What's Wrong With This Picture?

I'm just givin' Ellen a little shit everybody. Personally, I'd think it cooler of her if she'd just sew a pair of balls on her ass, change her name to Allen and get on with it. ;) Anyone else notice how she looks like Bill Clinton in the first pic? :D
Porn has lied to me about lesbians.
Its could be a statement........But I think its really because of social conditioning, The centuries of it and also maybe it is partially genetic well in regards to blokes and chicks that one person in the relationship has to be like the dominant one.....Ya know the cliched: I am the protector, Bread winner, Get shit done dung lulz. Though having said that some women might just actually have man issues hence the whole homosexual thing.....You can basically say everything is correct in some form or other, Or in some situations.

yeah, it probably is something like that, i just find it odd is all cause even though it is obvious one has to be at least a little bit "stronger" or more "dominant" as a personality, one wouldn't think it would have to spill over into appearing less feminine to society as well...it just seems contrary to the feminist views common to lesbians, but maybe that's just me lol :dunno: i think i'm probably over-thinking this though lol
yeah, it probably is something like that, i just find it odd is all cause even though it is obvious one has to be at least a little bit "stronger" or more "dominant" as a personality, one wouldn't think it would have to spill over into appearing less feminine to society as well...it just seems contrary to the feminist views common to lesbians, but maybe that's just me lol :dunno: i think i'm probably over-thinking this though lol

Lesbians have it so easy...:tongue: