the Ten Commanments say nothing about being gay, then I guess it's OK. Is it ?
It doesn't say anything about porn ? Is OK to watch porn ?
It doesn't say anything about pre-marital sex, is ok ?
So I guess it's OK for a woman to covet her neighbor's HUSBAND (as long as you're not married) ?
Do christians honour the Sabbath ? Sabbath is on Saturday, not on Sunday.
God accepts gays if they behave politely.
Porn is not a sin if it does not contain exploitation.
The men may have pre-marital sex, but living with a woman in the same house is a sin.
Living together is a sin if a man and woman are not married.
A married person may not be the object of desire.
Sunday is the day of rest, saturday is the usual day.
Assari, I find it really hard to understand who you are or how you define yourself as a christian. Every answer is a riddle...
So you define yourself as a true christian, and that is solely based on the 10 commandments, but not on the rest of the bible. Basically you are saying that everything in the bible is open for debate (because they are people recounted stories and cause confusion), but not the commandments? Including this dude dying for your sins, isn't that supposed to be an establishment of christianity too? Moses? Noah? Apostles? A true christian can take everything in the bible with a grain of salt and interpret if however he she wants basically... wow.
The Bible is a really complex book so ordinary man do not understand it.
It is true that Jesus was crucified, Noah Ark has existed and Moses went to the mountains.
But the most important thing is that people would follow the Ten Commandments.