What is the latest good film you watched ?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Repli-Kate with the beautiful Ali Landry(famous of being the Dorito's girl)

Bodyguard with Kevin Kostner and Whitney Houston, i love this movie.
IRON MAN. Greatest comic book movie adaptation to date IMO.

Not for me. I enjoyed it, but only that, felt a bit let down by the end too. I know they're setting up the franchise and what have you, but thats no excuse really.

Just a shame so many of these comic adaptations are all about reaching the biggest audience first and foremost, unlike Batman Begins, Nolan decided on what film he wanted to make and didn't compromise and stayed true to his vision, which is why Batman Begins is the far superior movie.


Closed Account
I Am Ron, Man.

I'm Ron, man.

I ron man..

Iron man. That's the one.

Along with Batman and Unbreakable, this is my favourite superhero film. Better than all the other garbage recently (with the exception of Batman Begins and the first ten minutes of Xmen 2).

RD Jr. was a superb choice. I'm glad he's now back right in the spotlight, exactly where he deserves to be. Fuck what he does in his private life, the guy has talent and I can't wait to see more of him.

Also Jeff Lebow... Oops, I mean Bridges, really fit the part.

And wahey, Mr S***** L J****** making his sneaky (and strangely black?) apperance.

And (yes, theres more) Stan Lee's cameo was the best he's ever done.
the last good movei i watched was bee movie. its little kidish but i thought it was still cute and funny. beside that reign over me was amazing as well
Alice in Wonderland

Don't make fun now. I'm still waiting for the "Alice" movie to be made based on American McGee's adaptation. It was slated to have SMG as Alice which would have been fantastic.
And (yes, theres more) Stan Lee's cameo was the best he's ever done.

Stan Lee was the bomb in Mallrats, yo!

I've actually met him about three or four times at comic cons, and I make it a habit of yelling that out after he gives a talk.

thanks to a successful propaganda campaign designed to restore the legend Jack Kirby to his rightful place, usurper Lee has settled down a bit as of late from tooting his own horn.
Paris, je t'aime

18 short love stories set in Paris...by 18 different directors

I wanna see that! They showed that film here in my country, it was included in an Intertional Film Festival or something. There is a New York version right?

I just saw Superstar (1999). I enjoyed it. :D Will Ferrell as a hippie jesus.
Population 436 - in my opinion, it wasn't the type of movie that deserved an ending like that, but good

Shottas - there's a sequel, and I can't wait to see it, Kymani Marley's chick in this film is hot as hell too