What is Capitalism


"The really strange thing about today is that most of the people who leap to capitalism’s defense fastest and most furiously…aren’t capitalists. And they never will be. They can’t be. Just 10% of America owns stocks, and even less owns bonds. Even less — maybe 1%, if that — make enough money from capital(selling stuff/services or self employment) to call it their main income. And their incomes are shrinking, at a record pace. So the Rick’s dads of the world have never made enough money from capital income to live off it, and that’s why they’ll never really retire. They don’t send their kids to school with capital gains. They don’t pay for skyrocketing healthcare bills by liquidating trust funds. They’re just average wage-earning schmoes, like the rest of us. And yet despite the fact that they’re not capitalists and never will be, they’re also exactly the ones who defend capitalism most."

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
According to a 2017 Gallup poll, 54% of Americans held direct (stocks) or indirect (mutual funds, ETFs, warrants, etc.) equity ownership. And while that's down about 8% from before the financial crisis, it's still a majority.

What you need to retire has a lot to do with lifestyle and health. But $1 million is a common figure that's thrown around in many studies. The trap that many people fall into is sacrificing their financial futures for current "wants". Investing is all about time in the market, not timing the market (unless you're a trader - and most people shouldn't try that). I can't guarantee anyone that their stocks, mutual funds or ETFs will appreciate over time, although history suggests that a well diversified equity based portfolio will appreciate over time. But I can guarantee that the new car that they want will depreciate significantly the second that it leaves the dealer's lot. Americans of recent generations have bought into the keeping up with the Joneses, gotta have it now mentality. And the dollars that they spend now (even if it's cash) cannot be invested for the future. And it gets even worse for those who take on debt to get their "must have" toys. Are there cases where people have medical bills or go through a divorce/life changing event? Sure, but that's a different situation. Excluding mortgage, medical, student debt, cars and other revolving debt, Americans still had $5,673 per U.S. adult with a credit card. And the average credit card APR is 16.91%. Even a 10% annual yield is a great investment. But the people who sell their souls to the revolving debt devil are going even that much more in the wrong direction. The only thing that guarantees failure is not trying. And not investing in the available equity based programs and vehicles is most certainly a form of not trying.

It reminds me of the late, great Tom Petty's lyric in All or Nothing: "I don't mind working, but I'm scared to suffer…"

Most of the millionaires that I know, you'd never know that they were worth some money by looking at them. But the poor, dumb bastards driving BMWs and such (the ones that you *think* have money), they're the ones who depend on Amex and Visa to buy Christmas present.

How to retire with a million dollars if you make $50,000 a year

Capitalism is the exploitation of men by men
Socialism is the opposite

The opposite? Uh, the exploitation by men of men? Yeah, OK... I'm with ya. ;)

Wishing for a centralized nanny (state) that will make everything "fair". If we some day have some kind of AI based super computer that will control everything and not be susceptible to human frailties, perhaps that'll work. Otherwise, nah. Humans be humans. It's a nice dream though.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I was just reading something that made me think of this thread. Too often, when people think about capitalism, they only think about large publicly owned corporations, buying stocks or bonds and the (much hated) 1%'ers. Totally forgotten are those who don't make the cover of Inc. Magazine.

My father owned a small cattle farm. He also worked a wage job, but the farm provided us with a secondary source of income. Every person who owns a small business (like a garage, computer repair or flower shop), drives for Uber or Lyft, sells items on Etsy, eBay or Amazon, rents a room on AirBnB, buys a house or duplex with a mortgage and rents it, sells cheese or vegetables at the local farmers' market, uses tools bought at a hardware store to do subcontracting work on weekends, etc., etc. - every one of those people is a capitalist, whether they (or we) realize it or not. Every one of them uses tools or talents to (hopefully) generate a profit. And if there is no profit motive, why do it?

Why are these people so important to all of us? According to some stats I read on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration .gov site: Small businesses are responsible for 52 percent of all U.S. sales and contribute about 21 percent of all manufactured U.S. exports. Small businesses employ 54.4 million people, about 57.3 percent of the private workforce.

Most of these people aren't greedy crooks, who dream of throwing Tiny Tim out into the snow or crafting ways to "decrease the surplus population". Most aren't billionaires or even multi-millionaires. But they have put their money/capital at risk (possibly borrowed and their home is collateral) to build businesses that benefit them and their families... and the people who work there, as well as those who rely on their goods and services.


Different definitions and statistics on different sites.

capitalist ~ a wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.

capitalism ~ an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
This is getting deeper in the weeds, but two things are common in ALL the forms of capitalism: private property and the profit motive. Throughout the history of mankind, these factors have proved to be part of our "natural" make up. Communal arrangements tended to be relatively short lived, or they were overtaken by societies which allowed people to express their desire for economic and social freedoms.

Types of capitalism:

There are many variants of capitalism in existence that differ according to country and region. They vary in their institutional makeup and by their economic policies. The common features among all the different forms of capitalism is that they are based on the production of goods and services for profit, predominantly market-based allocation of resources and they are structured upon the accumulation of capital. They include advanced capitalism, corporate capitalism, finance capitalism, free-market capitalism, mercantilism, social capitalism, state capitalism and welfare capitalism. Other variants of capitalism include anarcho-capitalism, community capitalism, humanistic capitalism, neo-capitalism, state monopoly capitalism, supercapitalism and technocapitalism.

And this, which I also believe:

Relationship to political freedom:

In his book The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich Hayek asserts that the economic freedom of capitalism is a requisite of political freedom. He argues that the market mechanism is the only way of deciding what to produce and how to distribute the items without using coercion. Milton Friedman claimed that centralized economic operations are always accompanied by political repression. In his view, transactions in a market economy are voluntary and that the wide diversity that voluntary activity permits is a fundamental threat to repressive political leaders and greatly diminishes their power to coerce. Some of Friedman's views were shared by John Maynard Keynes, who believed that capitalism is vital for freedom to survive and thrive. Freedom House, an American think tank that conducts international research on, and advocates for, democracy, political freedom and human rights, has argued "there is a high and statistically significant correlation between the level of political freedom as measured by Freedom House and economic freedom as measured by the Wall Street Journal/Heritage Foundation survey".

It's most certainly not a perfect economic system by any means. But compared to systems which are based on centralized government committees and bureaucrats deciding what is good and what is bad, picking winners and losers (often times based on corruption and bribes), capitalism tends to win out because it allows people an incentive and an opportunity to better their station in life, i.e. freedom to win (or lose). Many young people these days want to be cared for, from cradle to grave. So they're more comfortable with a nanny state arrangement. They focus on the few who take excessive advantage of the capitalist model, and ignore the many who take chances with capital and build comfortable, though not "excessive" wealth. My father's generation (certainly) and even my generation (for the most part) were more comfortable standing on our own two feet... playing the game and taking our chances. And now that we live in an age where technology allows greater access to capitalistic endeavors, along with a growing "gig"/service economy, there are SO many opportunities now that my generation didn't have.

But these days, Karl Marx is more popular on college campuses than Adam Smith. Combined with this fairly recent desire to be a victim, I don't think that'll lead to anything good. But, oh well, we'll see how that works out for them. :dunno:


Capitalism, Its Characteristics, with Pros and Cons

Crony capitalism is an economic system in which businesses thrive not as a result of risk, but rather as a return on money amassed through a nexus between a business class and the political class. This is often achieved by using state power rather than competition in managing permits, government grants, tax breaks, or other forms of state intervention[1][2] over resources where the state exercises monopolist control over public goods, for example, mining concessions for primary commodities or contracts for public works. Money is then made not merely by making a profit in the market, but through profiteering by rent seeking using this monopoly or oligopoly. Entrepreneurship and innovative practices which seek to reward risk are stifled since the value-added is little by crony businesses, as hardly anything of significant value is created by them, with transactions taking the form of trading. Crony capitalism spills over into the government, the politics, and the media,[3] when this nexus distorts the economy and affects society to an extent it corrupts public-serving economic, political, and social ideals.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Crony capitalism is an economic system in which businesses thrive not as a result of risk, but rather as a return on money amassed through a nexus between a business class and the political class. This is often achieved by using state power rather than competition in managing permits, government grants, tax breaks, or other forms of state intervention[1][2] over resources where the state exercises monopolist control over public goods...

I've not heard it described as such, but that sub-category definition almost perfectly describes the form of "managed capitalism" that is employed in Maoist/Communist China, with its massive SOE (state owned enterprises) system. Of course, they exist in other societies too, but the Red Chinese have taken it to a whole new level. And for now, they're apparently making it work. Course, when your government encourages you to cheat and steal copyrights and intellectual property from your foreign competitors, I guess that makes it easier to win. Hard to lose when the dealer lets you know which cards are marked... and all you have to do is kick some of the winnings over to the dealer and always say nice things about him (no matter what).

Bill Clinton's support for NAFTA and admitting China into the WTO are the main reasons why I have less than zero respect for him. If only Perot had won in 1992... if only. :(


Here's how Flint's water crisis happened


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Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
^^^ I don't understand. :confused:



Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Ah, gotcha.


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