True Christian does not make crimes so that table does not give the right information.
A true Christian no longer exists. A true Christian is a thing of the past. People have taken it upon themselves to create personal interpretations of the Bible which conveniently just so happen to justify their individual ways of life. One of the Ten Commandments is "Though shalt not murder," yet Christians still commit murder. Another one of the Ten Commandments is "You shalt not give false testimony against your neighbor," yet Christians still lie and cover up the truth all the time. Another one of the Ten Commandments get the point.
People don't obey the Ten Commandments and, when they break one of the Commandments, they interpret the Word of God and twist it around to justify their actions. God (allegedly) ordered people to not commit murder, yet Christians have murdered people throughout the course of history. And, to try and justify it, many of them said it was "In the name of God." No. You can't murder. Your God said so. He didn't say, "Thou shalt not commit murder...unless you can reasonably argue that it was ok to do so" - He said, "THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT MURDER."
People no longer fear God, which is something a true Christian would do - why? - because, if you were a true Christian you would believe that the Bible is the Word of God and, if you have ever read the Bible, you would read how vengeful and violent of a god that God has always been. If you were a true Christian, you would obey God and His Ten Commandments, without question or protest, as you would live under the belief that, if you were to disobey God or any of His orders, you would be severely punished and possibly be sent to live an eternity in Hell. Yet, people sin and break Commandments each and every day.