What is the most disturbing movie you ever seen?

The Human Centipede...That movie was just wrong, and too think some people liked it enough to make a sequel is VERY disturbing.
Irreversible. French film with both an iconic bludgeoning and a very brutal rape. I'm a big fan of gore films (especially those of Lucio Fulci and Ruggero Deodato) so that kind of thing doesn't disturb me (however, the turtle-butchering in Cannibal Holocaust makes me uneasy but only because I know it was real and that the really drained, self-loathing looks on everyone's faces just carry something across), but watching that film really got under my skin. The friend who showed me it also explained that there's an ultra-low frequency hum in the score that physically makes you feel nauseous (I've also read this on IMDB but they can often be wrong), so that might be a part of it. But it's a really well-made and compelling film so I do recommend it.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Salo? Watched part of it. Got bored and turned it off.

What's the most disturbing movie I've seen? No idea. If someone says it's disturbing I'll probably watch it. Though rarely am I particularly disturbed by films. Most of these "disturbing" movies are just gore porn, which can absolutely be entertaining, but it doesn't disturb me. Not really. At worst a scene like that will make me uncomfortable. What can get to me (and films rarely do) is putting characters is tough positions where they have to make seemingly impossible, or deplorable choices. Those can get to me because it makes me think about what I'd do, or be forced to do, in that situation.

I just looked at it on youtube (the trailer) and it does look quite boring. I understand where the disturbing factor is, but it's shot in a pretty boring way (to me), it's foreign and I hate reading subtitles, and it's old. I'm such a date queen with movies, don't usually like most movies that are made before the 90s. Some I like, but most... just no.
And same here, I'm not exactly disturbed by most horror films. The more gore, blood, guts and violence, the better, but it doesn't necessarily disturb me.

The Girl next door (2008)

lol I think you need to go watch some more horror movies if that's considered the most disturbing movie to you. I just watched that the other day, and yes it was pretty brutal (for me it was the whole idea of her prostituting her own children), but it's nothing compared to many other films out there.

Good one! I saw that a couple years ago.

Why would anyone even want to watch that after reading the story line?!

I would, if it were newer and in English.

Salo, is a great film. I really wouldn't advise anyone watch it just for its shock value. While that is indeed its claim to fame and how it has remained relevant within popular discourse, the film is first and foremost a scathing attack on Italian institutional and political corruption. I think seen in this light, especially if anyone knows anything about Italian Fascism, post war reconstruction and the so called "Years of Lead," the film becomes a lot more powerful and indeed disturbing (just not in the gut wrenching way); not just a succession of somewhat shocking images that drunk teens can laugh at. But of course, this isn't how most people have seen it and I can only see those who go into it looking to be shocked, having those expectations met at least partly, but for the most part being disappointed because as I have said it is a whole lot more than that which I presume isn't the sort of film most people are looking for when they seek out "sick shit". It's a film I would definitely recommend, it is disturbing, it does make you feel dirty, just don't expect a run of the mill horror film.

In comparison to something like A Serbian Film, Salo really isn't shocking to be perfectly honest. OP, if you want to be disturbed try to find an uncut copy of that.

I hear the August Underground films are incredibly raw, I have little interest in seeing them tho.

Yes! A Serbian Film is exactly what I was going to recommend, though I still have yet to see it, I hear it's pretty gross and is banned in many places. I really want to see it. Might buy it on amazon so I can judge this for myself.

The Human Centipede...That movie was just wrong, and too think some people liked it enough to make a sequel is VERY disturbing.

I liked the first Human Centipede. The second one though, I couldn't finish. It was beyond disgusting, and seeing as I have a very high tolerance for disgusting films, that's saying something.


A movie can remind you how just horrible human beings can be...
I am left very angry, very sad, and deeply disturbed by the reality behind the movie's horrid but relatively few examples of the inhumanity of the civilized monsters of the European Holocaust. Not only the "victims" in the film, but many many others screaming forever in horror and agony in the reality of history, the actuality of these horrors playing out slowly and shockingly transcends any imaginary horror anyone can conceive. Dr. Mengele...my mind shies away from even a few seconds of his reality.

Schindler's List
Edward penishands, I'll never be the same
Probably the original Scream movie. It has to be the most shocking thing I've ever seen. not just that it scared the hello out of me.
...and I hate reading subtitles...

Not surprising since you seem to favor horror and action films. I don't mind subtitles in a drama, but horror and action are very visual, if you're reading the subtitles you're not watching what's going on. That really does detract from the film.

Yes! A Serbian Film is exactly what I was going to recommend, though I still have yet to see it, I hear it's pretty gross and is banned in many places. I really want to see it. Might buy it on amazon so I can judge this for myself.

As I've said before, it's got some disturbing moments, but you might want to moderate your expectations. I think everything I'd heard about it had me expecting much more than it offered. Oh, and it's foreign, so expect subtitles (unless you can find a dubbed version, the one I was given was subtitled, not sure if there dubbed ones out there, but I believe there a couple versions on the market, so one of them might be).

Probably the original Scream movie. It has to be the most shocking thing I've ever seen. not just that it scared the hello out of me.

Uh... what!? You don't watch a lot of horror, do you?
I liked the first Human Centipede. The second one though, I couldn't finish. It was beyond disgusting, and seeing as I have a very high tolerance for disgusting films, that's saying something.

Yeah I remember you liked the first one back when we discussed it in the horror thread...that is so facinating to me...you are a very cool person and truly a unique gem...I would ask you again what about it you liked, but I'm starting to feel nauseus just thinking of it !
My cousin emailed me a pretty fucked up porno once. It had a girl blowing a guy, it's all normal and shit, when all of the sudden she starts barfing on his cock. I thought "what the fuck? is this some porno blooper?" Then the guy starts wiping the vomit on the girl and she keeps going to town on his cock, along with the vomit. I didn't watch much longer. It scarred my fucking brain. I can't look at the guy the same way anymore.


persona non grata
Lilja 4-ever made me feel like crap for weeks after watching it. It´s a great movie.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Not surprising since you seem to favor horror and action films. I don't mind subtitles in a drama, but horror and action are very visual, if you're reading the subtitles you're not watching what's going on. That really does detract from the film.

As I've said before, it's got some disturbing moments, but you might want to moderate your expectations. I think everything I'd heard about it had me expecting much more than it offered. Oh, and it's foreign, so expect subtitles (unless you can find a dubbed version, the one I was given was subtitled, not sure if there dubbed ones out there, but I believe there a couple versions on the market, so one of them might be).

I'll make an exception for this one. The trailers look great, it's not old, and I've been anticipating it for so long. There are some movies in subtitles I'll watch and that I actually very much liked, like Pan's Labyrinth, The Orphanage, and The Horde (La Horde as the original title).

Yeah I remember you liked the first one back when we discussed it in the horror thread...that is so facinating to me...you are a very cool person and truly a unique gem...I would ask you again what about it you liked, but I'm starting to feel nauseus just thinking of it !

I just liked it because it was disturbing. I found it on my own without anyone else I knew having seen it and just popped it in, very surprised about what it turned out to be. It's unique (not a house in the woods, people on vacation, someone in a mask murdering everyone, someone moving to a new home, etc.) and definitely has that obscene disturbing factor that I think a horror film should be. The point of a horror film is to make your skin crawl, and The Human Centipede certainly accomplished that.
Someone in a forum mentioned there is a french movie called Salo and said that movie is disgusting. People said that film and i seen reviews of it where ppl said they couldn't get all those nasty thoughts out of their mind ever.

Has anyone watched this film and can tell me that statement holds true? If not, what movie has you watched where its so disturbing where you could not get that movie thoughts out of your mind?
Psycho - always think of it when I'm naked and alone in the shower