What was your first computer ?

efeezy said:
The first computers I ever worked on were back in 4th or 5th grade, back around 1986. I think those were Apple IIe's. They had the big 5 1/2 floppy drives and the lovely green screens.
I was all PC from 1982+. That's the one thing my middle and schools did right -- they had at least one or two PC-based labs (even if Apples were in some of the classrooms). I remember fixing one of the shop's AutoCAD installations back in the latter '80s.


My first desktop was a Commodore 64k with two outboard 5.25 floppies and a dot matrix printer. After the C128k came out, I got that and upgraded to three 5.25 floppies (daisy-chained together), a better dot matrix printer and a external modem connected to a local B.B.S.

After those systems went kaput, I upgraded to my first 8088 IBM-clone and Windows 3.1 ...

It's been smooth sailing ever since. I prefer Macs, though, but I'm happy / content with a PC.
AsianxxxChick said:
My first desktop was a Commodore 64k with two outboard 5.25 floppies and a dot matrix printer. After the C128k came out, I got that and upgraded to three 5.25 floppies (daisy-chained together), a better dot matrix printer and a external modem connected to a local B.B.S.

After those systems went kaput, I upgraded to my first 8088 IBM-clone and Windows 3.1 ...

Exactly the same to me, but I had´nt got a modem.
Jeez my first computer seems so new in comparison.

Intel 486DX 33mhz. 4 megs ram. Needed a boot disk for Filght Simulator 5 and Sim City 2000 or Doom2, can't remember.

I didn't have a CD drive though. I had to run around town and try to find Doom2 on disk, which I did, at Walmart :D. 5-3.5" disks.
I don't know the exact specs because I was too young then, but I do know it was a 386... the first one I remember as having brand new was our Pentium 166
mine was a Commodore 64 :anonymous that pile of shite it was too :D
The first computer we got in our house was some ICL thing which ran Microsoft Works but also had some reeeeally early version of Windows on it (not sure what version, but it was mostly a white screen with black writing... REALLY basic!). It was pretty cool in it's day though, and it had an animated chess game where the characters would beat the crap out of eachother... Anyone else remember this game??

The first computer I owned however was a good ol' Macintosh LCIII (I remember being really excited about how great the graphics were!) which I bought off a friend in the hope of using it for MIDI stuff. Since then, I've only ever had Macs :)
Tachi said:
[...]and it had an animated chess game where the characters would beat the crap out of eachother... Anyone else remember this game??[...]
I guess that was Battle Chess. I too had that game on my Amiga, loved it!

:hatsoff: Jackson
Jacksson_77 said:
I guess that was Battle Chess. I too had that game on my Amiga, loved it!

:hatsoff: Jackson
Oh my goodness!
That brings back so many memories. I remember playing that and Arkanoid on the Amiga.
Well, I thought that this thread was about the first computer that you ever owned, not used.

The first computer that I remember using was a TRS-80. What a piece of shit it was!!! Then, and here's a real eye-popper, it was the Timex "Sinclair." LOL!!!! It had like 1K (not a meg...one KILOBYTE) of RAM. It was less powerful at the time than most scientific/graphing calculators (the ones we used in calculus & trigonometry classes. lmao

I've used just about every computer mentioned here in this thread. It's pretty funny to see what everyone's used, and :thumbsup: to Tachi for starting out with an Apple LCIII - it was a kickass computer back in its day. :tongue: :nanner:
Jacksson_77 said:
I guess that was Battle Chess. I too had that game on my Amiga, loved it! :D

:hatsoff: Jackson

That's it!!! Fantastic game!! I actually learned how to play chess through playing that for hours on end!

Nightfly said:
I've used just about every computer mentioned here in this thread. It's pretty funny to see what everyone's used, and :thumbsup: to Tachi for starting out with an Apple LCIII - it was a kickass computer back in its day.

You're not wrong there! I've still got mine hiding in the loft somewhere, although I don't think it starts up from what I can remember. In fact, I'm pretty sure it comes up with a bomb error just like my current sig'.
THIS is what my current computer is. I also have a G4 iMac but that's used for music and nothin' else.
My first one was a CoCo2 from Radio Shack games were on cartridges, if you wanted to do anything else you had to learn how to program in BASIC, BIG POS
My first computer was a spectrum, I then moved on to an Atari, Amiga, Mega Drive, Playstation then Playstation2.

Also had a hand held Game Gear.

On first PC.