What is the latest good film you watched ?

I have to say "X-Men Days of Future Past" is another movie to put alongside the big movies of 2014 so far.
The way how the Mutants of the Past and the Mutants of the Future wage battle on two different fronts was interesting
Adding the extra danger in that the chief enemies in the Future have characterics from one of the mutants themselves was gripping to watch.
Sending back one of their own to get things moving in the right direction
Will McAvoy and his friends get to their wayward friend in time to prevent the dawn of a future where they become extinct????
I think I may go see it again
I am hearing good things about Tom Cruise's latest movie "Edge of Tommorrow"
I have not seen it yet but judging by the previews and what a majority of the critics are saying
Viewers expect it to disappoint , yet it has the feeling of been a Science Fiction classic.
I can not wait
X-Men 2
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men: First Class
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Did you not fancy The Wolverine on top? I was going to watch it when I did all the others but somehow didn't get round to it and now am separated from my DVD collection until Sunday.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The Grand Budapest Hotel. If you want to see Willem Dafoe being really creepy, this is your movie. Plus, Jeff Goldblum gets four fingers sliced off unceremoniously, which was funnier in my head before I typed it.
X-Men 2
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men: First Class
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Very good blend of X Men movie there Dafro77 - hhhaaa
Although there is discord with "The Last Stand" because a lot of fans did not like the idea that Jean came back as a sinister alter ego Phoenix who joins with Magneto and very nearly wipes out the World until Wolverine is strong enough to withstand her wrath and reach her in time.
Famke Jensen -now there is a very sexy actress she plays Jean in "X Men" brillantly.

edit - removed the spoiler for the latest, which is still out in the cinema and people may not have seen yet
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The Grand Budapest Hotel. If you want to see Willem Dafoe being really creepy, this is your movie. Plus, Jeff Goldblum gets four fingers sliced off unceremoniously, which was funnier in my head before I typed it.

After watching this i want to be a lobby boy or lobby man in my case