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US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambassador

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

I would choose to support Israel logistically, and with airstrikes -- putting boots on the ground is absolutely the LAST option I would ever consider. If Iran attacked Israel in some way, I do think Europe would offer similar support, much in the way that Britain and France took on the lion's share of the air support burden for the rebels in Libya.

I appreciate your response. Thank you.

cindy CD/TV

Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

^^ :hatsoff: Have a good weekend! :)
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

Want? Oh, God no, I don't want war or to send our troops into harm's way -- I lost a friend in Afghanistan. :crying:

I don't mean to sound like I'm splitting hairs, but Israel is our ally and we are bound by covenant to defend them. Now, we could simply withdraw from that obligation and dishonorably break our word, but then no country would ever trust us again. Like Israel, we are also bound to defend South Korea and Taiwan -- both of which would embroil us in FAR more dangerous conflicts (North Korea, Peoples Republic of China, respectively) than anything Iran could throw at us (nods to acknowledge Trident's point).

Now i understand completely your insane stance, you are a religious nut! It all makes sense now your irrational ideology. You believe that this country israel founded in 1948 by international criminals is some how affiliated with your holy bible, and therefore is the word of god. You are truly a hopeless slave, i pray for you to one day know the truth. You belive that the bible predicts the future, and you damn sure want the rapture to happpen in your lifetime, you are a sick, ignorant fucker. No better than any religous zealot of any religion. You support killing innocent Muslims in the name of the Jews and Christians, and you are truly disgusting in your inhumanity, shame on you.


Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

She's not wrong... trust me. The evidence of Iranian arms being used against Israel and our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan has been mounting over the last decade. :2 cents:

And America funnels weapons to Israel (which it uses against civilians) while supporting an array of warlords, dictators and religious fanatics in the Middle East. Are you willing to apply the same standards to your own country that you apply to others?

Apparently it's only the US who is allowed to interfere in the affairs of other countries. When Iran does it then that just isn't right.....

p.s you must have missed the bit where your own (former) sec. def. said Iranian involvement in Afghanistan was overstated. All the support for the taliban is coming out of Pakistan. Unless of course you think Cindy is more privvy to the intel than the guy who was running the military on a day to day basis.....


Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

Now i understand completely your insane stance, you are a religious nut! It all makes sense now your irrational ideology. You believe that this country israel founded in 1948 by international criminals is some how affiliated with your holy bible, and therefore is the word of god. You are truly a hopeless slave, i pray for you to one day know the truth. You belive that the bible predicts the future, and you damn sure want the rapture to happpen in your lifetime, you are a sick, ignorant fucker. No better than any religous zealot of any religion. You support killing innocent Muslims in the name of the Jews and Christians, and you are truly disgusting in your inhumanity, shame on you.

We should actually be thankful that there are still plenty of people with views like Cindy and Trident's. Their ignorance and delusion guarantees America's decline and eventual retreat back to it's own borders.

America's conservatives are a truly stunted bunch. They just can't stand to have any public money spent on their own country. They much prefer it to be spent on Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran....

We should rip that regime 444 times

not much more than the number of people killed in that Iranian civilian airliner the US navy shot out of the sky.....


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

Patience. It will happen. We should rip that regime 444 times, one for each day they kept our guys hostage.

Interesting fact: the word "patience" wasn't in Reagan's dictionary.

It is a trait of the unsure. Just bomb them already.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

I see the points that are being made here, and we should realize that when it comes to the governments/leaders, there are no good guys here.

In regards to human rights, is Saudi Arabia not just as bad as Iran, if not worse? We're talking about the world's only nation that prohibits women from driving. The nation that gave a man 500 lashes, 4 years in prison and a $50,000 fine just for being in a gay porn video. Saudi Arabia is the kingdom where it is illegal for a woman and a female friend to go out and have a good time together, and where flirting can land you in jail. Yet how many men get away with raping women left and right in that country? Way too many...and what people fail to realize is that the US government is partially responsible for this. For decades, our government has told the royal Saudi family that as long as they keep the oil flowing over here, we're cool with them keeping their women as uneducated and repressed as they like, and running their country as they wish. We've essentially been paying for Saudi Arabia to be one of the world's most backwards countries for decades.

People hate Iran so much because they're not our allies. Simple as that. I'm seeing past that for the sake of this discussion and pointing out that there is plenty of wrong on all sides of this very confusing puzzle.

And just so you know, I'm not trying to "hate" on these countries. I think they are very interesting and would like to travel over there one day. I just find the way that their governments treat their citizens to be disturbing, and the way in which our government "okays" it to be even worse.

Now i understand completely your insane stance, you are a religious nut! It all makes sense now your irrational ideology. You believe that this country israel founded in 1948 by international criminals is some how affiliated with your holy bible, and therefore is the word of god. You are truly a hopeless slave, i pray for you to one day know the truth. You belive that the bible predicts the future, and you damn sure want the rapture to happpen in your lifetime, you are a sick, ignorant fucker. No better than any religous zealot of any religion. You support killing innocent Muslims in the name of the Jews and Christians, and you are truly disgusting in your inhumanity, shame on you.

If you were that smart, you wouldn't need to insult her in every single post. So chill out. If anyone has come across like a religious nut, it's you for supporting this Iranian "government" that imprisons its citizens.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

So, let's send Predator drones over to Iran and take out Imadinnerjacket :)D) and the clerics who are running the country, thus paralyzing its authoritarian theocratic government and enabling the oppressed people to rise up and take control of their country.

Sending Predator drones there is a very poor way of incapacitating their government (they are useless without HUMINT on the ground) and it's foolish to use these drones since they can easily be taken out by Iranian airforce, not to mention it will provoke Iranian retaliation against U.S. interests.

BTW, while we're at it, let's make sure to bomb the fucking nuclear facilities before they produce an operable nuke. Or it's game over.

As stated by several U.S. and Israeli officials and military analysts, bombing their nuclear facilities won't put an end to their nuclear quest. It will set them back, but won't put a stop to it and as long as the regime remains in power, they can easily reconstitute their nuclear program back together. To make matters worse, we aren't 100% sure if Iran's nuclear facilities are all accounted for. We have to assume that Iran has secret backup facilities hidden somewhere underground and that's the dilemma we are facing (see this eye-opening article: Iran Uses Fear of Covert Nuclear Sites to Deter Attack).

I agree. The populace of Iran is the most educated and pro-Western in the region...

They are also pro-nationalists and more often than not their nationalism and pro-Western stance aren't necessarily mutually inclusive and that's where it gets tricky.

The Iranians protesting Mullah's regime won't go for a foreign-sponsored regime change, propped up by the West.

I think Iran could be as good of a model for a middle eastern democratic country out possible.

The thing is that Iran used to be a democratic model until the CIA and M16 deposed their democratic government so British could own Iran’s oil. None of this would have happened if Mossadegh had not been overthrown.

Fuck yes but we wouldn't have to use boots on the ground. Our airpower would wipe every Iranian unit off the board. Air defense and air force would be destroyed in 5 days, their Navy in 2, their Command and Control in 2, their military bases in 5. Iran is so incredibly target rich.

And then what? Even if we manage to dismantle their entire military, that still won't stop Iranians from retaliating through proxy cohorts in Iraq and beyond (and of course, pushing their nuclear program further underground). Remember, they would never intend to fight us in a conventional manner.

I would choose to support Israel logistically, and with airstrikes -- putting boots on the ground is absolutely the LAST option I would ever consider.

Since the primary goal of US policy toward Iran is regime change, putting boots on the ground will be necessary to achieve that goal.

It's unrealistic to think that airstrikes alone can effect regime change (it didn't work in Saddam-era Iraq).

Off-Topic: It's been a long time since I posted here.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

We were able to borrow the trillion + $ for the Iraq/Afghanistan invasions from China. Where's the trillion + $ going to come from to overthrow the Iranian government?

I tell ya... every time I turn around, there's somebody pretending to be a "fiscal conservative" who wants to give my money away or light it on fire in pursuit of another nation building exercise. You give a neocon 15 minutes and he'll be able to dream up some half-baked reason for the 82nd Airborne to be deployed to protect freedum, democracy and mom's apple pie... in some other country!!! :hairpull:

Try this and see if it doesn't work: when another nation (whether it be Iran, Mexico or anybody else) actually ATTACKS the U.S., we blow them back to the Stone Age. And we don't rebuild jack shit. Best case (for them), we don't go Romanesque on their asses and make them a profit center/province. Just like if you break somebody's nose with one punch and make them pee themselves in high school... word spreads fast, and you probably won't get challenged to any more fights anytime soon. But if you're the sort who walks around looking for fights, even when it's not necessary, always sticking your face in other people's business... eventually somebody will flip off your light switch.

I'd have every country that wants U.S. military protection footing the bill for each soldier ($100K, plus a 10% "profit margin"), and anybody (Japan or Korea) that wouldn't agree to that, I'd suggest they start learning to speak Chinese. Not my problem. And not the problem of any other taxpaying American.

Fuck rebuilding any more roads and bridges in Iraq or Afghanistan. And for goodness sake, let's not start dreaming up any more "infrastructure projects" for the good people of Iran. How about we use what little money we have to rebuild the roads and bridges in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio?!

But if Iran actually does something, smoke them. And why haven't the Mexican cartels been declared terrorist organizations already??? I asked the same question about FARC and the Shining Path many years ago. But even the Holy Roller neocons couldn't give me a straight answer on those questions. Same now, I suppose.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

We need them.

Yeah, that's what the tick told the hound dog too.

If we (truly) need Israel, we might as well pack it in now. Because that's a definite sign (to me) that all hope is lost. Though I'm sure the Evangelicals will disagree with that. In their view, Israel is more important than the United States. I say they are traitors to the Republic. I call their patriotism into question. I would hold corruption and treason trials.

But not to worry, no one with my views will ever become President of the United States... because the Israeli lobby and the neocons and Evangelical Zionists will never allow it. The tail has been wagging the dog for a good 65-70 years now.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

Iranian civilian airliner the US navy shot out of the sky.....

An error as opposed to a purposeful attack on our Embassy. It was 290 pax and we paid compensation.

It is a trait of the unsure. Just bomb them already.

Call Obama then.
Last edited:

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

Yeah, that's what the tick told the hound dog too.

If we (truly) need Israel, we might as well pack it in now. Because that's a definite sign (to me) that all hope is lost. Though I'm sure the Evangelicals will disagree with that. In their view, Israel is more important than the United States. I say they are traitors to the Republic. I call their patriotism into question. I would hold corruption and treason trials.

But not to worry, no one with my views will ever become President of the United States... because the Israeli lobby and the neocons and Evangelical Zionists will never allow it. The tail has been wagging the dog for a good 65-70 years now.

I agree with a lot of this and I'm a proud American.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

But not to worry, no one with my views will ever become President of the United States... because the Israeli lobby and the neocons and Evangelical Zionists will never allow it. The tail has been wagging the dog for a good 65-70 years now.

The stigma of not helping the Jews in WWII has a tendency to make rational people cringe when asked if they're willing to throw them under the proverbial bus once more.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

The stigma of not helping the Jews in WWII has a tendency to make rational people cringe when asked if they're willing to throw them under the proverbial bus once more.

You mean the myth that we didn't help the Jews in WWII. What more could we have done? And haven't we done more for them before, during and after WWII than we have done for any other group of people on the face of this planet EVER???

We were not, and are not, the Policeman of the World. It was not our God given duty to police the German state to see what they were or were not doing in relation to the Jews or anybody else. But the way we have been paying out the ass in support of the Zionist state of Israel ever since, you'd think that Buchenwald and Auschwitz were in New York state. We've damn sure done a lot more for them than we've done for the murdered people of Cambodia or Darfur. I can tell you that. So why do we continue to be bombarded with stories dating back to the 1930's and 40's when much more recent genocides have taken place??? And we can look at our own genocide against Native Americans and just say, "hey, that was manifest destiny." Nah, ain't buying it. Doesn't add up. The truth is, stuff enough money in a U.S. congressman's pocket and he'll send some taxpayer loot your way. Promise him a fat enough paycheck and a cushy job after he leaves office, and he'll sell out his own nation to help yours. See, I believe in the death penalty. And treason is a crime for which I would buy the ropes to hang traitors.

All I know is, my ex-fiancee had a bangin' body and a face that rivaled Salma Hayek's, yet she was never able to lay a big enough guilt trip on me to get me to do her bidding. So there's not a chance in hell that some delusional Evangelical Zionists and the guilt mongering Israelis will ever be able to lay one on me to convince me that their welfare is on par with the welfare of ANY of my fellow Americans! An American bum on the streets of L.A. is worth more to me than 50 Israelis (or Arabs) in the Middle East. So you can be sure that I wouldn't sacrifice the life of even one American soldier for any of them.

I'm not an armchair patriot who wears a flag on my lapel, but I'm hardcore SPQA (Senatus Populusque Americanus) on that issue. When they stopped teaching the Latin classics in school, that's when kids stopped learning about what did and did not work from thousands of years ago forward.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

You mean the myth that we didn't help the Jews in WWII. What more could we have done? And haven't we done more for them before, during and after WWII than we have done for any other group of people on the face of this planet EVER???

We were not, and are not, the Policeman of the World. It was not our God given duty to police the German state to see what they were or were not doing in relation to the Jews or anybody else. But the way we have been paying out the ass in support of the Zionist state of Israel ever since, you'd think that Buchenwald and Auschwitz were in New York state. We've damn sure done a lot more for them than we've done for the murdered people of Cambodia or Darfur. I can tell you that. So why do we continue to be bombarded with stories dating back to the 1930's and 40's when much more recent genocides have taken place??? And we can look at our own genocide against Native Americans and just say, "hey, that was manifest destiny." Nah, ain't buying it. Doesn't add up. The truth is, stuff enough money in a U.S. congressman's pocket and he'll send some taxpayer loot your way. Promise him a fat enough paycheck and a cushy job after he leaves office, and he'll sell out his own nation to help yours. See, I believe in the death penalty. And treason is a crime for which I would buy the ropes to hang traitors.

All I know is, my ex-fiancee had a bangin' body and a face that rivaled Salma Hayek's, yet she was never able to lay a big enough guilt trip on me to get me to do her bidding. So there's not a chance in hell that some delusional Evangelical Zionists and the guilt mongering Israelis will ever be able to lay one on me to convince me that their welfare is on par with the welfare of ANY of my fellow Americans! An American bum on the streets of L.A. is worth more to me than 50 Israelis (or Arabs) in the Middle East. So you can be sure that I wouldn't sacrifice the life of even one American soldier for any of them.

I'm not an armchair patriot who wears a flag on my lapel, but I'm hardcore SPQA (Senatus Populusque Americanus) on that issue. When they stopped teaching the Latin classics in school, that's when kids stopped learning about what did and did not work from thousands of years ago forward.

Think what you will. One of the corner stones of US foreign policy since 1948 has been to support Israel. That support will continue and will always be there.

cindy CD/TV

Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

Originally Posted by cindy CD/TV
Want? Oh, God no, I don't want war or to send our troops into harm's way -- I lost a friend in Afghanistan.

I don't mean to sound like I'm splitting hairs, but Israel is our ally and we are bound by covenant to defend them. Now, we could simply withdraw from that obligation and dishonorably break our word, but then no country would ever trust us again. Like Israel, we are also bound to defend South Korea and Taiwan -- both of which would embroil us in FAR more dangerous conflicts (North Korea, Peoples Republic of China, respectively) than anything Iran could throw at us (nods to acknowledge Trident's point).

Now i understand completely your insane stance, you are a religious nut! It all makes sense now your irrational ideology. You believe that this country israel founded in 1948 by international criminals is some how affiliated with your holy bible, and therefore is the word of god. You are truly a hopeless slave, i pray for you to one day know the truth. You belive that the bible predicts the future, and you damn sure want the rapture to happpen in your lifetime, you are a sick, ignorant fucker. No better than any religous zealot of any religion. You support killing innocent Muslims in the name of the Jews and Christians, and you are truly disgusting in your inhumanity, shame on you.

Whoa, just settle down, man. All that from the word "convenant??" I didn't use the word in a Biblical/theological context, I simply meant the word in this sense:

COVENENT - noun. 1. an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not do something specified.

In other words, I could've (and obviously should have) used a secular word like "treaty," "agreement," "pact" etc., etc.

I do indeed believe in God. But I've never read more than a few passages of the Bible and haven't been to church in like 12 years. So you're entire post is an irrelevant rant based on ... nothing. Sorry to bust your momentum, dude. Besides, the church is not very accepting of "gurls" like me. They can't even accept homosexuals, much less transgenders. As far as I'm concerned, the Catholic Church can suck my she-cock. Its priests have molested little kids and the church covered up for their crimes, yet the church turns around and says that I AM NOT WELCOME in their houses of worship? They're hypocrites. :kettle:
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

anyone expressing outrage at Iran for this is a hypocrite

cindy CD/TV

Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

Sending Predator drones there is a very poor way of incapacitating their government (they are useless without HUMINT on the ground) and it's foolish to use these drones since they can easily be taken out by Iranian airforce, not to mention it will provoke Iranian retaliation against U.S. interests.

I think you underestimate the effectiveness and stealthy ability of the Predators. They are piloted remotely and vector in on their targets through GPS and precise satellite surveillance, basically. And they are stealthy. The Iranian airforce, if you can call it that, will never get a chance to respond. Assuming the strikes achieve their objectives, we have little to fear from Iranian retaliation because the highly centralized government will be paralyzed and in disarray without its top leaders -- which is the whole point for the venture.

As stated by several U.S. and Israeli officials and military analysts, bombing their nuclear facilities won't put an end to their nuclear quest. It will set them back, but won't put a stop to it and as long as the regime remains in power, they can easily reconstitute their nuclear program back together. To make matters worse, we aren't 100% sure if Iran's nuclear facilities are all accounted for. We have to assume that Iran has secret backup facilities hidden somewhere underground and that's the dilemma we are facing (see this eye-opening article: Iran Uses Fear of Covert Nuclear Sites to Deter Attack).

Which is why we want to decapitate the leadership and allow the Iranian pro-democracy movement the opportunity to rise up and seize control of the government. It will be hard for Iran's regime to rebuild its nuke program if the regime itself is toppled.

They are also pro-nationalists and more often than not their nationalism and pro-Western stance aren't necessarily mutually inclusive and that's where it gets tricky.

The thing is that Iran used to be a democratic model until the CIA and M16 deposed their democratic government so British could own Iran’s oil. None of this would have happened if Mossadegh had not been overthrown.

Obviously a mistake, but we can't go back and rewrite history, unfortunately. But this doesn't change the fact that we're now facing a very dangerous, fanatical set of hombres who are working their asses off to build an operable nuclear weapon.

And then what? Even if we manage to dismantle their entire military, that still won't stop Iranians from retaliating through proxy cohorts in Iraq and beyond (and of course, pushing their nuclear program further underground). Remember, they would never intend to fight us in a conventional manner.

Again, if the regime is toppled and the pro-democracy movement takes control, these concerns will be minimal.

Since the primary goal of US policy toward Iran is regime change, putting boots on the ground will be necessary to achieve that goal.
It's unrealistic to think that airstrikes alone can effect regime change (it didn't work in Saddam-era Iraq).

Combat troops will be unnecessary, much like in Libya. We cut the head off the government by killing Ahmadinejad and the ruling clerics, target their primary command & control facilities and then support the rebels from the sky. It worked in Libya, it will work in Iran. Even more so, because Iran WANTS democracy and dissidents have been laying the groundwork for this for years.

Just my thoughts and musings ...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: US vows action over Iranian plot to hire Mexican drug cartel to kill Saudi ambass

Think what you will. One of the corner stones of US foreign policy since 1948 has been to support Israel. That support will continue and will always be there.

I have no doubt in my mind that that is true. All one need do is watch anyone running for President bow & scrape to convince his/her ma$ters that they are down with "the cause."

Like I said, the tail has been wagging the dog for 65-70 years. And yeah, I expect it to continue... until the dog finally dies.