What Was The Dumbest Thing You Did As A Kid?

Smoking cigarettes at the age of 8. Have done it ever since.
Not buying comics and toys that would be worth a ton of money now and set me up for life, no more money worries :facepalm: Also one day me and a mate threw stones along the road to see how many tyres we could burst (completely out of character for me but I must've been 9 or something) and when I was even younger I threw my brothers socks in the toilet to 'wash them'. I also wish I'd kept a diary as childhood was the happiest time of my life (nothing like now) but with my rubbish memory I can barely remember any of it, all I remember is that I was happy.


Believer In GregCentauro
I smoked a looooootttttttttaaaaa pot up until age 17...waste a lotta money and lung health...but it was something id never regret.
I told the Air Force recruiter I'd smoked weed in the last 6 months.

I'd be living in a much different world if I hadn't said that.



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What Was The Dumbest Thing You Did As A Kid?

I filled a baseball helmet with my own shit when I was 7 years old and then ate it all with a spoon that I made out of collector's edition Star Wars Legos. That was, by far, the stupidest thing I ever did as a kid. I mean, do you have any idea how hard it is to find collector's edition Star Wars Legos? SIGH...I ruined them. :(


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Approved Content Owner
OMG ... I did one thing that was dumber that shit. I blew up a Coke bottle with an M-80 firecracker and didn't get away fast enough and ended up with a bunch of stitches in my leg. Luckily only my leg was cut.

Thank god I've grown a little smarter with age LOL!
Went on the Bill Cosby show and had to endure his verbal discombobulation.

Apparently my favourite song was Radio Ga Ga by Queen and I was obsessed with the snooker player Steve Davis :dunno:
I would tell you, but the 6 confirmed concussions prevents me from remembering most of the details.


Is somewhere outhere.
Rode someone elses bike infront of a car doing 50 was the best one.But
I always had suicidal tendencies when I was a kid :)
When I was little the neighbor's dog was following me and barking at me, so I turned around and sunk my teeth into it. The neighbor lady had to come explain to my mom that I bit her dog not the other way around..

Looking back, probably not a smart thing to do.
As a younger kid: well, it was illegal, let's just say. Fell in with the wrong crowd.

As an older teen: lifting a ton of booze out of a bowling alley which is now no longer there. They did eventually bust me and quite a bit of community service was handed to me. Still got away with a lot and had some classic keggers in high school. Legendary shit really.
When I was younger I was playing with my dad's power tools and dropped a power drill on my pinky toe. I had to go to the hospital. (this was long ago so I barely remember the details)
I was about 7 or 8, and I wanted to have my remote control plug into the wall, instead of needing a 9 volt battery.

So I cut off the plug that connects to the battery terminals, and cut off a cord from an old lamp that didn't work, and I spliced the two together.

When I plugged it in, nothing happened, and the remote didn't work. I figured the wires were not crimped tight enough, so I grabbed a pair of plies and crimped them tighter. The problem was, I didn't unplug the cord from the wall.

When I crimped the wires, I got one hell of a shock, and the surge melted the cord and the remote circuit board.

That was really a dumb thing to do.
I jumped off a ten foot ledge when I was 4 or 5 and broke a bone in my leg. That's pretty much the only dumb thing I can think of doing, and considering I was 4 or 5 at the time even that's a little understandable. I have always prided myself on not doing stupid things.