Family mutates into a three piece suite
Doctors are said to be baffled by the appearance of fresh milk on their doorsteps and by the strange mutation of a family into a comfy three-piece suite.
John Bilgepump and his wife Hilda, along with thier son Simon are being sat on by a team of specialist roadsweepers in a field just north of Nottingham.
A spokesman for the Blind Association said "I can't see much resemblance to furniture myself...mind you I was born blind, so that might explain it"
A doctor treating the family said "we are trying our best to get free chocolate bars out of our vending machine and in our spare time we are inviting tramps in off the street to sit on the famly"
The family is hoping that a cure can be found for stupitidy, but in the meantime they are happy to lounge around in a lounge and have their cushions puffed up every day.
"the family will stay here until they become worn out" said a talking teabag, "in the meantime their situation is comfortable"
Doctors are said to be baffled by the appearance of fresh milk on their doorsteps and by the strange mutation of a family into a comfy three-piece suite.
John Bilgepump and his wife Hilda, along with thier son Simon are being sat on by a team of specialist roadsweepers in a field just north of Nottingham.
A spokesman for the Blind Association said "I can't see much resemblance to furniture myself...mind you I was born blind, so that might explain it"
A doctor treating the family said "we are trying our best to get free chocolate bars out of our vending machine and in our spare time we are inviting tramps in off the street to sit on the famly"
The family is hoping that a cure can be found for stupitidy, but in the meantime they are happy to lounge around in a lounge and have their cushions puffed up every day.
"the family will stay here until they become worn out" said a talking teabag, "in the meantime their situation is comfortable"