What was your first computer ?

I had the commadore 64 - some of those floppy games were pretty cool - does anyone know where I might find the EMU?
80x86, monochrome monitor, double density floppy (720kb), no-hd, no external ram.. it wasn't even able to load himem.sys because it was requiring 286 kind of processors... but it was much more fun than this... sigh.
poggy1 said:
Mine was the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K.A small litte black number with a rubber keyboard.You use to have to connect it up to a tape recorder to load up games.It was very basic to use and the programing was a joke by standards now day's.But the games was very playable with blocky graphic's.Then up graded to the ZX Spectrum 128K,Amiga 500A till I got my first home PC.

My school used to use the BBC computer

I remember all those.

I had something you had to program in hex just to play with a little. Then bought a Commodore 64 that I didn't like and returned it for an Atari 800. I added dual, double density drives for $900, and a $400 printer dot matrix printer.
commodore 64... damn.. that was with tapes.. can remember that ..
HP but who remembered back in the mid-1990's, internet companies charged you "an internet user fee per minute" to use. That was Bell South/ATT based in Atlanta. (Just like Bell South still charges me a fee per minute to use the cell phone !)

I was upset when the secretary used my computer to talk to her boyfriend in california and costed me $2,000.00 internet fee a month back in 1997 ! (We have come a long way in less than 10 years)

(I remembered the first computer I used back in 1979 was bigger than 2 times of a mid-size car in school)
Leading Edge Model D featuring an Intel 8088 microprocessor at 4.77MHz and MSDOS 2.0.

I remember a Texas Instrumental 2K PC at my friend's home in the 1975ish :D
Bally Arcade with CPU module. Never came out with the full keyboard or disk drive, (making too much money on Space Invaders). Had to program it like cell phone & PDAs today and save to audio diskette.
Then Apple][+ and IIe.


Lost at Birth
my first was a dell P75Mhz, i think i mostly used it to play duke nukem. the dial up connection was rockin. my boss told me his first computer used punchcards....imagine trying to check out Sandee Westgate by looking at a punchcard.


DUDE!!!! I got a dell.