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What do you think of my new pics?? By Crissy Moran

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CrissyMoran said:
So are you saying that I became more popular on freeones due to my postings? I haven't even posted any messages in like a month or something maybe longer I haven't checked. Mcrocket... there are girls who post on here a lot more frequently than I do who might not even be in the top 10 searched names. There are also girls on here who NEVER post here who ARE in the top 10. I am guessing that the reason my name might be searched so frequently might be because people know I always have something new to look at because I do contribute free galleries quite a bit. Everyone enjoys free stuff.. do they not? My name was on the top porn list before I ever even posted ONE message here... there was even a thread with my name at the top of it already made before I ever looked at this site so I am sorry to say but you MIGHT be wrong in your assumptions.

What I meant was all the chatting you do with your fans is why I think you are so popular. They clearly respond to and appreciate it. I think it is an approach that more models should take.
That is what I meant. You seemed to take it as an insult. Why, I have no idea. But unintentionally pissing people off seems to be a habit with me..so be it.

As far as me being genuine... think what you want. You seem to always play the devil's advocate. I am genuine but by me saying so isn't going to change your perception. I regularly post messages to my fans on my yahoo group and myspace page. I answer emails when I can (although as of lately I haven't been on it so much). I have developed personal chat relationships with some fans.... some have lasted for years... some a few months. There would be no way I can share all of myself with all of my fans all the time but I do the best I can to let my fans get to know me.

I am not positive what that old saying means - the devil's advocate. But if you are suggesting that I am a pessimist. Then you are absolutely right. At the very least; I am a glass-is-half-empty kind of guy.
And as far as believing someone just because they say something. Especially when they are on the job? No, I will not. I believe something when I have proof. One way or another. I have not called you a liar. I simply said - though why I did escapes me at present - that I do not believe anything I read just because you or some other model wrote it.
You should know that women in your profession will SOMETIMES say whatever it takes go ply their trade. They are salespersons. And they are their product. And that is fine. But as a consumer - if you will - I am free to not believe what these sales persons are selling. Though you seem more sincere then any I can remember. You really do.
And it has been my experience over the years to never assume a sales person - no matter what they are selling - is not exaggerating or even lieing to make a sale.
I see nothing wrong with that belief.
But you are right. It is negative or a devil's advocate.

But I would rather be that way then coming on here and saying goofy things like 'I love you Crissy'. Or 'If we meet, watch out. I will make you mine.'
You may think it's cute. I think it is sad. And possibly dangerous.
So I appreciate your physical atributes. Your apparent honesty about your personal life (which I said I believed btw), and you making these comments in a rational fashion.
But I reserve the right to believe what I wish. As long as I am not insulting you - I see nothing wrong with it. Other then it hurts the general ambiance of this thread. Which I realize. And why I typed before that I will budd out of this thread for a while and take my blunt opinions with me.
I do not wish to harm your business.

On the subject of my makeup... I have done shoots with a lot of eyeliner and shoots with a more natural look. I like both looks. I am not limiting myself to any ONE way of doing my makeup. If you saw my freeone's T-shirt shots you can clearly see that I have very light makeup on. I have used my roomate who is a makeup artist in a lot of my newer shoots just because he blends and applies the makeup with more precision than I can. Plus it takes the work off of me when I am shooting. I like to just chill before my shoots and not have to worry about makeup.

With all of that being said... I am not perfect... my body is not... my face is not.... my personailty is not... We are all flawed in one way or another and that is just how it is. I am thankful that there are people who accept my flaws and still love me for who I am (or for their perception of me). I can sit here and point out my flaws all day lol but I won't! I may be my biggest critic.

Upon reflection. I wish I had kept my mouth - or fingers - shut in the makeup thing. That was just a stupid suggestion on my part.
As I PM'd to your buddy Nightfly - after what you said about your personal life. I worry about you more then other models on here. No biggie. Just one human being concerned for another. So I would like to see you do well quickly. You do not seem like a typical porn actress. And I hope you get the cash you need and get on to something else fast.
But you will probably be slightly offended by even that.
So I will stop bugging you and typing on this thread. And I hope things are much better for you in your personal life.

And just for the record. Unlike most guys on here. I don't 'love' you. I don't want to marry you. Or have sex with you or get you to pose certain ways for me. Or wear certain clothes. Or generally act like a sex robot. You seem too human to me now. I see a person more then a 'babe'. (not that I haven't felt that way about other models in the past. I am as pigish as many on here. Maybe more so.)
But I do think you are one of the two or three most physically attractive women anywhere in the adult entertainment industry.

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though you are not exactly my type (you are of course a very beautiful lady and that b/w pic here is the best I've ever seen of you) you have just gained a lot of my respect with your well-written, utterly intelligent and very polite reply to mcrocket's post. I may be biased but I'd bet a reasonable amount that not many porn stars / nude models would be capable of making such an outstanding post. Hats off, Crissy. :hatsoff:


Official Checked Star Member
Oh one more thing I forgot to address. I do know Nightfly quite well actually. We have spent hours chatting online and I am even helping him with something in his personal life.

I am done now..


mcrocket said:
Fair enough.
But I was not meaning to actually inquire into your personal relationship with Crissy is.

Ah forget it...I'll just PM you.

suffice is to say. I am not going to assume somebody is a certain way just because somebody else says they are.
I wouldn't assume she is bad if you told me she was. And I am not going to assume the opposite either.
I assume she is a human being. And an equal. And that is it until I have unbiased proof to the contrary. And that is the way I would hope people would judge me.


CrissyMoran said:
Oh one more thing I forgot to address. I do know Nightfly quite well actually. We have spent hours chatting online and I am even helping him with something in his personal life.

I am done now..


Message understood.

Don't worry. Unless someone comments on this thread about something I said or asks me something. I will not post here again.

Take care.
Well I don`t want to judge other people`s mental or any other capabilities beforehands just based on their profession or stuff like that.
But I must say that this thread have gained Chrissy a lot of whole new kind of respect among us porn fans.Not only for her looks and stuff she does before that camera -we already knew that- but she clearly has shown she is very smart and nice person too.

So yeah,I`m with you here Vegas Yankee,hats off to Chrissy :hatsoff:

EDIT:OOPS looks a bit out of place now as a couple of posts came in between my post and Mr.Vegas Yankee`s post.But this was meant to be right after Vegas Yankee`s last post over there...in case someone is wondering what the he** am I trying to say here :)
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OMG..Crissy, you look so sexy with those glasses on. :D Is that from a new shoot? I don't think I've ever seen you with glasses on before!

Thanks for sharing that beautiful pic with the rest of us. :)


Official Checked Star Member
Yes, that shot is from a new shoot. I haven't posted them anywhere yet still working on getting them web ready. I recently had LASIK surgery (last Friday) and I had to wear my glasses for a week prior so I shot in them a little. The set starts off in the glasses then I take them off and get in the shower. I am still planning to shoot in them again for future shoots.... I want to do a sexy secretary set still.

Glad you guys like the shot. Here are more from the same set without my glasses.





Josado said:
OMG..Crissy, you look so sexy with those glasses on. :D Is that from a new shoot? I don't think I've ever seen you with glasses on before!

Thanks for sharing that beauiful pic with the rest of us. :)
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You're truly wonderful, Crissy, and I thank you for your helping me personally and also (on a horny note) for the years of sexy pics and vids!

Keep going, girl!!! Things can only get hotter for you!!! :nanner: :banana:

P.S. Love the glasses and shower shoot!!!!! Hot! :rubbel:
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CrissyMoran said:
Oh one more thing I forgot to address. I do know Nightfly quite well actually. We have spent hours chatting online and I am even helping him with something in his personal life.

I am done now..


:eek: Very sexy pics, as always, Crissy! I'm a big fan of your work!:bowdown:
I'm proud to say that I too know Nightfly quite well and think the world of him! He's a hell of guy with a big heart and I am honored to be able to call him "freind"!

Love the pics sweetheart! Keep them comin'! ;)
Per Crissy's request, I'm posting/hosting the pics that wouldn't show above. Bad hosting issues before...

VERY hot stuff, Crissy!
:nanner: :)


Nightfly said:
Per Crissy's request, I'm posting/hosting the pics that wouldn't show above. Bad hosting issues before...

VERY hot stuff, Crissy!
:nanner: :)
WOW! :eek: Nothing like some good clean fun!
Thanks, Fiy! You're da man! :bowdown:
*breathless* :eek: Omg..that is the sexiest set I've seen of you, Crissy. I love the Black and White look of them, and the glasses is an added bonus! Very, very beautiful.

And as far as that sexy secretary photo shoot you want to do, I can't wait! I love the secretary look, and I know you will look scorchin'! ;)
well i like you with long hair... gives u a very classy look... NB i am saying this in a non-gay way. :)
hey, check this out, lets launch an "agony aunt" for freeones, and you will be the agony aunt?
Jenna Jameson did this for a while for UK FHM
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