Every night, most people go to sleep. Very few are scared to do so, eventho' REM might bring us dreams more horrible than any reality. But we accept it, because it's not final. We can wake up.
The "paranormal" shows, Silvia Brown, Edwards, Van Praagh(sp),etc., all prey on our most primal fear and insist that, after you die, you wake up. And the afterlife is void of imperfection. Religion does the same.
So, inherently, these ghost busting shows and the psychic shows are vile, but far be it for me to tell people that reality and science is a happier pill to swallow. I'll die knowing that I'll be turned to ashes and forgotten. In a sad way, I almost envy those who keep themselves engulfed in fairytale and resistance of reality.
But my problem is that the Paranormal investigators, Browns, Edwards, priests, Imams and preachers take these people's money...all of their money. And, at some point, preying on the hopeless, desperate and ignorant becomes near criminal.
I can't go on TV and sell you a Lima bean that cures AIDS, but I can create an entire network that insists that, if you send me your life savings, AIDS will be cured by God. It's disgusting. Psychics, clerics and ghost busters are not that different.