What Did You Do Last Night Instead Of Watching The Oscars?

I watched Impact Wrestling from Friday, downloaded some NES games on my new Nintendo 3DS XL, and had to tend to a spill and broken down stem and bowl for my bong also retrieving a new down stem and bowl for my bong.
Watched Stripes and Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan

What do you think of our Hollywood Circle Jerk fest in the France? Buncha phonies getting awards making courageously safe and poll-tested acceptance speeches. I gave up on the Academy Awards when Michael Rooker was snubbed for Best Actor in the 1986 film Henry, Portrait Of A Serial Killer. He made Merle from Walking Dead look like a Social Justice Warrior in that deal. Chilling performance.



Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Bob's Burgers, The Simpsons, Brooklyn 99 and the NFL Combine were all far more compelling.
What do you think of our Hollywood Circle Jerk fest in the France? Buncha phonies getting awards making courageously safe and poll-tested acceptance speeches. I gave up on the Academy Awards when Michael Rooker was snubbed for Best Actor in the 1986 film Henry, Portrait Of A Serial Killer. He made Merle from Walking Dead look like a Social Justice Warrior in that deal. Chilling performance.

I know too little about the Oscars to give my opinion about it. The only thing I would say is that if a movie is awarded "Best Picture", "Best Director" "Best Actor" or "Best Actress", it must be a good movie, a worth-watching movie.
Here, we have the Cesars, which happen to be 2 days before the Oscars (Oscars are on Sunday, Cesars are on Friday) and my opinion about it is that it is too elitist, the awards usullay go to movie that have been acclaimed by the critics but that did not drawn many people in theaters.
This year, the movie that got the most award was Timbuktu (wich was nominated for Best Foreign Picture at your Oscars).

And no, I di not watch the Cesars, I watched a soccer game on another channel, I just googled the result on sunday morning
I know too little about the Oscars to give my opinion about it. The only thing I would say is that if a movie is awarded "Best Picture", "Best Director" "Best Actor" or "Best Actress", it must be a good movie, a worth-watching movie.
Here, we have the Cesars, which happen to be 2 days before the Oscars (Oscars are on Sunday, Cesars are on Friday) and my opinion about it is that it is too elitist, the awards usullay go to movie that have been acclaimed by the critics but that did not drawn many people in theaters.
This year, the movie that got the most award was Timbuktu (wich was nominated for Best Foreign Picture at your Oscars).

I'm proud to say I know less than you about this year's Oscar line-up.

Did Martyrs win anything at the Cesar's? Great film. See it if you haven't. You guys over there had a nice run of Horror for a bit.

Is it a myth that the French love Jerry Lewis?
No, Martyrs didn't won anything. Horror movies are never awarded.
And YES it is a myth, we barely know him


Closed Account
Watched Bar Rescue
No, Martyrs didn't won anything. Horror movies are never awarded.
And YES it is a myth, we barely know him

Horror usually doesn't get any positive traction at our awards shows either. Buncha racists bigoted against a genre. Damn Horrorphobes.

I'm glad the Jerry Lewis love wasn't true. Probably don't have a velvet painting of Gérard Depardieu in the entry way of your home either.

BTW, have you seen High Tension, Frontiers, Inside, or Martyrs? If you like Horror I highly recommend those. I don't know why I haven't seen any recent Horror from France after that cluster of greatness.
Planned, Conceived, Delivered and put a kid thru College during the never ending telecast

I also watched on DVR the GREAT 30-for-30 on ESPN about the Miracle on Ice from the Russian P.O.V. and it was excellent