What is the latest good film you watched ?

The last film I went to see was The Inbetweeners 2 on Friday night. I went with a friend who said he had looked forward to the first one but had trepidation when it came to the sequel because he thought "how can they top that" and worried it might sully the fond memories of the first one. I had the opposite outlook ; I had real doubts about the first one because there is a tradition of sitcoms (British sitcoms especially) being converted into really terrible movies, but actually I was pleasantly surprised, so I expected more of the same from the second one. I reasoned that the quality of the show and indeed the first film was not really to do with the events, but the characterization in Damon and Iain's writing, that the interactions between the four main characters was what made it funny, and as long as the writing was still sharp, the sequel should be rewarding. Afterwards, my mate was happy to concede that his fears had been unfounded.

Whether or not you find the film funny probably depends a) on if you can relate to the four lads themselves and b) your level of maturity. As a bit of a self-confessed "Will" myself growing up, I have no problems with relating, and the ratio of character-based humour to gross-out gags was just right for me. The film is well-paced, very catchphrase-friendly (as The Inbetweeners always has been) and in regards to major plot developments (no spoilers) at least twice in my estimation they veer from the obvious cliches to present something slightly more believable. The main set-piece events are often silly but never to the point of unrealistic, at no point does the film drop below "enjoyable" and at its best, it's downright hysterical.

In summary, if you liked the first one, you'll like this even more. My own personal highlight is within the first few minutes an email from Jay is presented as a visual representation of what you would actually see if Jay's trademark line of bullshit was in fact reality. Top bants.


Works for panties
The Blues Brothers
The Den (2013) > not a perfect film but it's an interesting concept and does enough cool things to make it over the line into "Good".




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