What do you think about union jobs?

I blame unions for the downfall of this country, striking over the stupidest things, driving businesses to look abroad for easier employees. And they're no longer needed in Europe anyway, as there are so many worker rights these days.

Also, the last time a rep encouraged me to join a union and I said no, he replied "Fuck you then, I hope you break your leg". I don't want to be associated with people who have that attitude. :wave2:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I blame unions for the downfall of this country, striking over the stupidest things, driving businesses to look abroad for easier employees. And they're no longer needed in Europe anyway, as there are so many worker rights these days.

Also, the last time a rep encouraged me to join a union and I said no, he replied "Fuck you then, I hope you break your leg". I don't want to be associated with people who have that attitude. :wave2:
So the bankers had nothing to do with it then?
So Maggie Thatcher crushed the unions, sold WMD to Saddam, sold every money making business to the yanks and enacted free-market economics (inevitably leading to a market crash and pushing the country to it's knees) and increased the gap between rich and poor by 20%.
You STILL think the unions are the cause of the countries problems? Think again.

Unions should STOP businesses looking abroad for easier employees.
They're still needed in Europe; employer abuse of employees is still widespread.

Remember htat without the unions, the employers would be employing you as a slave.

Do you really believe all union workers are like that?


Postal Paranoiac
I have one. I am a delegate. And unions are the last bastion to prevent corporations from returning to the labor exploiting practices common in the early part of the Twentieth century.
I have one. I am a delegate. And unions are the last bastion to prevent corporations from returning to the labor exploiting practices common in the early part of the Twentieth century.

What flavor is the coolaid that you're drinking? Because with the flow of information, advocacy groups by the millions, vulturous labor lawyers, our country's transformation to almost completely a service economy...our economy, our country, our rules, our laws are NOTHING like they were 100 years ago when unions were relevant.

Now unions are one of the last bastions responsible for the downfall of the US manufacturing economy, General Motors bankruptcy, multiple Chrysler bankruptcies, nepotism, seniority based promotions rather than merit based, a company's complete inability to dismiss disruptive and non productive employees, and millions of workers being strong armed into paying union dues for a union that which those workers KNOW do not represent their interests.

Unions merely exist to perpetuate themselves, harass, intimidate, and give their employees useless jobs. As a delegate, you should know that the most.


Unions merely exist to perpetuate themselves, harass, intimidate, and give their employees useless jobs.
^SHHhhh! Be vewy vewy quiet! Don't let that get out! Hushy Hush hush! They were perfectly satisfied until YOU had to come along..... :mad:


I have one. I am a delegate. And unions are the last bastion to prevent corporations from returning to the labor exploiting practices common in the early part of the Twentieth century.

The deficit spending government wouldn't dare short change their employees like the greedy profit making private sector... so why is there a need for the SCIU ?


Postal Paranoiac
What flavor is the coolaid that you're drinking? Because with the flow of information, advocacy groups by the millions, vulturous labor lawyers, our country's transformation to almost completely a service economy...our economy, our country, our rules, our laws are NOTHING like they were 100 years ago when unions were relevant.

Now unions are one of the last bastions responsible for the downfall of the US manufacturing economy, General Motors bankruptcy, multiple Chrysler bankruptcies, nepotism, seniority based promotions rather than merit based, a company's complete inability to dismiss disruptive and non productive employees, and millions of workers being strong armed into paying union dues for a union that which those workers KNOW do not represent their interests.

Unions merely exist to perpetuate themselves, harass, intimidate, and give their employees useless jobs. As a delegate, you should know that the most.

The unions are such a small and underrepresented portion of the total work force as to make your argument ridiculous. And the greedy corporations continue their assaults on working families today, with consolidation downsizing and exporting jobs--a practice even non-union corporations regularly indulge in--commonplace. Do you seriously think the average non-union job throughout the years would be enjoying a decent standard of living today? Do you really believe that corporations are so noble that in the absence of unions they would never send jobs to Mexico? Wake up.


Postal Paranoiac
^SHHhhh! Be vewy vewy quiet! Don't let that get out! Hushy Hush hush! They were perfectly satisfied until YOU had to come along..... :mad:


The deficit spending government wouldn't dare short change their employees like the greedy profit making private sector... so why is there a need for the SCIU ?

Except that the Postal Service is self-perpetuating. Newspapers are inexpensive, by the way. We're in the mess we're in because of greed. America enjoyed a pretty lively existence before competition and expenses raised the corporate white flag. It was post-war, and American corporations were raking in so much fucking $ they didn't give a damn whether Americans owned a car or an oxcart. But when Japan and a rebuilt--thanks to us--Europe began to flex its economic muscle, American jobs began to be even less valuable in the bigwigs' eyes. Check your history books.
If I lose my job, I keep 90% of my salary while I'm unemployed and looking for a new job... thanks to the unions.

Seriously, americans are the weirdest kind of poeple, thinking it's wrong to have a safety net that catches you when you are down on your luck and get sick, lose a job or similar. That's just fuckin' insane.

At the same time, they still demand that police, fire servcies, the postal office and the military be up to snuff.

Unions have outlived their usefulness. There are some good ideas still incorporated in unions, but there are many bad ideas as well.
I blame unions for the downfall of this country, striking over the stupidest things, driving businesses to look abroad for easier employees.
Come to France for a few monthes or year. Back in England the unions you got in your country will seem not so bad...

French unions are probably the worst in the world when it comes to ruin business. French unions put the train drivers, teachers, nurses, socioal security and everything they can on strike just because they heard that the government may soon vote a new law that could not pleased them :facepalm:
Unions were important in the past... now they just breed mediocrity at expensive rates.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I can't believe I'm seeing so much anti-union opinion.
Turkeys, Christmas anyone? :facepalm: I give up. Go into the long dark night.
I blame unions for the downfall of this country, striking over the stupidest things, driving businesses to look abroad for easier employees. And they're no longer needed in Europe anyway, as there are so many worker rights these days.

Also, the last time a rep encouraged me to join a union and I said no, he replied "Fuck you then, I hope you break your leg". I don't want to be associated with people who have that attitude. :wave2:

Its not the union doing this its the big companys that want to make more money so the send it overseas to make it cheap the union job stay here for the most part the fight for job to stay in the USA


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Here in Germany, the other union - politic parties and top management - have fucked the workers big time. Something like two decades of cutting off money out of our pockets, not raising wages, while prices rise and rise, millions of workers have to rely on having their jobs sponsored by welfare because otherwise they could not live on the shitty pay.

This is the dark version of socialism. In this case, all the money drifts to the ceiling, while the low rankers have less and less.

And the richest don't actually pay any taxes, the can afford good advisers that make them get around having to cough up real payment. When you realize what big companies pay per year, you feel like grab an AK 47.

Too bad the unions have gone soft and don't really fight back.

Some small, specialized unions, like pilots or train drivers can cut better deals - they can't be replaced so easily.

Others are not as lucky