Using Your Car Horn

You Should Only Use Your Car Horn Whenever.....

  •'s a question of safety.

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • ...I'm pissed at every driver on the road.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...I want to piss everybody off.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...the driver in front of me is texting.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • just got married (for posters over the age of 40 ONLY).

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...the devils inside your body command you to.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • ...I want to show my support for President Trump, you commie, socialist liberals.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Postal Paranoiac
I've been reading and hearing a lot of comments about people using their car horns. Some folks...and this seems to cross all lines of society...hate the hell out of them. So...what are your thoughts on your use or other peoples' use of car horns?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I try not to, but I can't help but be compelled to do so, because of the overwhelming presence of asshats that surround me on a daily basis.

As a truck driver, I am sort of obligated to let loose a couple of blasts when a little kid does the universal gesture to do so. Last week some little kids mom did it for him.
They can be annoying when used excessively but they do warn others. For example when someone is backing out from a parking space and they don't see you you honk the crap out of your horn and let them know how stupid they are for not seeing you. I like to honk my horn a lot when I see stupid drivers on the road. Some people are just flat out impatient and they use it for no good reason.
I primarily use it for safety / to warn people about to enter my lane of traffic that I'm there. Maybe .. 3 or times a year I'll lay on it, if someone pulls an asshole move. I did so .. in January (?), when some asshole pulled out of a commercial complex from my left, and NEVER checked to his right to see if there was oncoming traffic. He stopped maybe 2' from my front left fender!!

Bonus: I have N-E-V-E-R heard as many car horns as I did when I visited Chicago!! 😵


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
In traffic, last time I was in NYC, a taxi driver was trying to make a u-turn into oncoming traffic. We were all going south on Seventh Avenue a one way and the bonehead was trying to go north. He made a right when he should have made a left from W 19th Street. Stopped traffic for about a half hour. We gave him the "Bronx Cheer." : ) A traffic cop came up and gave the asshole a ticket.

I'm supposed to use it for for safety. And yes I do. But I'll also use it when people cut me off.

(I'll also follow them for miles. Hehe. Scares the f*ck out of them. Nothing like a bit of road rage. It gets the blood flowing. Just kidding.)

... because hey I'm from New York and that's what we do.
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Postal Paranoiac
Thanks for the comments. Why, just today I had a big red pick-up truck hugging my ass in my little Audi, then they had the nerve to blast their horn at me when I made a right turn. What a huckleberry. 🤠


For the EMPEROR!!
Yeah I usually don't use it that much, but as I get older the little devil in me does get a kick out of using it now and then. Specifically on the douche nozzles that just stroll across the road like they're royaltly or think they have all day. I like to give them ass-hats a good solid blast with the horn and scare the bejeebuz out of them.

As for my fellow drivers 'flippin' the old bird' is more fun. With the old swivel motion of course.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I really try not to. Someone has to really be out to lunch for me to use the horn. I might give it a brief toot if someone isn't paying attention when a red light changes to green. But to really lay on the horn, I only do that if someone cuts me off hard in traffic or drifts over on me.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Honked three times on a 4 miles ride earlier. 4 miles, and three idiots. Two were texting, one tried to merge into me.


Postal Paranoiac
Here are a few terms you can use to yell at people who are fucking up your morning drive with their stupidity. For people who don't want to use their car horns. Aww, shit. For everybody...let's be honest.

Myrtles and Mabels---old women
Oh My---an old woman
Jughead---an old man...especially one who you're driving behind and he's being a turd.
Diaper Doper---a young person who is smoking pot and driving like a dick.
Wreck Neck---a redneck who's driving an old, beat-up pickup truck.
Jock Scrap---a hillbilly who rides around in a truck with stuff he found in a dumpster somewhere, and it's unsecured.
Cellsturbate---the act of using your cell phone, esp. texting, instead of paying attention to your driving. (Also see Cellsturbator)
Carmakazi---an Asian immigrant---God bless them all---who lacks driving skills.
Mumbai Motors---Immigrants from India---I love every one of 'em---who lack driving skills.
Kenya Crash---an African immigrant---let's welcome every one of those wonderful folks---who lacks driving skills.
Veronica Dodge---an attractive female who puts make-up on while looking in her rear-view mirror, instead of paying attention to her driving.
Insurance Salesman---any driver who aggressively darts in and out of traffic recklessly, without regard for other drivers.

I hope these few terms help you all in your quests for a more accountable driving experience. :cool:
Thanks for the comments. Why, just today I had a big red pick-up truck hugging my ass in my little Audi, then they had the nerve to blast their horn at me when I made a right turn. What a huckleberry. 🤠

Plodding along in front of traffic, to hold up traffic.

Driving the auto industry's answer to the question, "I want to show the world that I'm a conceited asshole, but not in a Tesla - what do you have for me?"

What a 👩‍🦳 How are you still alive.


Postal Paranoiac
Plodding along in front of traffic, to hold up traffic.

Driving the auto industry's answer to the question, "I want to show the world that I'm a conceited asshole, but not in a Tesla - what do you have for me?"

What a 👩‍🦳 How are you still alive.
What do you have against Audis? Are you a Chevy Coopmobile big truck bleeding ass?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here are a few terms you can use to yell at people who are fucking up your morning drive with their stupidity. For people who don't want to use their car horns. Aww, shit. For everybody...let's be honest.

Myrtles and Mabels---old women
Oh My---an old woman
Jughead---an old man...especially one who you're driving behind and he's being a turd.
Diaper Doper---a young person who is smoking pot and driving like a dick.
Wreck Neck---a redneck who's driving an old, beat-up pickup truck.
Jock Scrap---a hillbilly who rides around in a truck with stuff he found in a dumpster somewhere, and it's unsecured.
Cellsturbate---the act of using your cell phone, esp. texting, instead of paying attention to your driving. (Also see Cellsturbator)
Carmakazi---an Asian immigrant---God bless them all---who lacks driving skills.
Mumbai Motors---Immigrants from India---I love every one of 'em---who lack driving skills.
Kenya Crash---an African immigrant---let's welcome every one of those wonderful folks---who lacks driving skills.
Veronica Dodge---an attractive female who puts make-up on while looking in her rear-view mirror, instead of paying attention to her driving.
Insurance Salesman---any driver who aggressively darts in and out of traffic recklessly, without regard for other drivers.

I hope these few terms help you all in your quests for a more accountable driving experience. :cool:

Insurance Salesman---any driver who aggressively darts in and out of traffic recklessly, without regard for other drivers.

I have to admit, although I was a banker, I used to be that guy many moons ago. I was young, dumb and full of cum. I really regret acting that way now. Cause you don't want to be that guy.

I have a couple more to add to that list:

MiniVanMan---he's mad at the world, especially guys his age who are driving by him in sports cars. He realizes that his manhood was lost the day he buckled into the minivan with the baby on board sticker on the back. He's going to block the passing lane going 65 in a 70, and hammer his 150hp engine for all it's worth to keep Vettes and Porsches from passing him on the right.

Rollin' Coal Redneck---85% chance that his name is Cody. 90% chance that he's got a Confederate flag sticker on his back window. 95% chance that he's got his baseball cap on backwards. He drives a diesel crew cab (most likely a Dodge Ram). If another vehicle gets too close to him cause he's loafing in the passing lane, he'll adjust his fuel and "roll some coal" out of his 5 inch exhaust pipe.

What do you have against Audis? Are you a Chevy Coopmobile big truck bleeding ass?

It's not Audis, I rarely see one I don't like. It's the dingleberries that ubiquitously drive them. I mean, do they screen for "dildo" at the dealership level, or...? I wrecked one once, driving like a mad bastard. Good cars, dickhole drivers. I know that I put myself in the category, having wrecked one, but I suspect that it may have been rejecting me, or I it. I was young and foolish. Now I am old and very, very wise. But still hot.

Yeah, no, I drivah dee Chevy. And Ford (bad luck, those, not necessarily bad cars - maybe the Jew-hating legacy karma). I drive an import at the moment that you would never in a million guesses get. Not because one couldn't make good guesses based on my presence here, but because you're dumb. Really dumb. If there was an Olympics for - jk, I just wanted to see if you were still reading. You read good. The Oreos are on the back table. No, they're Hydrox, I know, lame. Help yourself on the way out. You've been great. Drive safe.


Postal Paranoiac
It's not Audis, I rarely see one I don't like. It's the dingleberries that ubiquitously drive them. I mean, do they screen for "dildo" at the dealership level, or...? I wrecked one once, driving like a mad bastard. Good cars, dickhole drivers. I know that I put myself in the category, having wrecked one, but I suspect that it may have been rejecting me, or I it. I was young and foolish. Now I am old and very, very wise. But still hot.

Yeah, no, I drivah dee Chevy. And Ford (bad luck, those, not necessarily bad cars - maybe the Jew-hating legacy karma). I drive an import at the moment that you would never in a million guesses get. Not because one couldn't make good guesses based on my presence here, but because you're dumb. Really dumb. If there was an Olympics for - jk, I just wanted to see if you were still reading. You read good. The Oreos are on the back table. No, they're Hydrox, I know, lame. Help yourself on the way out. You've been great. Drive safe.

That was by far, my friend, the most lysergically-derived, manic mumbo-jumbo digital diarrhea it has ever been my mass hysteria to construe. So I have but one query, my loquacious Trumparian: do you or have you ever bitten your toenails?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I ride a motorcycle daily. Almost every time I go somewhere, someone is doing some stupid shit. I have to pay special attention so I see a lot. Today, I honked at someone who wasn't paying attention and yapping on their phone. That's supposed to be illegal, but I'll be damned if it hasn't stopped shit.

I also had someone completely run a stop sign. Not even slowing down, just pulled out in the to the intersection like it wasn't a thing.
Just heard a bunch of racket from my fellow Westside Angelenos as they were Virtue Signaling with their car horns honking in solidarity with the BLM sign carrying protestors. In for a penny, in for a peso.