Video Games you have beaten many times(100% or just the story side)

Silent Hill 2 (3)
Mass Effect (3)
Resident Evil 1-3 (Lost count)
Knights of the Old Republic - 7
Jade Empire - 3
Morrowind - 3
Halo - 4
Halo 2 - 5
Gears of War - 3
Gears of War 2 - 2
Halo 3 - 3
Halo Reach: 2
Mass Effect - 3
Mass Effect 2 -6
Dragon Age - 3
Oblivion - 3
Silent Hill a shitload.
Fallout 3 a shitload.
All the guitar heros/rock bands in every difficulty on every instrument.


Postal Paranoiac
Final Fantasy Legend II for the original Gameboy. I've beaten it with four monsters AND four robots...and it weren't easy.
River City Ransom. When I was a kid I had a contest with my brother to see who could finish it more. I lost count after about 215 times from start to finish.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I think I need to beat MGS more, only in the 30's.


For the EMPEROR!!
Black, many times, Tomb Raider Underworld, Gears of War 2, heaps of times
Sports, puzzle, fighting, and racing games aside, as well as old Atari, NES, and SNES games...

Super Mario 64 (3 times)
GoldenEye 007 (too many times to count)
Star Fox 64 (4 or 5 times)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (3 times)
Body Harvest (2 times)
Banjo-Kazooie (2 times)
Perfect Dark (3 or 4 times)
Rainbow Six (2 times)
Age of Empires (2 times)
Age of Empires II (3 times)
Pokemon Blue (2 times)
Freedom Fighters (4 times)
TimeSplitters 2 (3 times)
TimeSplitters Future Perfect (2 times)
Hitman 2 (3 or 4 times)
Hitman: Contracts (2 times)
Hitman: Blood Money (3 times)
Grand Theft Auto III (2 times)
Splinter Cell (3 times)
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (2 times)
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (3 times)
Splinter Cell: Double Agent (2 times)
Resident Evil 4 (2 times)
Bully (2 times)
The Simpsons Game (2 times)
Battlefield: Bad Company (2 times)
Fable II (3 times)
wow some good memory's there !

Used to play Super Mario World on the SNES over and over, there would be a few of us with some tinnies on the go. Play till you die then pass the controller over to the next man, that big ship at the end was a proper bitch !

Also Goldeneye was superb and changed multiplayer gaming forever. Played this over and over numerous times.
GTA Vice City - the only 100%, to forever.
Video Games you have beaten many times100 or just the story side

Yeah Little Fighter is good...But to tell the truth..the best game to play online are...CS and WC.

Oh and you have some cool online games like..Ogame..Bite Fight and something like that.
Thanks mate
Breath of Fire 1 (4 times)
Dragon Quest VIII (2 times)
Wizardry 5 (2 times)
Wizardry Tales of the forsasken land (3 times)
Dragon Quest 1 (2 times)
And Final Fantasy IX (2 times)