Valentine's Day

My ex girlfriend's birthday was the day before on the 13th so I had to be creative two days in a row. Sadly since I did not provide a ring on either of those days, let's just say it didn't matter what I did get her.

Pretty sure I will be doing/avoiding accounting work and watching some old WWF tapes this year


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
A guy has to go out of the way to fuck up Valentine's Day. It's a pretty simple formula. Book a restaurant or get-a-way. Card, candy, and flowers. If you want to be a big hit, have the flowers delivered to her job. Women gobble that shit up. Even if you do that same thing every year they will never get bored with it. Don't get stuck like most guys. Shop early. You wait till the last minute and all you have to choose from are $12 cards and $40 candy. Yea, it's all very silly and another way to suck money out of our pockets. Cave in and just do it. It's worth keeping the peace.
let's get it straight, it's all about lying a women to get her to bed? well i am gonna do that.
First one at the florist to order flowers for St. Valentine's this year. I figure that way I will not forget.
She likes a card with a note, a very small box of good chocolate, and we try to exchange something thoughtful, mostly not expensive. With any present we keep our ears open to hear what the other wants and try to get them that. Sometimes is it nothing more than a shirt, but it is what they wanted.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Flowers are good, candy not so much. I don't need to have that laying around and it usually goes in the garbage.

Are you trying to screw up this holiday? FELLOWS, DON'T LISTEN TO HER! Bring the candy. See if she likes the nutty clusters or the creams. Semi-sweat, dark, or milk chocolates. Giant Hershey's bar with a pink ribbon. Sugar free if necessary. Candied apples. Strawberries coated in chocolate. Under no circumstances leave out the candy. They expect it. Do your job men.
Flowers and Candy Are fine (don't ever skip flowers) but for the slam dunk (if you've got a decent voice) serenade her. I did that once impromptu and let's just say it paid instant dividends.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
Are you trying to screw up this holiday? FELLOWS, DON'T LISTEN TO HER! Bring the candy. See if she likes the nutty clusters or the creams. Semi-sweat, dark, or milk chocolates. Giant Hershey's bar with a pink ribbon. Sugar free if necessary. Candied apples. Strawberries coated in chocolate. Under no circumstances leave out the candy. They expect it. Do your job men.

Chocolate covered strawberries count as a fruit so they are allowed.
Don't buy that sugar free crap! It's known to cause explosive diarrhea in some people, a side effect from certain sugar substitutes.
I may or may not be speaking from experience.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Jason :)


Closed Account
Chocolate covered strawberries count as a fruit so they are allowed.
Don't buy that sugar free crap! It's known to cause explosive diarrhea in some people, a side effect from certain sugar substitutes.
I may or may not be speaking from experience.

Oh brother haha. This post is romantic and full of wisdom. ;)
Chocolate covered strawberries count as a fruit so they are allowed.
Don't buy that sugar free crap! It's known to cause explosive diarrhea in some people, a side effect from certain sugar substitutes.
I may or may not be speaking from experience.

:scream: BACONSALT!!! :scream:


Lord Dipstick
Chocolate covered strawberries count as a fruit so they are allowed.
Don't buy that sugar free crap! It's known to cause explosive diarrhea in some people, a side effect from certain sugar substitutes.
I may or may not be speaking from experience.

What a woman....:clap: