What TV show are you a closet fan of?

I'm not a "closet fan" of any shows. I just have a lot of shows that I have to watch alone because no friends or family like the shows. I still tell them about it. They just...don't care. haha

Supernatural - It's a kickass show. I didn't start watching it until maybe a year or two ago. I was flipping through channels and I saw Katie Cassidy playing a demon and I couldn't look away. I was hooked since.

Smallville - I'm not as big a fan of this as I am of Supernatural but the nerd child in me still watches it sometimes. Superman, you know.

Doctor Who - Also a cool show when given the proper chance.

WWE Raw/NXT/Smackdown and TNA Impact!

I have no shame in any of these, but I can't find anyone to watch them with me. It's a real tragedy...

No reality shows. I absolutely despise every one of them. No exceptions. The people who watch them should be beaten severely with the scattered remains of the producers. :horse:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
This thread is full of fail. :facepalm:

The OP is a douche too...

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I'm not a "closet fan" of any shows. I just have a lot of shows that I have to watch alone because no friends or family like the shows. I still tell them about it. They just...don't care. haha

Supernatural - It's a kickass show. I didn't start watching it until maybe a year or two ago. I was flipping through channels and I saw Katie Cassidy playing a demon and I couldn't look away. I was hooked since.

Smallville - I'm not as big a fan of this as I am of Supernatural but the nerd child in me still watches it sometimes. Superman, you know.

Doctor Who - Also a cool show when given the proper chance.

WWE Raw/NXT/Smackdown and TNA Impact!

I have no shame in any of these, but I can't find anyone to watch them with me. It's a real tragedy...

No reality shows. I absolutely despise every one of them. No exceptions. The people who watch them should be beaten severely with the scattered remains of the producers. :horse:

Supernatural is fuckin awesome! :cthulhu:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Idiots, Tests and Summoned Beasts.

Yes, I am an anime nerd. But fuck all of you.

I also am a closet fan of Home Improvement, but I'll never tell anyone that.


Re: What TV show are you a closet fan of?

None whatsoever!

I did manage to watch about a half an hours worth of the WNBA Western Conf Finals today though.

Don't tell Diva or anything :o

BTW, who's the Center chick for Seattle?
I'd slam that shit HARD! :love-smi:

NOT! :eeew:
I used to watch Sex and the City re-runs after the late news. The closest to a closet show now would be a corny reality show like Work of Art, American Idol, or Big Brother.