What is the latest good film you watched ?


and before that reign over me. it was a lot better than I thought it would be.
28 Weeks Later

Not as good as the first, but a damn good sequel.

When I first heard they were doing a second, I was pissed off. But now i'm glad they did. They left previous characters behind, which was a very good move.

This movie is EXTREMELY brutal. And the opening scene is one of the best horror moments i've seen in recent years.

Two things kept me from giving it 10/10

1) The coincidenses. You'll know what I mean when you see it

2) The soundtrack. It was great in the first film, but they just repeat it in this one. Could of done with something new.

Londoners will love it, loads of "Oh, i've been there!" scenes :D

Small spoiler:
::Best bit: Helicopter versus crowd of infected. Classic!::


Nice one cheers for the review Dave, gonna try and see it sometime this week:thumbsup:
ooh ooh besides Stranger Than Fiction i also loved Smokin' Aces. they all say it's Tarantino-esque and that's just great. the graphic violence,the bright colors,Alicia Keys on fayaar = a formula for success in its genre. go see it.

spoiler: ben affleck dies halfway through! lol! he sucks.
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Closed Account
Do us a favour, put your spoilers in a white font, that way we can't see it straight away. It's fair enough to put "spoilers", but being right next to it, I read it before I noticed what it was.


Closed Account
In repsonse to your rep-comment.

I liked the idea behind Stranger Than Fiction. A man can hear someone doing a running commentry on their whole life... But I think they could of done so much more. I liked Will in a serious role, but I recon this movie would of been better as a straight forward comedy.

It was just a bit slow and soppy.