Week-long heatwave set to hit UK

Its so horribly hot here. 29C in my area. I am stuck in doors to avoid the oppressive heat. So lethargic, I cant even be bothered to watch porn.
I can't fucking wait for the summer in England to proper kick in. I don't care if you Texans boast about your heat, over here your 'spring' feels like the Amazonas to us. The rarity of it makes us truly appreciate it, 'cos once it's gone, we have nothing but grey and drizzly bleakness to 'look forward to'. :mad:

Main problem is that I'm working 1.00pm - 9.00pm for seven days straight, starting Wednesday, thereby relieving me of any possible possibility of having several cold pints under the heat of the beautiful sun...

Bastard. :bawling: