Although there is discord with "The Last Stand" because a lot of fans did not like the idea that Jean came back as a sinister alter ego Phoenix who joins with Magneto and very nearly wipes out the World until Wolverine is strong enough to withstand her wrath and reach her in time.
Actually, a lot of the discord is the
opposite to not liking the idea ; it's that the Dark Phoenix saga was one of the most popular stories from the comics, and that X-Men anoraks thought that it was wrong to do a "Cure" film and try and tack a Dark Phoenix story on as well, and that they failed to do Dark Phoenix justice.
Could the Dark Phoenix story from the comic been a movie of its own? Undoubtedly.
Given the story they tried to tell in
Last Stand, was it a good film? I thought it was. The action was great. There were mark-out moments, like the glimpse of the traditional robot sentinels in the Danger Room scene. The only things I didn't care for were Rogue taking the cure having never really become "Rogue" and spent three movies being timid little Marie, and Angel being a total afterthought. But re: Dark Phoenix, as I said in my review of
Days, appreciate them for what they are - movies INSPIRED by the comic stories, not like-for-like conversions.
Agreed on Famke though - one of the MILFiest MILFs that ever dared to MILF.