't really gotten worse at all.

2. There really was a time when the FO community was more vibrant, active and rewarding, but things changed, and for some specific reason or reasons having to do with Board rules, a different class of members than in times past, or the like.

3. Things definitely changed, but through no fault of anyone or anything in particular. The porn industry is constantly changing (declining, no doubt), the internet (chat communities, blogging, social media, and so on) is constantly evolving, etc.

These are a few ideas to start from, but I'd love to read peoples' thoughts on the subject. I want to know because, to be honest, it's really a drag. I'm pretty sick and tired of reading how everything sucks, and nobody enjoys anything, and all the good contributors (OCSM's and regulars) are gone, and blah, blah, blah... I just don't understand why people come here to complain about coming here. Let's either hash things out so things can improve, or just stop the bitching already.
From what I can tell, a lot of people complaining are lamenting that a lot of their favourite posters/"friends" from the past have moved on.

Personally, I'm here for the porn. There is some decent chatter to be had and some decent people to talk at, but that's secondary to the porn. My only complaints are when the racists, homophobes or other hateful cunts rear their heads. That's when I'd love to have the banhammer.

Read the message history.

In my view the debate style has evolved for the better and more cultured direction.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Good question. I think it is a combination of your first and second points. Some who have been here as long (or longer) than I have recall a time when the talk section of the board in particular was policed much more rigidly. Trolling, flaming and baiting other members simply wasn't tolerated and often brought the ban hammer. I remember once being reprimanded by a former moderator for implying that another poster was a "shithead" (the reprimand was subsequently rescinded). Now such a mild remark wouldn't even draw a second look from anyone.

This stricter policy prevented flame wars from ever beginning in the first place. Now, such mudslinging and name-calling orgies are commonplace. As a result, those who see little to be gained from pissing contests like these simply prefer to not participate in the discussion. When the "ideas" being traded (or insults, take your pick) begin to narrow down to only a few combatants, there isn't a lot of intellectually stimulating dialogue that gets distributed, the original topic is largely ignored and the thread ultimately dies.

Some people, for whatever reason, seem to relish this type of cyber cockfighting. I'm not one of them. I'm not alone by a longshot. A lot of good and decent members no longer participate as a result. Some limit their participation. Either way, I don't think it can be argued that the setting here at FOs has definitely changed. Has it changed for the worse? That would depend upon the eye of the beholder.

Nothing stays the same, life goes on, all things must pass, (insert preferred alternate cliche here). FOs is still awesome for a lot of reasons despite the erosion of both quality and quantity in the talk section. I miss a lot of the old members but I also miss some of my old college buddies too so....whatcha gonna do? :dunno:


There were some cool members posting in talk...Roughneck comes to mind. As well, there was (Fox ) ...Johan would be his lackey.
Politics was included with Whose anus would you lick? threads, so I like it better now...if someone can only diss and not discuss (Mayhem) they can lame out to their heart's content in P&R; if you can't put up but only cry and whine you deserve to get beat up in P&R...post what you can back up.
Talk is there for all other types and discussions...Pollyanna stuff.
Good question. I think it is a combination of your first and second points. Some who have been here as long (or longer) than I have recall a time when the talk section of the board in particular was policed much more rigidly. Trolling, flaming and baiting other members simply wasn't tolerated and often brought the ban hammer. I remember once being reprimanded by a former moderator for implying that another poster was a "shithead" (the reprimand was subsequently rescinded). Now such a mild remark wouldn't even draw a second look from anyone.

This stricter policy prevented flame wars from ever beginning in the first place. Now, such mudslinging and name-calling orgies are commonplace. As a result, those who see little to be gained from pissing contests like these simply prefer to not participate in the discussion. When the "ideas" being traded (or insults, take your pick) begin to narrow down to only a few combatants, there isn't a lot of intellectually stimulating dialogue that gets distributed, the original topic is largely ignored and the thread ultimately dies.

Some people, for whatever reason, seem to relish this type of cyber cockfighting. I'm not one of them. I'm not alone by a longshot. A lot of good and decent members no longer participate as a result. Some limit their participation. Either way, I don't think it can be argued that the setting here at FOs has definitely changed. Has it changed for the worse? That would depend upon the eye of the beholder.

Nothing stays the same, life goes on, all things must pass, (insert preferred alternate cliche here). FOs is still awesome for a lot of reasons despite the erosion of both quality and quantity in the talk section. I miss a lot of the old members but I also miss some of my old college buddies too so....whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

This is a great post and a pretty good answer to your question. There was a particular time when the rules were altered, and a much higher level of tolerance for flaming, baiting, racism, and so forth was simply imposed on the mods. Several mods have moved on, and a few have been forcibly removed, because they wanted to continue modding with the "old" rules, but FreeOnes didn't want that. Things change, such is life. On we move. We can bitch and moan about it, but ultimately we'll either accept it, or we'll go away.

I do miss things as they were around 2009, but that's merely because there were quite a few posters who were active then who aren't now, and because racism wasn't tolerated.


I always keep in mind that people were complaining the day I joined the board, back in 2005. And the complaints have never stopped.

In terms of the people who no longer post here, unless they specifically said so there's no reason to believe they moved on through dissatisfaction. People like a shiny new toy until the next shiny new toy comes along.

One thing I remember quite clearly about the past "moderation" of this board: Some topic gets started that will prompt genuine disagreement. A moderator gives an opinion. A member disagrees with said opinion. Immediately followed by, "Oooh, you disagreed with a moderator, here comes the ban-hammer!" "Nice knowing ya." "Watch out, you're taking your life in your own hands!" It happened to me and it happened to plenty of others. Numerous people got banned after breaking no rules whatsoever, because the mods had no limits or oversight on their power. One mod even admitted that he gave out bans simply because he had a bad day at work. This was bullshit and I'm glad those days are past.

The Politics and Sports sections were split off from the Talk section. Everyone but me and one other member overwhelmingly supported this move. Now a lot of people see this as the mistake it was, to the point that they claim they didn't support it back then. Well, they did. And some even advocated splitting up Talk into even more subsections.


Official Checked Star Member
I think number 1.

I don't remember lack of trolls and drama in 2007; in fact i have some vivid memory of trolls and drama, back in 2007.
But i have a very "photographic" memory and that helps.

Most people forget and when you don't remember well or at all, the past always seems to be better than the present.
It's hard to say. It isn't like one can point to a particular day and say that's when it started to go down. In my opinion the best this board was happened in 2005 and 2006 and it gradually declined from there as time went on.

I don't know maybe FreeOnes and this board just got too big and part of it is being a victim of it's own success. It had much less members back then, but it also had much more smarter and loyal people that were on the messageboard. It was almost like an actual community instead of what we have now.
In my opinion the best this board was happened in 2005 and 2006 and it gradually declined from there as time went on.

Yes, but why? And why that timeframe? That's really what I want to understand, or at least explore.

Seems to me that based on feedback so far, we could easily add a 4th option to the first ones I suggested, viz., that people started coming here wanting different things.

On the one hand we have people like Stiffy who come here for the porn, while on the other hand, we have people who say the Talk section used to be filled with more intelligent and civil debate. These are two vastly different motives for coming to FO, and while many no doubt enjoy both (myself included), people who are only interested in one of them primarily are bound to have much different opinions on the overall value/worth of the forum.

Here is another question (since, again, I am still new and really don't know): When was the Talk section added? Or was there a time when there wasn't a Talk section? It seems it was divided several years ago, and some people are attributing some significance to that, so what's the history there?


knows petras secret: she farted.
honestly, people need to get over it. its just a bunch of old farts complaining about nothing.

as i recall, the people asked for more lenient rules. and guess what, you got it.

and now, everyones whining about the rules not being enforced, so things have tightened up.

so, what the hell is going to make everyone happy? nothing! you can't please everyone. so buck up, quit whining and post something worth a shit if you don't like what's being posted now.

seriously, enjoy the tits and stfu.
I'm a fairly recent addition to FreeOnes, only here about a year myself, but usually when people yearn for bygone days it's nostalgia, the good times are remembered and the bad or mediocre are forgotten. Most folks are prone to this. Every now and then I'll hang out with old friends who'll talk about the "Good ol' days"... despite the fact that I distinctly remember them being kinda shitty, or at least much less fun than they recall. And really, you get this kind of stuff at any forum. So sure, while I'd prefer it if the admins decided to make things a bit stricter, I take any notions of better days gone by with the same grain of salt here as do everywhere else...