Re: "Vast majority" of Gitmo prisoners "never posed any real risk to America at all"
Sure we can. We can put some of the blame on the people who told us that these people were guilty criminals in the first place. Why should they be off the hook completely? I'm not saying that we didn't do anything wrong here, but come on...the US is constantly made out to look like the only evil in this world and you know it.
I don't know that. For one thing, I don't look at the USA as one monolithic entity. When our government does something at/to/with/against another country, it often does it with only limited public support, and also without even the full approval of Congress. So, even when "it" does something evil, that doesn't really reflect upon all Americans. But I also don't think that it's the only evil in this world. Plenty of countries (that is, their governments) sponsor bombings of known civilian areas, terrorist attacks, assassinations, the propping up dictators, etc. The problem is that the USA is one of the biggest, most powerful (perhaps THE, although it matters not for this argument) countries on Earth, so when it does something evil, that's going to reverberate more widely and deeply than if, say, Haiti or Laos or Iceland do evil. Also, people who live in democracies have more authority to criticize their own country. I can bitch all day long about Brazil's foreign policy, but I don't even have a vote there, so ultimately, it's just an opinion without any authority.
Where was the due process for the victims of those twins towers, airplanes,Pentagon on 9-11?
To make it right we need to bring these people over here to the states and buy them house right next to those who said they really did not pose a threat to see how that goes.
Your first question is a problem because you are avoiding the main point of the article itself - that those prisoners weren't involved in the 9/11 attacks. Obviously the 9/11 victims didn't have any due process rights given to them, since they were just blown up. They weren't held as prisoners by a government entity. Or maybe you're just suggesting that because the 9/11 victims didn't get any due process that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE in the world needs to be treated similarly (that is, at least denied due process) in order to strike some balance for justice? Two wrongs actually DO make a right?
Your final assertion is very silly as, again, you're just assuming they're guilty right from the start, without the bother of evidence, proof, or anything resembling a trial at all. Have you been outraged as the U.S. government continues to release these prisoners without charges (as most of them have been)?? And you're also just endorsing further mistreatment with your bizarre suggestion. They shouldn't be dragged over to the U.S. and bought a house, be it next to me (although I'd be tempted to agree if you also threw in a full and fair civil jury trial for them!) or anyone, they should be returned to their home countries, with at least something resembling an apology or compensation where warranted. And if someone is snatched from their home country and taken to a foreign country prison and not notified what the charges are against them nor given an opportunity to contest those charges, and held FOR YEARS this way, only to be released without a verdict, well, that warrants a major apology at the very least...