You're not clueless. I am just smarter than the average bear.Now that is truly useful information. Is this widely known and I'm just clueless? Regardless, the board just become better for me.
Just kidding. I wouldn't say it is common knowledge, just an observation of mine from looking at lots and lots of URLs.
So in an ideal world, you and select others might still prefer it if it was the default but you are better off for knowing how to do it if that's what you want to do. I'm not sure that it actually is something that can be changed, anyway.
And going forward, when you are saving links - it's not as if you have to manually type /latest on the end each time... because you can get it pre-filled by clicking the date of the post like I mentioned earlier. Not only will it take you straight to the latest post but it will give you the address you need to copy and paste.
Of course, if you already have a bunch of links saved - which it sounds like you do, it will probably be easier to just update them manually by typing it on the end, but I'm just saying.
When people hover their mouse cursors over the title of threads to click on them, (or tap if you are on a smart phone) the default is /unread on the end.
The other thing to say is that supposing you ever go to the first post of the thread by accident, you can click the "jump to new" button at the top right. It might not take you to the very latest post, but it won't be far off. A "new" post is considered anything within the last 30 days which you haven't yet read (I think)
By the way, I muted you as a test and I didn't see a notification of your reply come up in my alerts - which would be the expected functionality. But I realized afterwards, that's not what you meant - you mean watched threads as in the actual page of threads that you are subscribed to. Well, that's just the way it works unfortunately.
So unless you are going to use your notifications (top right) as a means of getting up-to-date with threads, then you are always liable to come across something by a ignored member. At least it tells you the last post is by 'ignored member' so chances are it is all the activity there has been unless someone has posted before it since your last login.
So maybe just get in the habit of skipping over any such threads which say that. If you happen to have missed someone's post before it, you'll see it the next time when you visit it when you can see that the most recent poster is someone who isn't on your muted list.