What is the latest good film you watched ?

Smokin Aces

I saw that in the theaters, was much better than it got credit for, although the ending with all the "explaining" took it down from a really good movie to just a good movie.


Closed Account
I saw that in the theaters, was much better than it got credit for, although the ending with all the "explaining" took it down from a really good movie to just a good movie.

I hate it when movies do that.

I haven't seen Smokin' Aces yet, but you saying that has put me off.

Some producers/script writers just don't give the audience any credit. Just presume we all need the plot explained to us...
I watched Citizen Kane for the first time the other day. Thoroughly deserving of its reputation.
I FINALLY managed to watch "Love Actually" with my wife.

I don't understand why many people dismiss that movie as "corny" or "limp".

I personally thought it was a powerful movie on the whole scale and range and intensity and all other different feelings associated with "LOVE".

I do think that the essential "point" of the movie is..... "Love actually... is what?"

Can we define love? :)

I watched Citizen Kane for the first time the other day. Thoroughly deserving of its reputation.
Totally agree! It's a wonderful classic!


Retired Mod
I FINALLY managed to watch "Love Actually" with my wife.

I don't understand why many people dismiss that movie as "corny" or "limp".

I personally thought it was a powerful movie on the whole scale and range and intensity and all other different feelings associated with "LOVE".

I do think that the essential "point" of the movie is..... "Love actually... is what?"

Can we define love? :)

:thumbsup: excellent movie. it has it all, which i think love is, actually: all.

the title comes from the last line of the movie, oops i mean *** SPOILER ALERT *** . i loved this movie. gonna watch it tonight!


milf n' cookies
Mission: Impossible III (2006) - I really enjoyed this film. I just wished they hadn't killed off Keri Russell's character. Maggie Q is very nice though. All in all this film was definitely a good watch to me. :thumbsup:


Closed Account
28 Weeks Later

Not as good as the first, but a damn good sequel.

When I first heard they were doing a second, I was pissed off. But now i'm glad they did. They left previous characters behind, which was a very good move.

This movie is EXTREMELY brutal. And the opening scene is one of the best horror moments i've seen in recent years.

Two things kept me from giving it 10/10

1) The coincidenses. You'll know what I mean when you see it

2) The soundtrack. It was great in the first film, but they just repeat it in this one. Could of done with something new.

Londoners will love it, loads of "Oh, i've been there!" scenes :D

Small spoiler:
::Best bit: Helicopter versus crowd of infected. Classic!::
