yes sir they would be. which gives me a great idea for my next shoot thnx
Not a problem. Ideas, that's what I do!
yes sir they would be. which gives me a great idea for my next shoot thnx
yeah, that's right... Nothing to do with the us being idiots. Lets have a more accurate perspective from someone who, as an america-hating European, knows the truth:
Why america is no longer a superpower:
1: Your economy is fucked
2: Your Military is weak and poorly organised.
3: Your people are using their unconditional love for their country.
Why Europeans hate america:
1: During the Suez crisis america used it's strong economy to force England and France to abandon their takeover bid of the Suez canal because it had spent so long heckling the Soviets over their activities in Afghanistan and when England and France embarked upon the venture the Soviet Union simply turned around, pointed at the us and shouted "Hypocrites!"
2: Shortly after WW2 Nato EVERYBODY realised that it was time to downsize to intermediate calibre rifle rounds.
During WW2 the Germans developed the STG44.
Post WW2 the Soviets fielded the AK47.
Post WW2 the British were working on a bullpup rifle using a new British .280 round.
america then showed up with the 7.62 round and it's M14.
america then used NATO to enforce universal NATO adoption of the round in all NATO service rifles.
The 7.62 is also used as a sniper-rifle round and the average soldier cannot control the power of this round in everyday close combat situations - 7.62 is completely impractical for a service rifle.
Approximately 2 years later (correct me if I recall wrong) the americans then produced the M16 in 5.56... A big slap in the face to the rest of the world.
3: americans insist an american general always commands NATO forces. american generals are so good they supported the adoption of the Stryker, the M1 Abrams, the Growler and the Failure 22 Raptor air supremacy fighter.
4: americans are arrogant (as exemplified by your post); always acting as though they saved the world from Hitler and the reds. The truth is that during the 2nd world war the allied powers had a saying:
"When the Germans shoot, the allies duck,
when the Allies shoot, the Germans duck,
but when the americans shoot, everybody ducks."
Little has changed.
Not only that, but the only reason america helped Europe fight Hitler is because they feared that should he be victorious they would be facing a Europe united under Hitlers Germany in combat - not a good proposition.
5: americans are constantly claiming they invented things that the Europeans did, eg the Harrier jump jet and the cruise missile.
6: americans rarely display any humility or gratitude:
Aside from fear of facing a Euro-reich the americans also gave aid to the allies because the British gave them jet technology and radar... You're welcome by the way
7: americans have used measures to interfere in the developments of their allies; forcing a stop on the development of Britain's BAC TSR 2 and Israel's F4X Recon phantom.
8: You never, ever find it necessary to ask an american:
"I'm sorry, could you say that again? I couldn't quite hear you..."
You are LOUD
And that's even worse when you see americans at Acropolis saying; "There's no way this building can be that old, no way anybody built anything before america did..."
9: america is well known for being corrupt both morally, politically and financially, polluting and allowing big business to run riot.
10: america is the home of rap music. What greater reason do you need?
I could list more reasons, but I feel that 10 will suffice for now.
And by the way, wether you admit it or not; it is you americans who envy Europe, not the other way round.
It's basically geo-political penis envy. Europe remembers when they were THE superpowers and they wish they still were. There was a line in the last season of The West Wing, "These Europeans...the pretend a relevance which they no longer posess." That's basically it.
*Sigh.....yeah me too. But vodkaz insists on playing the victim (see what I did there?) and I couldn't resist. Euro-whining is a button-pusher for me.
I was reading an anthology of alternate world histories and a thought occured to me. What if the people of Europe, never colonized the America's? What are you thought's on this?
Fuck Europe who gives a flip what those pussies think.:thefinger
At least we think :thefinger:
Yeah, that's right, Europeans are pussies.
Never mind that Ivan the terrible was a European - and many other tough men.
Not to mention the fact that so many americans have European blood, which logically makes them pussies too.
Way to form a coherant argument for your statement there... does your community give your mother free condoms?
It's all fun and games until you actually get your wish. I'm with you buddy. I want my country to go back to it's pre-WWII, isolationist stance. Get out of Korea, the Japans, Europe, SW Asia and everywhere else I haven't mentioned. No sarcasm, I really want this. Fuck protecting the rest of the world. The next time genocide, ethnic-cleansing, piracy or all out warfare is committed anywhere, if it ain't one of the 50 states, fuck 'em, let 'em die. Someone wants to invade Saudi Arabia, cool. Have the new owners call us. We want to buy some oil.
The problem is (and once you catch your breath, you'll realize this is true), if the day occurs that you and I get our wish, it will take the world (Australia included) 2 weeks to realize how fucked they just became. And then the pleading and crying will start. "Please protect us, please come back." "Well, we would, but there's an all new Dancing With The Stars on, and we really can't be bothered. Good Luck!"
I genuinely hope that I live to see that day.
Where do you guys get the impression that I'm arguing with you? I'm with you 100%. "Yankee come home." Tell NATO that their on the own, tell the U.N. to hit the road (maybe they'll relocate the General Assembly to Melbourne) and close down all foreign bases. Downsize the military to a completely self-defensive posture and spend all that money on American schools and farms.
First, South Korea goes. Then Japan gets hit by the Russians. India takes Australia (with my blessing). Bosnia, Croatia, Armenia and Turkey all become genocidal no-mans-lands. Syria winds up running the entire Mid-East, and tensions arise between them and Iran, who basically walked into Saudi Arabia without firing a shot. Israel gets backed into a corner and has to threaten the use of nukes (no clear winner on that one). China is then forced into the roll of power-broker, and I'm sure they'll be really good at it. Of course, those pesky Russians might have something to say about that.
While this, and an entire host of other invasions, coups and rebellions takes place, America uses it's reallocated resources on farming, education and self-defense (missle subs will play a big part). Since no one else will be able to feed themselves, due to all the strife everywhere else, they'll just have to come to us for their wheat,corn and soybeans. Give us the price we want for what we need (mainly oil), or starve.
Again, this is not an attempt at sarcasm. This is not a disagreement with, at least, the overall tone of the previous posts. We don't really need the rest of the world and we certainly don't need to waste our tax dollars defending it. Hell, overpopulation is the biggest impending crisis facing our planet. So, let people die. Let wars run unabated, let societies get wiped out, let the rest of the world cause and fix their own problems without so much as a comment from us.
Yes logically it makes Americans Europeans but technically we aren't. Ivan the Terrible? It's sad you have go back hundreds of years to find a tough European.:1orglaugh
Man, someone woke up on the wrong side of the baguette this morning. And your statements are a far cry from "cogent, coherant and truthful". You really are coming off as hysterical on this, and I'm sorry for that, but it's not my fault.
The majority of the world does not hate us, and when you calm down, you'll admit that I'm right. But, to be quite honest, go right ahead and hate us all you want. I dug up some oldies but goodies that I posted a while back that states my position:
So you see, I'm actually agreeing with you. :hatsoff:
It's funny how everyone hates America until they need our aid.:1orglaugh
It's rich that an Englishman is trying to school us on hate. The British Empire was a geo-political fiasco perpetrated by murderers, thieves and thugs. Everything they touched turned to shit the moment they got involved. Vodkaz whines about US interference with foreign countries. Care to explain, well, just about everything your country did starting from the 1580s onward. This would include introducing the slave trade to N. America and the West Indies. Thanks for that, by the way, and I'm sure Africa wants to buy your next pot of tea. Every colony you people settled worldwide were nothing more that brutal occupying forces that fucked over every populace it came into contact with. Until they finally booted your asses out. And for all this talk about who hates the US, nothing in the last 50 years comes close the approaching the hatred directed at the British. Ireland hates you, Scotland hates you, India, France, the Netherlands, all of Africa, Australian soldiers personally told me that they wouldn't mind orders to shoot at englishmen. The way you hosed India will have repurcussions which will last longer than yours or my lifetimes. Czarist Russia tried to be friends until they realized it was pointless. The Boer War was a fun glimpse into how the Brits conduct themselves, and how they treat women and children of their opponents (try looking up Lizzie Van Zyl sometime). If there is a root for all the anti-Western hatred in Afganistan, it is the British, not the US. Thanks for that too.
And you have the unmitigated gall to point fingers at us?? I stand corrected. You're not French. You're much, much worse.
It's rich that an Englishman is trying to school us on hate. The British Empire was a geo-political fiasco perpetrated by murderers, thieves and thugs. Everything they touched turned to shit the moment they got involved. Vodkaz whines about US interference with foreign countries. Care to explain, well, just about everything your country did starting from the 1580s onward. This would include introducing the slave trade to N. America and the West Indies. Thanks for that, by the way, and I'm sure Africa wants to buy your next pot of tea. Every colony you people settled worldwide were nothing more that brutal occupying forces that fucked over every populace it came into contact with. Until they finally booted your asses out. And for all this talk about who hates the US, nothing in the last 50 years comes close the approaching the hatred directed at the British. Ireland hates you, Scotland hates you, India, France, the Netherlands, all of Africa, Australian soldiers personally told me that they wouldn't mind orders to shoot at englishmen. The way you hosed India will have repurcussions which will last longer than yours or my lifetimes. Czarist Russia tried to be friends until they realized it was pointless. The Boer War was a fun glimpse into how the Brits conduct themselves, and how they treat women and children of their opponents (try looking up Lizzie Van Zyl sometime). If there is a root for all the anti-Western hatred in Afganistan, it is the British, not the US. Thanks for that too.
And you have the unmitigated gall to point fingers at us?? I stand corrected. You're not French. You're much, much worse.
It's rich that an Englishman is trying to school us on hate. The British Empire was a geo-political fiasco perpetrated by murderers, thieves and thugs. Everything they touched turned to shit the moment they got involved. Vodkaz whines about US interference with foreign countries. Care to explain, well, just about everything your country did starting from the 1580s onward. This would include introducing the slave trade to N. America and the West Indies. Thanks for that, by the way, and I'm sure Africa wants to buy your next pot of tea. Every colony you people settled worldwide were nothing more that brutal occupying forces that fucked over every populace it came into contact with. Until they finally booted your asses out. And for all this talk about who hates the US, nothing in the last 50 years comes close the approaching the hatred directed at the British. Ireland hates you, Scotland hates you, India, France, the Netherlands, all of Africa, Australian soldiers personally told me that they wouldn't mind orders to shoot at englishmen. The way you hosed India will have repurcussions which will last longer than yours or my lifetimes. Czarist Russia tried to be friends until they realized it was pointless. The Boer War was a fun glimpse into how the Brits conduct themselves, and how they treat women and children of their opponents (try looking up Lizzie Van Zyl sometime). If there is a root for all the anti-Western hatred in Afganistan, it is the British, not the US. Thanks for that too.
And you have the unmitigated gall to point fingers at us?? I stand corrected. You're not French. You're much, much worse.
Hey Vodka, one of my truly best friends in the world is an Englishman who lived here for 3 years and DID NOT want to leave. He loved it here, and never sounded like a fascist radical terrorist like you. He also told me that most of the English people, and most European people in general for that matter, hold no ill will toward us whatsoever. Since I know him very well and trust his judgement explicitly, his business takes him all over the world, I'm going to conclude that your nothing but a bitter asshole who's American father left you to fend for yourself when he could no longer stand the sight of you. Cheers...