watch-that-video vs. niche-and-fetish-corner, where to post pictures


Woke up just now, one sock too many
Seeming simple question - I have some pictures to post on a particular topic but there is no active thread in fetish corner but a very active thread in the video section, where do I post them? I've seen conflicting advice on this:
  1. feedback that people hate seeing picture-only posts in the video section
  2. moderators telling me that posting pictures in the video section is fine - they've even merged fetish corner threads into video threads in the past
Does FreeOnes have a policy on this? Videos get posted in fetish corner all time but posting pics in the video section always feels wrong to me. Personally, I think pictures shouldn't be put into the video section. Thoughts anyone? For all the posting I do, there are only a couple of video threads I use that would be affected.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Who told you that posting pics in the video section is fine?

Some examples would be useful here. And I'm not talking about examples of moderators saying things, but examples of actual threads as it will be easier to make a disctinction.

All I would say is that just because a thread exists in a certain part of the board doesn't necessarily mean that:

a) it is in the right place or
b) people post appropriate stuff in it or what was the OP's original intention

e.g. the meaning of some threads may have got lost over the years and a lot of people don't even pay attention to what part of the forum the thread is in, just what the title of that particular topic says.

And some of the older threads will have been created under different board rules/environment/structure and so on and so forth.


Woke up just now, one sock too many
I'll never find the discussion about a mod telling me it was okay to post pics in the video section, it happened years ago. I THINK it may have been around this thread: where I started a fetish corner thread with that title and it was merged (much to my surprise) into a video thread; that's my recollection anyway. The other ones where I post pics in video threads are:

I would be just as happy to start three fetish corner threads (or reuse old ones) and forget this discussion ever happened if the FreeOnes policy is not to post pics in the video section.

I'm not the only one confused on this topic. I started this thread: and tscfan1 posted this reply in it (post 14):

FYI, there is a thread on this topic's under the "watch that video" section, but it's mostly pics:​
not sure if they should be merged or not...​

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Well, I'm not sure that any official rules/policies/guidelines actually exist regarding this but it seems logical that pictures should not reside in threads inside "Watch That Video" unless they are like screenshots of said video which are accompanied by a link.

Niche and Fetish Corner is kinda all-encompassing so folks shouldn't be bothered if you post an image or a video there, whereas people would have reason to question what is going on if they are finding nothing but pics or links to image galleries in a section which is supposed to be about videos only.

So, moving forward - I would say don't post pics in the vids section although in the short-term you can continue what you're doing until a solution is reached. Some of the threads you have been contributing to can either be moved to the all-inclusive Niche and Fetish Corner or have the relevant posts moved across to NFC in a separate thread. There would need to be a clear distinction in the thread title to prevent people from continuing to post in the wrong place or get confused. I guess ideally you wouldn't have more than one thread on the same subject, though - even if they are in different sections.

I can investigate and/or act on this when I have time. I'm behind on the thread fixes thread as it is!

If you can highlight any additional threads (if there are any) then I will assess what to do for the best and will run it past the rest of the team just to make sure we are on the same page. Cheers.


Woke up just now, one sock too many
Sounds good to me, I'll start posting pics only in fetish corner. The fleshlight thread would need something new opened in fetish corner, the fucking machines and tribbing threads have old ones I can resurrect. I'll drop one last post in each of the video threads pointing to where in fetish corner I'm going.

Take your time resolving this, I'm not aware of other threads with this issue but I'm sure they exist. All I want is a clear statement as to what the policy should be and I'll watch this space for any updates.


Woke up just now, one sock too many
Rather than start a new similar thread, I'll ask a related question here. What is the true purpose of the "Funny Pictures and Videos" section? Is it "humor only" or is it "humor plus cartoon/animated porn and non-porn pics"? While I think it is the former, it is being used as the latter. Examples from that section that aren't "funny" and are used often:
and more...

Now suppose we were to move those threads, where to? The first on the list could (and should) go to Fetish Corner but what about the others; Talk section perhaps? I dunno, that's why I'm asking. Maybe it is simpler to expand the section definition instead?


Woke up just now, one sock too many
Given that somebody moved those threads into the Talk section, apparently that's the answer. However, there are a lot more questionable threads in the "funny" section that aren't, most notably: - I'd move this to Fetish Corner

The rest haven't been touched in over two years and can likely languish in obscurity.
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The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
The threads you mentioned were moved to FreeOnes Talk along with some other ones. The AI thread IS in Niche/Fetish... it's just a redirect that's in there which you can see that a mod left which can't be removed. Why it was ever there in the first place though, I have no idea.

The name and description of the section should be the driving factor behind what it contains so if it's not funny AND a video or a pic then it doesn't belong there.

In truth, FreeOnes Talk might not be the perfect fit for some of these threads but provided nobody kicks up a fuss about it then they can stay there.

I'm not sure these handful of threads warrant creating a new section or a general restructure of the board in itself so let's just make the best use of the existing conditions.

Don't go out of your way looking for threads in there which shouldn't be though because I'm sure there will be plenty. We're happy to move them but it's probably best to focus on threads which are active.