What are you playing on your guitar,drums or bass right now?

I play the guitar (lead & rythm guitar) sine I was a kid. I also play the harmonica (blues harp) flute and key-boards. I have never tried to play drums. I have my own family, brothers, cosuins local band as part time band. I play the bass guitar and blow the harmonica (like Bob Dylan).
This is challenging to pull off....5150 by Van Halen, on guitar of course. Eddie puts his soul into the sound of that intro and the whole guitar arrangement.One of my fav guitar intro's ever.

You have to put everything he's doing into moveable shapes. I used to think it was impossible years ago when I first started playing and didnt bother with it but its a matter of studying it and making it happen. Never be afraid or think you cant do something like this. Its really not that bad as long as your hand doesnt go numb from all the strange patterns and 50 double stops he does....lol
That's a great song and a terrific riff to boot!
If you can, I'm sure there are many of us who would like to see that. Dang that's a good idea, I think I'll hop on that tune soon enough too. Good call. :thumbsup:

I would gladly make a video of that ala how people do lessons and stuff like that on youtube,however,I have no video recording device. I'm not really into camcorders and all that stuff. I dont even own a camera cause I dont have children,there's no reason to.

If you jump on it and you need tips on how to pull it off hit me up and I'll give you makeshift tab on here.....