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What do you think of my new pics?? By Crissy Moran

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mcrocket said:
I wonder why guys (and I have been guilty of this many times myself) constantly feel the need to tell a physically attractive woman who obviously gets complimented - directly or indirectly - about 100 times a day that she is gorgeous?
Do we really think she is not aware of it?

And I also wonder (and I have been guilty of THIS also) why we guys assume that just becuase we are nuts about or 'in love' with a woman we see; why we assume that they will have any interest in us whatsoever?

I dunno. We must be (again, myself included) an over confident bunch.

Now I do not know Miss Moran personally at all. In fact, I am probably one of her least favourite people on here. But if I were physically gorgeous (like her or other 'babes' on this site) I would want someone who is equally gorgeous. Or at least bloody close.
But like I said; I do not know her personally at all.

I'm just thinking outloud.
Ok, allow me to be a non-conformist:

Crissy, your tits look fucked up. They look nice when covered up, or hanging downward (as in doggystyle), but fucked up any other way. You need to sue your plastic surgeon. Hopefully you got enought money by now to get that shit fixed. Find a different doctor. I dont care if the first guy gives you a discont for being a repeat customer.

Sometimes you do that little squinty-eyed thing in a lot of sets. Stop that shit, it's irritating.

The whole short, bell-curve hairstyle looks retarded.

Tell your goddamn photographers to get you a pair of shoes that fit.
One size does not fit all.

One more thing: Brick red is not your color.


Closed Account
In-4-mant said:
Ok, allow me to be a non-conformist:

Crissy, your tits look fucked up. They look nice when covered up, or hanging downward (as in doggystyle), but fucked up any other way. You need to sue your plastic surgeon. Hopefully you got enought money by now to get that shit fixed. Find a different doctor. I dont care if the first guy gives you a discont for being a repeat customer.

Sometimes you do that little squinty-eyed thing in a lot of sets. Stop that shit, it's irritating.

The whole short, bell-curve hairstyle looks retarded.

Tell your goddamn photographers to get you a pair of shoes that fit.
One size does not fit all.

One more thing: Brick red is not your color.


1. Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act without offending

BTW your a bad-ass because you make fun of a model on a web-forum :thumbsup: I wish I was cool like you. <-- That's sarcasm if you didn't catch it.

You look great Chrissy. Your smile always makes me smile :wave:
T A C T !
yeesh that's pretty damn harsh but eh like crissy said to each their own
crissy you look fucking gorgeous no question about it face, tits, ass and all! :nanner:

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It's good to be the king...
He went through all that effort just to post that? :dunno: Try focusing on the people you do like.

BTW I like the new avatar Crissy. :nanner:
In-4-mant, you've just hurt Crissy's feelings - she plays a role by posting "to each his own," but she is a very sensitive woman and your mean-spirited words were unwarranted and unkind, to say the least.

Do you feel better about yourself after tearing into someone as you did? Are you a better person for having done so?

No. You're the same guy you were before, but NOW you've pissed off many people by making such a hateful, shitty, bitter, overly-confrontational and critical post. I've seen some of your other negative posts about other topics and didn't bother to comment on them because well, honestly, you don't seem inclined in any way to open your mind.

This hits me personally, though. You've insulted Crissy, a friend of mine, and I won't sit here and let you run your mouth about her like that without replying.

Be respectful of/towards others, please. You're more than welcome to voice your opinions here, but there's absolutely no need to start tossing "insult grenades" around here. It's neither in the spirit and tenor of this message board, nor is it productive.

Voice your opinions, but be respectful. In NO WAY did Crissy ever personally criticize you, nor did she earn any of the nasty little jabs you took at her. Crissy, unlike many other porn and fashion models, has recently been and is still very open about her breast augmentation/implants and her dissatisfaction with them. There was absolutely no need, in light of her openness, to shove her face in the sand as you did, In-4-mant.

I hope you feel better. :2 cents:
+1 on Nightfly's post!

I can't believe what I just read. You don't like Crissy, then fine, but is it really necessary to post a bunch of hateful shit about her? Weak, really weak. Crissy has no obligation to post on the Internet and share her beauty with free pics. We are lucky to have her IMO. I think she looks damn hot.

I don't think this thread has any business for side conversation anyhow, and that's how this fucked up post started.

By the way, I've seen many models and porn stars leave forums because of crap like this. You may not care if certain girls leave, but others will follow suit if this BS pervades the forum. At least have the respect to let the users enjoy what these girls post.

Crissy - I hope you don't leave.
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in-4-mant :ban: Chrissy :bowdown: Your smile is a thing of beauty... :angels:
In-4-mant, WTF is ur problem?
Crissy never did ANYTHING bad to you, never said anything bad to you. If don't like her fine no problem there but come on give some damn respect to her! If someone bashed your favorite pornstar you would be doing the same thing. Don't ever try to say you wouldn't cause you would be lieing to yourself.

BTW, We love you Crissy!


Closed Account
In-4-mant said:
Ok, allow me to be a non-conformist:

Crissy, your tits look fucked up. They look nice when covered up, or hanging downward (as in doggystyle), but fucked up any other way. You need to sue your plastic surgeon. Hopefully you got enought money by now to get that shit fixed. Find a different doctor. I dont care if the first guy gives you a discont for being a repeat customer.

Sometimes you do that little squinty-eyed thing in a lot of sets. Stop that shit, it's irritating.

The whole short, bell-curve hairstyle looks retarded.

Tell your goddamn photographers to get you a pair of shoes that fit.
One size does not fit all.

One more thing: Brick red is not your color.

WTFWTF? In4mant, man you are surely one of those picky, snobby, complaining jackasses who has to have everything perfect or they start to whine like whores. I met guys like you in HS who talk about women the same way you do and none of them had friends. Take a social class and then try to get a life instead directly insulting a beautiful woman.

And from experience, I am going to make the guess that you are under 18 because I haven't heard anyone speak of a woman this way in a very long time.

PS: Crissy, I know I don't have to tell you, but just ignore this loser. And I love the faces you make. They sure make me smile everytime. :)


First I want to say that even though my post apparently gave this guy the incentive to post this (below); I just want to say that I do not know this guy at all and did not wish for my post to encourage this....


I do not have a huge problem with what this guy typed. I have a problem with the WAY he typed it. It is almost if he was trying to be mean. Of that he was enjoying it. That I do not like. But...

In-4-mant said:
Ok, allow me to be a non-conformist:

Crissy, your tits look fucked up. They look nice when covered up, or hanging downward (as in doggystyle), but fucked up any other way. You need to sue your plastic surgeon. Hopefully you got enought money by now to get that shit fixed. Find a different doctor. I dont care if the first guy gives you a discont for being a repeat customer.

The term 'fucked up'. Is there no bloody way he couldn't have thought of another term then that? I think he was just trying to feel important like he can talk down to a pornstar.
But, by her own admission, she is not happy with her implants and has expressed it at least twice on this site.
If he had replaced 'not quite right to me' for 'fucked up'; then I would have little problem with it. Or even 'the left(?) one looks a little off from certain angles'; I would have no problem with the statement. I mean, maybe he didn't read the part where she commented about her dissatisfaction about her one breast.
On the other hand; it sounds like you/he does not know women very well. Don't you think that a woman who lives off of her looks and has the industry status that Crissy Moran has would realize every tiny flaw that she has. Maybe guys are pigs or blind to their own deficiencies. But women ARE NOT. They notice the little things. Especially the more attractive ones. If you knew alot of reasonably attractive women and paid ANY attention to them at all; you would know that.
And besides. If you were REALLY trying to help her by informing her of something she wasen't aware of; why the fuck would you say it that way?
(I guess I have more of a problem with it then I first thought)
You'd make a great doctor:

Patient: What are the test results doc?
Doctor In-4-mant: What are you kidding? You're fucked.

So either you have no sensitivity at all when trying to help someone. Or you were trying to feel big by talking bad about her. If it's the former; smarten up. ANd if it's the latter - shut up. Blow off your stress on yourself or a punching bag. Not another human being.

Sometimes you do that little squinty-eyed thing in a lot of sets. Stop that shit, it's irritating.
Poor Crissy. I tell her she bug eyes too much. You tell her she's squinting. She can't win (not that our 2 opinions mean much).
1) I have NO idea what you are talking about the squinting thing. Not a clue. I just went and looked at a bunch of her pics and I don't see any squinting (I feel kinda bad for making my comment now - lol). Except maybe on outdoor shots where it's really bright! I think you dead wrong on that one.
2) You typed 'Stop that shit'. I have one thing to say about that - who the fuck are you to tell another human being what to do?
Ask? Fine.
Order? This ain't the military.
She's a human being man. Not a toy.

The whole short, bell-curve hairstyle looks retarded.
There is that great bed side manner of yours again. It looks retarded? That doesn't even say anything. At least in the thing about her breasts you described your problem with her in detail. But what the fuck is that? Retarded. WHat do you not like about it? Why is it 'retarded'?
Sounds like another power tripping sentence to me.
Besides you are wrong if 'retarded' means bad. I hate to compliment gorgeous women but she has a fairly close to perfect face. Especially straight on she has the kind of facial features that bad hair will not hurt much (imo). Some people need certain hair styles or their looks noticeably suffer. Hers just change a bit. So she cannot lok retarded because of any hairstyle (all other things being equal). Not possible (imo).
Different hair styles look better on her. But I see no evidence that a particular one would make her look retarded.

Tell your goddamn photographers to get you a pair of shoes that fit.
One size does not fit all.

Sounds like power tripping again but I don't give a shit about shoes so I have NO idea if yoiu or right or wrong.

One more thing: Brick red is not your color.

Why is it not her colour? And if it IS that obvious to you; don't you think SHE knows it already.
That line sounds like it's from a jealous woman.
Another power tripping line - sounds like.

Next time you are going to correct someone's flaws, try to be remotely helpful.
And if you were just power tripping...please don't. Not to anybody. That kind of weak, internet bullying-so-I-can-raise-my-ego-shit is for wimps. You just make yourself look pathetic.

But....I DO have two problems with the responses here - though many were from people I personally have noteworthy respect for on here.

1) I have no proof. But I bet you if I looked at every post anyone who posted in Crissy Moran's defence; I bet you I would find plenty of insulting remarks about various models or other people. The only difference is that Crissy posts on here and she is a babe - thusly you want to know her better. The others you either do not know; or do not want to know. But some of you will insult them.
With as much power tripping as In-4-mant was using? Some of you no. Some of you maybe. Some of you yes.
I have a problem with that. See I believe that everybody is equal. Everybody.
I am stimulated by Crissy Moran's exterior as much as most. But I believe I treat her little or no different then anyone else (except maybe one time when I was in a bad mood or something; I can't remember what was up then). Why? Because she is no better or worse then anybody else.
My point is (FUCK is this a long post - even for me, sorry) if she wasen't a babe and/or on here regularily and/or many of you didn't have crushes on her; some of you wouldn't help her for a second (imo) (I have a crush on her exterior. Not her personality. I don't know her personally at all. Yeah, she's nice on here. Very nice. Every model that is trying to make money is nice on here - to varying degrees. Ms. Moran just seems to be a smarter business woman then most others. SHe may be a saint. She maybe a bitch. I cannot know unless I knew her personally. I will just assume she is nuetral until I have evidence to the contrary. And hard evidence, not heresay - no offense Nightfly. And that goes for every human being.).
But some of you will talk about some other models that don't post here very similar to the way In-4-mant did.
It is certainly understandable. And even commendable to defend someone you know (although she is not a fragile little bunny rabbit. She is a full grown woman. Some of you made it sound like she was going to collapse or something. If she is THAT fragile; I think she really should find another career).
I just wish you people would think about the feelings of those you talk shit about that you don't know. Whether they post on here or not.
It's easy to talk shit about someone when you know they will never hear it.

I sound like a fucking priest.

and 2) although I think his comments really sucked. It was nice to read someone say something other then "I love you Crissy'.
1) You don't know her. So you cannot love her. Though you can love her exterior, I suppose. Or at least, the way it looks/
and 2) I REALLY hope that those of you that so freely throw around the 'L' word so easily to near total strangers; throw it around as freely to those you really do love. ESPECIALLY those of you that have children!


Oh well. Compared to most of you I am. Well, that explains it. :)

sermin over.

Well. one more thing..and to those that might say that I was trying to suck up to Crissy Moran by what I said above, I disagree.
I tried to defend Maxell the other day just as strongly then as I am doing now - in my opinion.

McRocket! Flying from thread to thread. Righting wrongs! Defending the weak! Providing justice for all!!!

'Ah shut up you middle aged, drug addicted, pathetically idealistic, loud mouthed, talk all fucking day, full of himself, hypocrit. Go back on crack and stop pissing on our fun on Freeones.'

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hahaha what a pissing contest! see how one hot woman can turn every guy into an idiot? self included. but if you look up and down this post we're all jus flexin the brawn, look how smart we are. hell, just a bunch of guys who like to see naked girls. pretty ones. some of us are ass holes, but look at the posts its funny!!!!!
zyzaxmilan said:
WOW is all i can say

Well, it may not be the smartest thing ever said for someone's first post, but welcome to the "Not getting banned on my first post" club.


Official Checked Star Member
Hey guys...

Don't worry I won't let one persons bad social manners run me off the forum. I made a post in the CrissyM/CrissyMoran thread about my status on the new boobs.

As for what mrcrocket said about me being fragile.... I am a woman and I do make my living off my looks. I have a boyfriend who is in the fitness industry. I am more critical of myself than any of you could ever be. I know my flaws. I could point out things none of you may have ever noticed! I don't mind criticism but as some others have said use some tact. It is not helpful to try and publicly embarrass someone. None of us are perfect and if you are please post your nude pic and I guarantee you that we can find something wrong.

As for my hair styles... I do not have the short hairstyle anymore. I liked it a couple of years ago for a change and so did a lot of my fans. I now have long hair past my shoulders and am growing it back out. Not for my fans but for me. I prefer long hair and always have.

It is odd to me how someone who doesn't like me really has studied my pictures so well.

I wish all of you a great weekend!



CrissyMoran said:
As for what mrcrocket said about me being fragile.... !


Well, I typed that you weren't fragile. Not that you are.
Jeez. One very long speech and one of the points I thought I was quite clear on and it's STILL misinterpreted. Oh well.

And kudos for telling us you have a boyfriend. Some in your line of work like to keep those facts secret to keep the illusion of attainability with the fans. I REALLY respect that you obviously don't.
Hope it works out.
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