What TV show are you a closet fan of?


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I was a big fan of the WWF back in the late 90s and early 2000s. Wrestling was red hot at the time and all of my friends never missed an episode of Raw or SmackDown and we all had our favorite wrestlers we'd be rooting for and then the next year (2001) it was like everyone decided to collectively stop watching altogether and nobody told me about it or invited me to the meeting.

So I would lie and tell my friends that I also stopped watching because it was so fake and gay and juvenile even though we were all so obsessed with it just a year earlier. But I still watched the WWE and read the results for shows I missed on the internet. And I wouldn't tell a soul that I was a fan for fear of more ridicule because I was a fucking industrial-strength magnet for bullies and assholes. I wanted to grab my friends by the hair and demand to know how and why they quit watching so suddenly. I was genuinely confused by this. How could they turn so fast? I was embarrassed being a fan of something that most Americans look down upon.

Around 2004 is when I just stopped caring about the product and finally called it quits. There was a lot that I didn't like about the show. I think wrestling in American just ran its course for the fans in the same way your favorite TV show might run aground even before it's off the air. I stopped watching The Simpsons years ago and I gave up on The X-Files about two seasons before the season finale.