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Unusual Presidential Advertising


Staff member
bigdan1110 said:
Excuse me, you said a lot of stupids things, but THIS this takes the cake....:mad:

You should be ashamed of yourself... :mad:

Nobody could have prevent this, the 9/11 comission prove it, so to putting all the blame on one person is really really really bad... i think you should really think about what you wrote georges...:nono:

i made a mistake i was not concentrated and you should be more ashamed of what you said about the french last time right by meaning they were better than the others:mad:. so stop giving me advices.none is perfect. are you one of these people who support chirac's policy?
Nobody could prevent that ?i don't believe that.It could have been prevented but nothing was done conclusion someone has a part of responsability in it, no?Always bush fault damn what a weak argument.:mad:


Staff member
bigdan1110 said:
Btw, someone writes a book about Kerry and its all true... but of course if someone writes a book about Bush its all wrong... comeon Georges...:2 cents:

that is bullshit.:bs: and i forbid you to put words in my mouth is that clear?:mad: we know there were corruption scandals with harken and many others firms alongwith bush. if a book is written on bush it must have reliable sources with true proofs then i will believe.many books are biased so it is hard to believe them.i never said that bush was an angel but between bush and kerry i choose bush.
georges said:
i never said that bush was an angel but between bush and kerry i choose bush.

thank god for small miracles.....

like the fact that georges doesn't live here, and therefore can't vote.


Staff member
jonjon76 said:
thank god for small miracles.....

like the fact that georges doesn't live here, and therefore can't vote.

a big part of family lives in the us and supports republican.
in every case jonjon76 we will see the results of the election it will tell us who was right or wrong.
georges said:
we will see the results of the election it will tell us who was right or wrong.

The results of the election don't mean dick. Why do you keep saying this? Don't you realize that a lot of people will be voting, including a massive horde of blind dipshits?


Staff member
jonjon76 said:
The results of the election don't mean dick. Why do you keep saying this? Don't you realize that a lot of people will be voting, including a massive horde of blind dipshits?

maybe it means nothing.do you honestely think that all voters are blind?of course there are people who aren't. some people vote for this candidate and other people from this one.Each voter believes than his candidate will be good for his country we can say according to that logic that many people voting for democrats as well as republicans are blind.hmm big deabte.there are also people who have the possibility to vote but don't go to vote.that is also a factor to take in consideration.
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Ranger said:
Blah, Blah, Blah, blah, blah, it sounds as if I just turned on Air America Radio. Again, I still don't have any of the questions answered. Just rhetoric justifying what a great guy that Gomer is going to be.

BTW, I force myself to listen to that crap for an hour a day, it's tough sometimes because Al Franken is such a moron.

starman............the thought of inbreeding never entered my mind.

Besides disgracing the office of the President, Clinton was an excellent public speaker.:thumbsup:

Hey starman, what kind of increase did Sweden have in the GNP last year. The US was up 4%..................wait, I think that I read that Sweden was up...................... 0.8%. I may be wrong so don't bet the paycheck just yet.

Brino, you're getting a little overheated( :mad: )you might need a dip in Pueget Sound.


What questions? Please tell me what questions you have and I'll do my best to answer them! Although you dont do much to answer the liberal questions I'll do my best to answer your conservative questions!

BTW Yeah I get mad sometimes but it surprises me that you can take these subjects so lightly! Although I'm not really fuming over them either despite what it may seem like!


Ranger said:
I guess that Presidential advertising comes in all forms. I was at www.barnesandnoble.com and decided to read the reviews of "Unfit for Command", the documentation of Gomers exploits in Viet Nam.

Real interesting reading.............you can really tell who the ringers from the DNC are. It may be worth ten minutes. Once you get to the web site, click on the Books tab and pick up the book on the right side.

WARNING to Brino: don't go there, you won't be able to handle it and you will have a cardiac

I went to our local B&N and what do you know, they were out of stock. I guess Gomer's goon squad attorneys are making an impact. You got to love Gomer's version of "free speech".


Oh my god, my heart! Somebody call a paramedic I think I'm having a heart attack! :rofl: Stop acting like the victim here will ya!

You must live in a pretty conservative area of the Northwest for that book to be sold out! But us liberals can feel safe in the fact that it's not doing nearly as well as Clinton's book! Looks like the public knows the truth when they see it! :yesyes:

BTW What are you going to say now? Let me guess your going to call Clintons book "My Lie" instead of "My Life" Good one! Very inventive!


georges said:
why can't people stop to refrain to sling their mud at bush?just because of his way of governing?
kerry cheated for medals conclusion is that he is a liar and a liar is a liar.
please don't drop the bullshit that kerry was that brave and better than bush just because propaganda says it.
the book unfit for command prouves who is kerry.
about kerry being better than bush you can't say that .he is just a leftist (probably more a socialist than a democrat).

Stop acting like your innocent georges! Every post you make is just an excuse to "sling mud" at liberals and call us liars!


georges said:
me too young:nono: :wtf: (i am not a teenager and a student) so better keep your facts straight.the talks and the treaty failed you get it there is no peace especially after suicide bombings done in year 2000.supporting the fatah and all the other terrorist groups is what arafat does conclusion you can't talk with a person who support terrorism
kerry is big liar than bush just talking about his medals is enough.stop making of kerry an angel because that is definitely not the case.
also prouve me with a link where clinton warned bush about osama.
last note clinton did nothing against osama when he was president .conlusion clinton is responsible of what happened to the usa the 11th september.

First of all, It's gotten more violent inIsrael under bush than it ever was under Clinton! Why? Because Bush ignored Israel when he took office! Bush is a Born Again Christian he wants Sharon to kill all the arabs in Israel because according to his religon (which is so important to him) the Jews have to be in Israel when the lord returns so they can all be killed for being infidels!

Second, If Bush is indeed the great leader and destroyer of terrorism then he should have been able to stop 9/11 despite what clinton did or didnt do!


georges said:
that is bullshit.:bs: and i forbid you to put words in my mouth is that clear?:mad: we know there were corruption scandals with harken and many others firms alongwith bush. if a book is written on bush it must have reliable sources with true proofs then i will believe.many books are biased so it is hard to believe them.i never said that bush was an angel but between bush and kerry i choose bush.

If a book is written it must have reliable sources? :bs: What a joke coming from somebody who believes the book "Unfit for Command"! :rofl: Every shred of evidence says that that book is a load of bullshit yet you still believe it! So dont give me crap about books needing reliable evidence for you to believe what it says! You'd believe pigs could fly if Bush told you so! :rofl:


Staff member
Brino said:
Stop acting like your innocent georges! Every post you make is just an excuse to "sling mud" at liberals and call us liars!

tell me one thing who started thread with funny pictures pissing off bush as well as supporting mr moore propaganda?
moore did enough mudslinging.you can hate a president that is your problem but calling him names and taking mr moore film for reality (which in fact isn't they are full of hatred) is one big mistake.there are only three liberal presidents for who i have a big admiration fdr, truman and kennedy.they were the best candidate democrats and the best democrat presidents ever that belongs to the past however i don't forget it.problem is that democrats of today are not like these people.and choice is difficult for many people about what concerns voting. i wonder what is the percentage of students who vote.


Staff member
Brino said:
First of all, It's gotten more violent inIsrael under bush than it ever was under Clinton! Why? Because Bush ignored Israel when he took office! Bush is a Born Again Christian he wants Sharon to kill all the arabs in Israel because according to his religon (which is so important to him) the Jews have to be in Israel when the lord returns so they can all be killed for being infidels!

Second, If Bush is indeed the great leader and destroyer of terrorism then he should have been able to stop 9/11 despite what clinton did or didnt do!

do you honestely think that is so easy to fight terrorism?You take a president for a god or what???
Where did you read that bush is a born again christian???


georges said:
do you honestely think that is so easy to fight terrorism?You take a president for a god or what???
Where did you read that bush is a born again christian???

I didnt read it anywhere! I found that out from the news!

No I dont think it's easy to fight terrorism but nor do I think the only option is fighting terrorism. Your the one taking Bush as a god saying that he's the only one that can fight terrorism!


georges said:
tell me one thing who started thread with funny pictures pissing off bush as well as supporting mr moore propaganda?
moore did enough mudslinging.you can hate a president that is your problem but calling him names and taking mr moore film for reality (which in fact isn't they are full of hatred) is one big mistake.there are only three liberal presidents for who i have a big admiration fdr, truman and kennedy.they were the best candidate democrats and the best democrat presidents ever that belongs to the past however i don't forget it.problem is that democrats of today are not like these people.and choice is difficult for many people about what concerns voting. i wonder what is the percentage of students who vote.

I have been expressing my opinion and if you call that slinging mud than so be it! Who started this thread and who lauged at it? That would be you and Ranger! Who calls Kerry a liar in every post he makes? That would be you! Your slinging mud just as much as we are so dont act innocent!


Staff member
Brino said:
I have been expressing my opinion and if you call that slinging mud than so be it! Who started this thread and who lauged at it? That would be you and Ranger! Who calls Kerry a liar in every post he makes? That would be you! Your slinging mud just as much as we are so dont act innocent!

I would not have called kerry a liar if he hasn't cheated for his medals as well as if he didn't say that he was severely injuried at combat when it wasn't the case. The fact that he lied for those things prouved me that he can lie for other things.I don't say that i am innocent i assume my words.


So then stop using "mudslinging" as a defense when you do it too!

BTW I've already proven to you on several occasions that his medals arent a lie! The fact that you believe the book saying that they are shows that facts mean nothing to you in your belief of that book!


Staff member
Brino said:
So then stop using "mudslinging" as a defense when you do it too!

BTW I've already proven to you on several occasions that his medals arent a lie! The fact that you believe the book saying that they are shows that facts mean nothing to you in your belief of that book!

you prouved me that with a link which is not so neutral (taht is my opinion).the book wouldn't have been written if there was not so much questions about kerry's medals and his attitude in vietnam.


The people who wrote that book wrote it for two reasons! 1) Their supporters of Bush, and 2) They were unhappy about how Kerry acted after Vietnam when he said they were all commiting war crimes, etc. They are not telling the truth and I gave you more than one link from more than one website to prove it!
In 2000, the fact that Bush won the election did'nt make things right, so why you keep telling that in november we will know who's wrong and who's right ?

Btw, to respond to your PM, i'm sure i'm not the only one who's pissing you off on this board, but i think who're just a blind Bush supporter, everytime we say something bad against him, you go beserk on us.

I will stand by my point to put all the blame of 9/11 on Clinton was really really bad, Bush was the President in 2001, not Clinton, so they should takes each part of the blame...

Also, Clinton told that it was is biggest regret not getting Bin Laden when he had the chance...
We could also blame Bush father because he did'nt get Saddam in 1991 when he had the chance....