What Was the Funniest Thing You Ever Did or Said During Sex?

Went down on an ex g/f during the "courting" stage of our relationship. And I swear, she had the cleanest, baldest, most tasteless cooch I've ever been in the presence of...

After a couple of mins of feasting on it, I had to break stride and ask, "Did you just buy this damn thing or something???"


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Bronze Member
I remember yelling 'I'm first' as i shagged my g/f back in the days.

She smacked me for that but we really laughed a lot laters


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I nailed that crack whore's ass out of spite after she nodded off, then left the condom in her.


Turned on the TV and watched Spongebob Squarepants.

No lie.
"Holy Busted Rubber Batman!"

No Lie. She and I were both big comic geeks. She thought it was funny as hell. Actually bought me some more time while I dug out another rubber. Last time I ever went cheap when buying rubbers. Just because it was free doesn't make it good ya know?