Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"
Chef, I really hate to disagree with you. I'm the guy that thinks the Food Network is going to call me about my own cooking show when I make hamburger helper.
Bush was focused on Iraq from day 1 and focused 90% of his strike on Iraq. 10% of the resources went toward finding Bin Laden in Afghanistan and there was no connection of Saddam to WMD or the Taliban. Bush purposely ignored facts he was handed continously, even the day of his last speech for war that there were no WMD in Iraq by his friend George Tenet. Documents were drawn up by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz to take over the oil in the middle East a year before the twin towers were hit, and the Bush administration ignored the fact that intelligence frequently stated Bin Laden was going to strike. He himself made the statement in early 2002 that he wasn't interested in Bin laden. When intel made it clear Bin Laden was in Tora Bora he went to Baghdad. As hard as that is to believe because that goes against what you or I would do, it's true. Watching the news daily at that time it was simply unbelievable to see his smiling face after such a complete fuck up, but there it was on TV every night.d
He doesn't have the reputation of being the stupidest most led around president in history with the lowest approval rating ever for his inability to cook a steak.
I'm not evading anything and you're not debunking anything. We just don't see things the same way and it's causing this to go nowhere. It's like one of those little train tracks you see in the mall, that little kids ride. Sure, when you first get on it, you're like "WEEEE, this is fun", but after the 2nd time around the loop, you begin to see that it's pointless and that you're just going in circles.
I already kind of explained it, but, to elaborately answer your question...
After 9/11 happened, the US invaded Afghanistan with "Shock and Awe". That was a direct retaliation for what Bin Laden and his cronies did to the World Trade Center. They took down the Twin Towers and killed a bunch of innocent people, so we directly retaliated by dropping a storm of bombs all over Afghanistan.
During that time, our government slowly shifted it's focus on Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
At this point, I will take a brief moment to acknowledge the fact that Saddam Hussein was a target of George H.W. Bush when he was still President.
Anyway, the US was already in Afghanistan fighting the War on Terror. Obviously the message has changed (significantly), but initially, we went into Afghanistan, sending a message to the world that terrorism would not be tolerated. During this whole "uproar" of "taking a stand against terrorism", the US decided to rekindle it's search for Saddam Hussein, as he was one of the highly known threats, not only to the US, but to the world as well (as we believed he had WMDs). The US then decided to go after Saddam Hussein and invaded Iraq.
If 9/11 never happened, we never would've invaded Afghanistan.
If 9/11 never happened, we never would've started our War on Terror.
If 9/11 never happened, we never would've went after Saddam Hussein.
If 9/11 never happened, we never would've invaded Iraq.
If 9/11 never happened, the fuse wouldn't have been lit that would end up igniting the flame that rekindled our search for Saddam Hussein. I don't think that's being "generous" at all by saying that our invasion of Iraq was a indirect retaliation of 9/11.
Chef, I really hate to disagree with you. I'm the guy that thinks the Food Network is going to call me about my own cooking show when I make hamburger helper.
Bush was focused on Iraq from day 1 and focused 90% of his strike on Iraq. 10% of the resources went toward finding Bin Laden in Afghanistan and there was no connection of Saddam to WMD or the Taliban. Bush purposely ignored facts he was handed continously, even the day of his last speech for war that there were no WMD in Iraq by his friend George Tenet. Documents were drawn up by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz to take over the oil in the middle East a year before the twin towers were hit, and the Bush administration ignored the fact that intelligence frequently stated Bin Laden was going to strike. He himself made the statement in early 2002 that he wasn't interested in Bin laden. When intel made it clear Bin Laden was in Tora Bora he went to Baghdad. As hard as that is to believe because that goes against what you or I would do, it's true. Watching the news daily at that time it was simply unbelievable to see his smiling face after such a complete fuck up, but there it was on TV every night.d
He doesn't have the reputation of being the stupidest most led around president in history with the lowest approval rating ever for his inability to cook a steak.
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