What is the latest good film you watched ?

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)

Went to see "Guardians of the Galaxy" yeeaaahhhh Good film
Zoe Saldana as an foxy alien -ooooo bbbbaaaabbbbyyy did she look smoulddering hhhaaa
And Karen Gillan (Former Companion on " Doctor Who" ) done well too

But the trailers went up on the screen before the main film
The trailer of the next Hobbit film due in December ooooooooooooo mmmyyyyy God , it looks fantastic .



Trance (2013) - Danny Boyle
A psyco thriller


Excellent movie, thanks for recommending it.
Rosario Dawson is great.
Very good mystery, and it only scratches the surface of the power of hypnosis.
Most people are totally clueless of how easily they can be manipulated with different types of hypnosis.

Thanks again for posting this movie.


Works for panties
Down Periscope

