What is Capitalism


Our Economy Explained In Cookies


Postal Paranoiac
Objectivism holds that we are self-serving beings who must use the rational approach to reality in achieving our goals of gratification. In other words, get as much wealth, power and pleasure as possible...but with the added, annotated caveat of respectfulness of others. Rand and company use capitalism interchangeably with objectivism. It's a slippery slope, on which neither a market-driven reality nor a Bolshevik survivor has drawn a clear navigation. How do we, as capitalists, honor fellow human endeavor while still rampantly gorging ourselves with the fruits of our labors? In fact, how do we conduct our labors without bulldozing the fertile plantations of another? The short answer: we can't. History proves this. Contemporary news supports this. We can't even agree on the value of life...let alone survey the necessity of capital gain. Capitalism both supports, and goes against our nature. Capitalism is a two-sided sword that both cuts and spreads. Objectivists have no answer for this...except to say that this is not the way it was intended. Economics does not mix well with the philosophies of mankind. And yet we find ourselves each day fretting over the constancy of income while foregoing or forgetting outright the legs which stand on this same planet.
I think one of the primary motivations for forming democratic governments was to put a check on the ability of the wealthy few to enrich themselves at the cost of the many. To do things like protect the environment, balance the economy, ensure that workers get a fair deal, and so on.
For far too long in the USA, the government, especially the republican side, has been working solely for the good of the wealthy few, at the expense of the many, to the point where they don't even bother trying to disguise it anymore.
I think Biden is in for a very difficult presidency not just from the right, but from what I've seen (anecdotally, at least) as a fast growing feeling of discontent on the left and the middle that they've had just about enough of taxation without representation. The government under republicans has had no issues handing trillions to the ultra rich, but gripes about giving peanuts to those who are really struggling. But they forget whose money that is.
There have been a lot of economic/social theories theories over the years that as long as you leave them a place to live and enough to eat, you can take pretty much everything else away from the masses without too much drama. But they went too far, now there are a huge number of people who don't have enough to eat, or a place to live, watching some senior vice president of staring out the window getting a multi million dollar bonus after their government used their money to bail out his company.
People might be losing their jobs and their homes all over the place, but I'd guess they're hanging onto their pitchforks.
Couple of relevant memes I recently came across...



This last one's a bit of a chore, but worth it:


Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
A comment on the last from Farmer Jones. Remember that America is just full of "Temporarily Disadvantaged Millionaires", who probably think of themselves as Billionaires noe who are just one break from success So they certainly don't want anything to happen that might take some of that money when they get it. Also
Americans have been indoctrinated with the idea that they are a "Free People" who can do what they want, when they want , and where they want. It's in the Constitution for goodness sake. Except where is is not. Especially those who have not had good schooling,or paid no attention in school seem to have this attitude. A lot of that attitude comes from emotional as opposed to logical thinking. And when you get a group of emotional thinkers together anything can happen.
How to Become a Billionaire – 7 Characteristics of the Rich & Wealthy


I love that they always put Bill Gates on the list of "self-made, college-dropout" billionaires. Not to diminish the things he did achieve, but he dropped out of Harvard to play on his home computer in a time when a home computer cost more than a home. It's probably safe to assume he didn't have the same pressures a lot of other people do.
I mean, is anyone surprised that ivy league schools are 4 of the top 5 billionaire producing schools? I don't think it has anything to do with the quality of the education you get there.
I'm not looking for all these economic memes I keep posting, they're just appearing everywhere. More and more people are realising how badly the system is rigged towards the wealthy and they're starting to get the shits. I read somewhere that the US billionaires could give EVERY American $3000 just with their gains from this year alone. I hope we're heading towards a new revolution, because this free market, unbridled capitalism is completely unsustainable, and economies are no longer functioning properly.




This one states the blatantly obvious about why trickle down economics doesn't even work in theory, let alone in practice.



And finally, one from good old Bernie:

A bit more on American exceptionalism...


If an individual has financial problems, they're told they should have saved for a rainy day, but airlines that have made record profits in the last decade had nothing in reserve.


And this one just because it's funny and doesn't really fit anywhere else.



Uber could market their vehicles as cheaper alternatives to ambulances. They'd make a killing.


Angry Man Interrupts Live Newscast With A Surprisingly Rational Point


A huge study of 50 years of tax cuts for the wealthy suggests 'trickle-down' economics makes inequality worse

The world's fastest-growing source of food

Natural sustainable nutritional low-cost food and medicine that could potentially feed and/or heal billions of people !?!?!?
Sounds like communism !!!

Feigned 😲 + :rolleyes: = Sarcasm

Why is there no smiley/emoji for Sarcasm???
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Remember when the US went to war because Britain taxed their tea and they felt it wasn't a good deal? The ruling class has sure whipped that spirit out of Americans.



Capitalism at work...


Apparently there's a revolution coming? I'm seeing a lot of chatter about it here and there. Seems people are waking up, but not sure if it's enough for a revolution yet. Would be cool to see it in my lifetime. The system we have now is unsustainable. Funny how many people are convinced socialism can never work, and capitalism is the only way, despite all the failures of unrestrained capitalism we see every day.
